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Why did Davis go after Hyde? He was not happy.


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21 minutes ago, BradyBunch said:

What did he dog? A foul ball? What? 

Several plays in question. Foul ball that landed in the first row, missed scoop that he failed to chase down, and receiving a toss with a nonchalant catch. (I only saw the first, just reporting what others have said).

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6 minutes ago, CallMeBrooksie said:

You're getting called out for having a garbage take on the situation... nobody challenged you to a fight. Seems to be a pattern, you also claim that Hyde "attacked" Davis by calling him out. You won't find your safe space here.

When Hyde initiated the interaction, he had to have known to expect the response he received. If not, he is painfully unaware of human dynamics and is thus ill-equipped to be a manager of people in any walk of life.

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2 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

This is a level-headed response, not like the thin-skinned ones. But help me understand: do you disagree that Hyde will be gone from the organization by the time the Orioles are playoff contenders again? Or do you disagree about seeing managers go after players for missing scoops of throwing errors? Or do you disagree with both?

It wasn't just that one play. It was a series of lazy plays. 

Just to further my point from earlier. Critiques happen in the dugout all the time. Last night after David Hess came in and David Hessed another Homer over the wall, Brocail came and talked to him. I have seen that countless times this year but Hess takes it, because as bad as he is, he wants to get better.

We don't know what Hyde said to Davis. The camera picked up the conversation after they were already yelling at each other. If Hyde had calmly said hey tighten it up a bit out there and then Davis took offense to it, leading to them yelling at each other, would you be more likely to side with Hyde? 


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1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

What, you want Hunter to continue his Bagdad Bob approach and take over for Hyde in the press conferences? 

Obviously, I agree...

23 hours ago, TonySoprano said:

I get your point.  However, you're not asked every day to publicly comment on how your shift went.   Captain Obvious knows the team is giving up way too many HRs.    Other than painting a picture of rainbows and unicorns, worthy of Jim Hunter,  what is he supposed to say after 11 HRs in 2 games? Maybe he can borrow the old baseball axioms:

"Well, we ran into a buzzsaw the last two nights"
"Our guys just didn't have it."
"Nothing comes easy in the A.L. East"
"Gotta' tip your cap to those Yankees hitters."
"I'm proud of the effort by our hitters"

O's fan take - WTH, they're getting beat by Kyle Higashioka (who?) for 2 HRs.  
Hunter's take - Judge was a mere 2-11, 0 HRs, 1 RBI, this series
O's fan take - The O's gave up a MLB record 16 HRs and were outscored 32-12

While taking our lumps, the idea is to find some young players who can be a part of the future.  They don't need a veteran dogging it, setting a bad example.

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The calls that Hyde be fired or that he is a fill-in are ridiculous.  I don't understand it at all.  Hyde has progressed from being in Davis' corner to getting tired of it.  I think any manager would have reacted the same.  To the "you do it behind closed doors" folks, do you honestly think this hasn't been done multiple times over?  As the leader of the team, how can you lead, when one player refuses all season to listen to anything you or your staff suggest to him? What does that say to the other players on the team?   

Players I've spoken to who have played under Hyde have praised him.  I think this has been a boiling point and I'd be willing to bet that what Hyde said wasn't "attacking" in some immature way that is being suggested.  I don't believe Hyde has called any players out by name which is a sign of good leadership.  When he starts calling people out by name is when I'll consider he has no place being the manager.  Davis has been dogged by everyone for 2 years now, I wouldn't be surprised if this is just the straw that broke the camel's back. 

Also, seriously with the veteran thing? Nine years of MLB time and a $20M/year contract and you deserve the right to have your safe space?!? 

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4 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

When Hyde initiated the interaction, he had to have known to expect the response he received. If not, he is painfully unaware of human dynamics and is thus ill-equipped to be a manager of people in any walk of life.

You just really have no idea how leadership and communication works in a competitive sports environment, let alone a professional one. That's the main problem with your stance. This isn't an office environment. You are the painfully unaware party here.

If Chris Davis is too thin-skinned to get called out on his poor effort from his coach, then he needs to be gone ASAP.

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29 minutes ago, BradyBunch said:

But you do it in team meetings, not in front of tv cameras. 

You are totally wrong on this. IMO These players are not children. They are adults. You mean Davis can’t take it from his boss because it hurt his feelings? Or it embarrassed him? So what? He is an adult. You take things as an adult. If he can’t then he needs to grow some balls and put on his big boy pants.  

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1 minute ago, Darkhawk said:

It wasn't just that one play. It was a series of lazy plays. 

Just to further my point from earlier. Critiques happen in the dugout all the time. Last night after David Hess came in and David Hessed another Homer over the wall, Brocail came and talked to him. I have seen that countless times this year but Hess takes it, because as bad as he is, he wants to get better.

We don't know what Hyde said to Davis. The camera picked up the conversation after they were already yelling at each other. If Hyde had calmly said hey tighten it up a bit out there and then Davis took offense to it, leading to them yelling at each other, would you be more likely to side with Hyde? 


Yes, if that had been what was said, i would be more likely to side with Hyde.

But not one of us was in the dugout, so the anger I have seen in so many replies to this thread seems baseless. I get it: people hate Davis so much that it determines their viewpoint, with no possible nuance of what may have happened. They hate Davis and his contract and it colors their viewpoint.  I want Davis gone, too. I never would have signed him to that contract years ago. But I am not going to side with a manager who provokes a player, especially not one who has never shown a bit of anger in his playing career. Even last night was about the least angry dust-up between a manager and a player I have ever seen. Davis never even got his arms above his waist and stopped after one step. This has gotten blown way out of proportion.

I have a feeling, though, that the tone that Brocail took with Hess and the content of their conversation does not resemble what Hyde said to start the altercation with Davis. I have a strong feeling that what Hyde said was personally insulting, at minimum, and was not just a suggestion to "tighten it up a little."

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37 minutes ago, BradyBunch said:

But you do it in team meetings, not in front of tv cameras. 

You set an example, no matter how it's done.  Dave Roberts/the Dodgers have benched guys at least twice his year for not running out ground balls to first.  There is no mystery, every player and fan knows why he was benched and after the game, the player admitted Roberts was right and he needs to do a better job hustling.  Why should this be any different?  

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1 minute ago, CallMeBrooksie said:

You just really have no idea how leadership and communication works in a competitive sports environment, let alone a professional one. That's the main problem with your stance. This isn't an office environment. You are the painfully unaware party here.

If Chris Davis is too thin-skinned to get called out on his poor effort from his coach, then he needs to be gone ASAP.

You were not in the dugout and have no idea what you are talking about. 

I have a feeling that only one of us has held numerous positions managing people and it is not you.

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38 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

This is your idea of macho posturing, I guess: suggesting you are challenging me to a fight. When you disagree with something someone says, you threaten physical violence over the internet. Grow Up. Or better yet, go ahead and take a poke at those eyes you see reflected in your monitor.

Huh? Dude, deep breath. Find your safe space and then go back and reread what he wrote, because if you think what he said was "challenging you to a fight," it's becoming clearer why you think the way you do about this Davis incident. 

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38 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

This is your idea of macho posturing, I guess: suggesting you are challenging me to a fight. When you disagree with something someone says, you threaten physical violence over the internet. Grow Up. Or better yet, go ahead and take a poke at those eyes you see reflected in your monitor.

No one is posturing or threatening any type of violence. I was calling you out for your ridiculous take on this situation. And the irony is that you're the one defending the person who wanted to get physical.At this point it's pretty clear that you're trolling and I'm done taking the bait. 

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2 minutes ago, Beef Supreme said:

You were not in the dugout and have no idea what you are talking about. 

I have a feeling that only one of us has held numerous positions managing people and it is not you.

Let me see if I have this correct.  You're criticizing someone else for taking Hyde's side when he has no idea what was said.  Yet you are taking Davis's side when you have no idea what was said.  Seems logical.  

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31 minutes ago, LookinUp said:


For the bolded part. I didn't like what he said about our pitching publicly, even though I know it's true. I think Hyde's on tilt a little right now. He's frustrated that he's not getting talented guys to work with, but he's lost perspective that this is what this year's about.

I probably shouldn't have upvoted it though. I'm not doubting Hyde, but I really didn't like the public comments about the pitching.

I do think he's venting a bit, but he's venting honestly which I appreciate and he's not singling a bad performance by one pitcher. I don't think Hyde has lost perspective at all on this season, but I have been getting upset watching guys groove middle of the plate pitches night in and night out, so I can understand his frustrations even thouhg I completely understand what this year is about.

Just because he understand what's going on doesn't make a loss easy to take when you see pitchers making the same mistakes game in and game out.

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