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Rally and announcement 11/12?


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So people can't voice their opinion about the changes made? Why is it that you don't think people should be allowed to discuss their feelings about the new uniforms? I absolutely hate the bird, always have, and this new one does nothing for me, I already hate it. They could have at least thrown up a new away hat or something. Am I not allowed to think this? Do I need to say "thank you sir may I have another" to PA just because he finally made the change to the away jersey that should have been done years ago?

Get off your high horse, just because you agree with all the changes doesn't mean everyone does. You're just complaining to hear yourself complain about people complaining.

I agree with Dipper here. I don't think the point is whether or not anybody agrees with every change, it's that no one will ever agree with every change, and we should be happy that a long standing issue was resolved, not immediately start picking a new bone with the hat.

I mean, one day, if we run out of things to complain about, I'm not sure what we O's fans will do. I know it's strange, but let's give the FO a little teeny break, they finally listened at least on one count.

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What a Joke .... I was excited to buy a NEW hat ..... not the 4th version of the same bird standing upright :rolleyes:

I hope the didn't pay someone to come up with that, I could have given it to my 4th grade class and have them come up with a better hat.

Yup. I am very disappointed with the "changes." I never cared about Baltimore on the unis. I wanted a new hat at Thanksgiving!

I have to say, though, the Maryland patch looks pretty cool on the sleeve. It reminds me of the Maryland Orioles logo from Metro League.

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I agree with Dipper here. I don't think the point is whether or not anybody agrees with every change, it's that no one will ever agree with every change, and we should be happy that a long standing issue was resolved, not immediately start picking a new bone with the hat.

I mean, one day, if we run out of things to complain about, I'm not sure what we O's fans will do. I know it's strange, but let's give the FO a little teeny break, they finally listened at least on one count.

I know this is a message board, so everyone is free to voice their opinion one way or the other, but I agree with Dipper as well. Ever since I started following this board, since day one there has been someone hollering for getting Baltimore on the uniforms....with it growing every year since the basically got rid of Baltimore from everything to do with the O's around '04 or so. I just want to tell people for the love of god, enjoy the moment for at least 5 seconds! I cannot believe how many people are complaining about the hat, when the real news is the uniform itself.

Everyone talks about how people online are so much more negative than they would be in person, and it is so evident on this board especially. I am not trying to tell people not to complain, or that you aren't allowed to have an opinion, I mean that's what a forum like this is all about. What I am trying to say is ENJOY THE MOMENT, ENJOY TODAY, and lets have some positive energy toward something that people have been clamoring for 30 plus years!

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What I am trying to say is ENJOY THE MOMENT, ENJOY TODAY, and lets have some positive energy toward something that people have been clamoring for 30 plus years!

Amen Brother!!

I for one am very happy to have "Baltimore" back on the jersey.

And way back when,.... the OH had a poll about if these changes would make you buy it. Todays the day and I will speak with my wallet.:clap3:

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The hat sucks, but all of the other ideas seems great. I love the patches with the Maryland flag. It's just great to have Baltimore on the away jersey - I'll definitely be buying one.

I also give a thumbs up for the Maryland flag patch. A surprising number of people across the country don't know what state Baltimore is in. American's are terrible with geography.

Overall, I like the new design due to the orange and black stripes on the pants and sleeves, the Maryland flag, and especially Baltimore on the road jerseys.

I do prefer a better bird (cartoon head!), but overall the new design is an upgrade.

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From an promo email I just got from MASN:

Schedule of Events

11:00am - Exclusive Peek at the Orioles new road jersey on MASNsports.com

Noon - Live Broadcast of Today's Fan Rally and Uniform Unveiling on MASN and Streamed Live Online on MASNsports.com

A big thank you for letting me know this on TV:):clap3:

I will DVR it!

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