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BALTIMORE Orioles @ Rangers 4/13/09


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Koji could of done this. I may be wrong but I would of liked to see him pitch through it and get out of the inning to save the pen.

Nah, he was toast.

Baez was getting outs, it was just all the damn baserunners...

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I have another question.

I seem to remember that back in the seventies, the O's announcers would call certain relief pitchers "Firemen". I took that to mean that they were guys you brought into situations like this top "put out the fire" no matter what point in the game you were in. I can't remember the last time I felt the O's had such a guy.

Does anyone else remember this?

Go O's!

Yes. It goes back to the era when a quality start was more than 6 innings and fewer than 3 runs. A relief pitcher wasn't required unless there was a raging fire to put out. This disastrous turn of events didn't happen frequently when the O's had Palmer, McNally, and Cueller. None of these pitchers would be happy with their pitching performance if they didn't earn a complete game victory.

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Yes. It goes back to the era when a quality start was more than 6 innings and fewer than 3 runs. A relief pitcher wasn't required unless there was a raging fire to put out. This disastrous turn of events didn't happen frequently when the O's had Palmer, McNally, and Cueller. None of these pitchers would be happy with their pitching performance if they didn't earn a complete game victory.


I miss those days... :(

Go O's!

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