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Anyone else cheering for the O's to lose?


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It is an impossible question to answer, because it assumes that we knew ahead of time that we had a choice:

Lose and get Mark Teixiera, future superstar and possible hometown hero.

Win and get Chris Smith, future injury magnet and definite bust.

So, like I said, tell me right now what the future consequences of winning a couple extra games versus losing a couple extra games THIS year, when it comes to players.

BTerp...You are becoming a waste of time.

In hindsight, you see what Tex has done and what he would have meant to us...So, if you knew then what you know now, would you have rooted for us to lose to NY or not?

Yes or no.....Simple answer.

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BTerp...You are becoming a waste of time.

In hindsight, you see what Tex has done and what he would have meant to us...So, if you knew then what you know now, would you have rooted for us to lose to NY or not?

Yes or no.....Simple answer.

Thought i read from BB or Belkest that there was a loud thump in the FO during the draft that year when Texas selected Teix. That was the sound of everyones hearts dropping.

Teix was there man that year and winning that series late in the season stopped that from happening.

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BTerp...You are becoming a waste of time.

In hindsight, you see what Tex has done and what he would have meant to us...So, if you knew then what you know now, would you have rooted for us to lose to NY or not?

Yes or no.....Simple answer.

You mean, because you can't the flawed nature of your line of questioning, this whole thing is becoming a waste of time.

You still haven't answered any of mine, so why should I answer any of yours?

You want to work in hindsight, so work in foresight for a change.

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Well, you can't really tank in baseball.

And it doesn't matter if the Orioles will accomplish those things...Those are directions that the team could realistically go...Which way is the best way?

I think I've been quite clear about which direction we should go.

The problem is, if the rest of the season determines which direction we choose, then we're screwed either way. Smart people would already know that we need to rebuild, if they're waiting then they're too dumb to rebuild properly even if they want to. We need the right direction, but we need the proper people in place to execute that direction once chosen.

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Thought i read from BB or Belkest that there was a loud thump in the FO during the draft that year when Texas selected Teix. That was the sound of everyones hearts dropping.

Teix was there man that year and winning that series late in the season stopped that from happening.

I was working in the warehouse that day...That thump could have been felt on the field.

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You mean, because you can't the flawed nature of your line of questioning, this whole thing is becoming a waste of time.

You still haven't answered any of mine, so why should I answer any of yours?You want to work in hindsight, so work in foresight for a change.

I asked first.

By the way you are dodging the question, i am going to assume you would have rooted for us to lose and you just don't want to say it.

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Scenario 1:

O's end the year hot and finish 500...Because of the hot finish, we decide to go for it.

Scenario 2:

We end the year with 72 wins....The FO decides it is finally time to rebuild properly...They trade guys, get younger, build a lot of talent and get a high draft pick, thus setting us up long term.

Which scenario would you prefer?

And for the sake of the discussion, lets make this scenario 3:

Agree with you SG. But I would "prefer" wins in the 60's so the front office will finally realize that this is a bad team that needs to be revamped from the ground up.

Aside from how each of these scenarios effect our draft position, how does each of these three scenarios impact signing and retaining FA's this year?

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I think I've been quite clear about which direction we should go.

The problem is, if the rest of the season determines which direction we choose, then we're screwed either way. Smart people would already know that we need to rebuild, if they're waiting then they're too dumb to rebuild properly even if they want to. We need the right direction, but we need the proper people in place to execute that direction once chosen.

Well, i speculated that what we did at the deadline(in terms of wins/losses) would determine the direction of the team at the deadline...Well, AM confirmed that by saying their recent good play influenced their decision.

Now, if the Orioles meet their preseason goal of 500 this year without Loewen, with Mora and Tejada missing a month and with slow starts by CPat, Gibbons, Huff and overall a lack of team power, the Orioles may think they can compete next year.

They would have ended up several games over 500 under DT as well.

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Of course I did, and it doesn't matter because my only point is that you seem willfully ignorant about who Pedro Alvarez is. That doesn't do wonders for your credibility.

You obviously didn't read the post.

Let's say we lose out from now on and end up with that pick of Alvarez, whoever the Hell he is.

Even then, with next year's version of the "once in a generation" player (which is only in terms of potential, always remember), he has MAYBE a 50% shot of becoming a quality major-league player.

And that is just becoming what Ben McDonald and Jeffery Hammonds ended-up being, to keep that example going.

This is not the NFL, where we should tank for that franchise quarterback, or the NBA for the franchise center.

When you can have stars come out of any round (and realize that even if we keep trying, our pick is going to be in the top ten in all likelihood anyway), it isn't worth the bad will tanking gives to the fans that still want to watch the team.

So, to sum up, yes you are a bad fan for wanting this.

He was claiming that guy as reasoning enough to warrant acting like a bandwagon Sox fan, and I was pointing out the reason why it is poor reasoning.

Please tell me what anything I do or don't know about a certain prospect (whom I mentioned simply because that was the name mentioned by others) has to do with anything else in this thread?

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And for the sake of the discussion, lets make this scenario 3:

Aside from how each of these scenarios effect our draft position, how does each of these three scenarios impact signing and retaining FA's this year?

I could care less about signing FAs.

As for retaining them, ie Bedard, that depends on a lot of things that probably has nothing to do with 68 wins or 75 wins.

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Well, i speculated that what we did at the deadline(in terms of wins/losses) would determine the direction of the team at the deadline...Well, AM confirmed that by saying their recent good play influenced their decision.

Now, if the Orioles meet their preseason goal of 500 this year without Loewen, with Mora and Tejada missing a month and with slow starts by CPat, Gibbons, Huff and overall a lack of team power, the Orioles may think they can compete next year.

They would have ended up several games over 500 under DT as well.

Well all of that is very sad. My point was that whatever direction we choose I don't have confidence in the people executing that direction properly. Any team can play well for an 1/8 of a season, it's an idiotic data set to base such an important decision.

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Please tell me what anything I do or don't know about a certain prospect (whom I mentioned simply because that was the name mentioned by others) has to do with anything else in this thread?

You typed the words "Alvarez - WHOEVER THE HELL THAT IS".

One would logically deduce that you don't know who Pedro Alvarez is. What am I missing?

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I asked first.

By the way you are dodging the question, i am going to assume you would have rooted for us to lose and you just don't want to say it.

You want an answer?

I would have rooted for us to win.

I DID root for us to win, and for the same reason: there was no way of knowing anything about the outcome at that time, which is why your question is flawed, and why I'm sure you will continue to refuse to answer mine. There is no way of knowing now, just like then, what will happen.

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