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How can you guys not be talking more about Sano?

Mashed Potatoes

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I usually don't make these sort of predictions, but I think we'll sign him.

I agree. And while it will be denied, I think our plan for this years draft (since there wasn't any players standing head and shoulders above the rest)was to target this kid as our real number 1 draft pick.

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I agree. And while it will be denied, I think our plan for this years draft (since there wasn't any players standing head and shoulders above the rest)was to target this kid as our real number 1 draft pick.

I could see that. But it also looks like a couple other teams may have the same thing in mind.

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I'll go out on a limb and say OAK isn't one of them ;)

I think we get him in the end, but it's going to cost em.

Yeah, I think Stassi and Green are their Sano.

Would be an interesting pairing to follow, provided the bonuses essentially match-up:

Stassi/Green vs. Hobgood/Sano

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I agree. And while it will be denied, I think our plan for this years draft (since there wasn't any players standing head and shoulders above the rest)was to target this kid as our real number 1 draft pick.

If this was true and we pull it off, then that is great. Honestly I love the Hobgoid pick regardless. Sano plus Hobgood, sign me up!

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...and 6M is a high price to pay for a player that could be worth $0 in the future. You have to look at both sides, not just what you want to see.
There are no guarantees. Yes, he could be worth $0 in the future. So could every player. So you have to play the odds. What are the chances of this player being worth $0, or $100,000 or $1,000,000 or $10,000,000 or $20,000,000 (and so on)? Then you weight those odds against the cost. How do you balance a 50% to be worth nothing versus a 2% chance of being worth 100,000,000+, a 20% to be worth $50,000,000+, a 30% chance to be worth $10,000,000+, a 35% to be worth $6,000,000+, and a 15% chance to be worth between $0 and $6,000,000? I pulled these numbers put of my ass, but this goes for any signing. Yes, there is a 65% chance that we will not recoup our costs, but if the guy has a realistic chance of being well above-average if not a star, isn't that a chance worth taking? Potential stars are very rare, so they are the ones we need to risk signing.

BTW, virtually no pitchers would ever be drafted if teams needed better than a 50% chance.

In summary, upside counts.

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Yeah, I think Stassi and Green are their Sano.

Would be an interesting pairing to follow, provided the bonuses essentially match-up:

Stassi/Green vs. Hobgood/Sano

I know I'm biased, but I would take our pair over Oakland's. Two years from now, Sano could be the best of the four, and I like Hobgood's upside as a #2 or potentially as a #1 starter. When weighing the ceilings, I like the upside of Hob/Sano over Green/Stassi, and I think our potential pair has a higher floor than the other two. It's still close in my mind, though. I like what Green could potentially bring to the table as a above-average offensive SS, and if heathly Stassi could become one of the best catching prospects in baseball. I just don't know if that beats a guy who could be the best prospect in baseball and a solid pitching prospect like Hobgood.

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You can say this, but unless you own a professional sports franchise, you don't understand. I don't understand it either.

Of course I'd rather them spend every cent in the coffers on players to put the best product on the field. But you have to remember that the team can only spend money equivalent to revenue brought in. This is where you will insert your argument about MASN, but we don't know how much money they are getting from that.

As my last post on this ridiculous thread. I want Sano. I want Sano in our system, I'd love to see him develop into the superstar he is projected to be as a 16 year old that practices on a sandlot without any legit competition.

Moreover, I'd love to see Sano in the Orioles system for a reasonable price.

I do NOT want to see Sano sign for $6 mil, go to the DSL this year, then the GCL next season and then bottom out, never get past Bluefield and while all of you rail against the Orioles giving Jay Payton $5 mil... he provided a LOT more for the franchise in his time with the Birds than Sano will if he never gets out of the minors.

The bolded part provoked a question for me. We would he report if we did sign him next week? I would think you bring him to the GCL, but I really don't know. I would want him spending time in the states and getting the benefits of the better training and standard of living here. Am I way off base with this???

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I know I'm biased, but I would take our pair over Oakland's. Two years from now, Sano could be the best of the four, and I like Hobgood's upside as a #2 or potentially as a #1 starter. When weighing the ceilings, I like the upside of Hob/Sano over Green/Stassi, and I think our potential pair has a higher floor than the other two. It's still close in my mind, though. I like what Green could potentially bring to the table as a above-average offensive SS, and if heathly Stassi could become one of the best catching prospects in baseball. I just don't know if that beats a guy who could be the best prospect in baseball and a solid pitching prospect like Hobgood.

Lots of variables. I'd love to be able to watch it play out (not in the least because it would mean Sano was in the Baltimore system).

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The bolded part provoked a question for me. We would he report if we did sign him next week? I would think you bring him to the GCL, but I really don't know. I would want him spending time in the states and getting the benefits of the better training and standard of living here. Am I way off base with this???

Sano could make it to the Majors in 2 to 3 years. He is an amazing talent.

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After the emphatic quotes by Stockstill in the MASN article, I have to believe we are definitely going to be big players for Sano. You don't talk like that otherwise.

Wasn't it Stockstill who said we would ne active with Japanese players. And there we were in on Uehara and the guy who signed with the Braves whose name I can't remember

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After the emphatic quotes by Stockstill in the MASN article, I have to believe we are definitely going to be big players for Sano. You don't talk like that otherwise.

Wasn't it Stockstill who said we would ne active with Japanese players. And there we were in on Uehara and the guy who signed with the Braves whose name I can't remember


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