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It was 10-0! If it were 1-0 it'd be another thing. Because bunting in the 9th is strategically sound. Bunting in the 9th down 10-0 during a no-hitter has only ONE purpose. Breaking up the no-hitter. That's completely classless.

Swinging away in the 9th inning only has one purpose. Breaking up the no-hitter. Yet that's not completely classless? Bunt hits are not so cheap and easy if the other team is playing a defense that respects them.

All I'm saying is that the pitcher isn't entitled to a no-hitter. If the other team wants to come out and play a defense that doesn't respect the bunt so that they can better prevent "real" hits, fine, but I'm going to take what they give me. There's a level of respect that they should be showing too. If you find a lack of class in that, so be it.

I do respect your opinion though, it's just that the "right way" to play the game is an entirely subjective notion. The same can be said for determining "class" or a lack thereof. I just want our guys to go out and play hard and for mutual respect to be shown. It irritates me that the other team would expect you to go along with a no hitter and then get angry when you took an avenue they left wide open.

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Swinging away in the 9th inning only has one purpose. Breaking up the no-hitter. Yet that's not completely classless? Bunt hits are not so cheap and easy if the other team is playing a defense that respects them.

All I'm saying is that the pitcher isn't entitled to a no-hitter. If the other team wants to come out and play a defense that doesn't respect the bunt so that they can better prevent "real" hits, fine, but I'm going to take what they give me. If you find a lack of class in that, so be it.

No hitter or no, bunting in the 9th behind 10 runs when they are playing you back, as they should, is like taking a defensive indifference base. It would be lame to do it just to break up a no hitter.
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No hitter or no, bunting in the 9th behind 10 runs when they are playing you back, as they should, is like taking a defensive indifference base. It would be lame to do it just to break up a no hitter.

So I assume you'd be all for forfeiting the 9th inning if you're down 10 runs? Not that I'd even be against it, but if you have to go out there and play the inning it isn't lame to actually try.

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So I assume you'd be all for forfeiting the 9th inning if you're down 10 runs? Not that I'd even be against it, but if you have to go out there and play the inning it isn't lame to actually try.

I think you should try to earn the base, not take a freebie. In that situation everyone knows what it's about; the pitcher verses the batter period.

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I think you should try to earn the base, not take a freebie. In that situation everyone knows what it's about; the pitcher verses the batter period.

How is it a freebie? Bunting isn't exact. You have to try to get down a good one and be able to beat it out. There is no way you can say that they would have made it just like there is no way you can be sure they wouldn't have. But they should have tried.

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Sir you should just be a Yankee fan since you already have their mindset...

If you mean being passionate about my team I'll take that as a compliment. I wish more Oriole fans were as fired up as I am. It's hard to stay that way over 10 losing seasons. Yet here I am... :)

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If you mean being passionate about my team I'll take that as a compliment. I wish more Oriole fans were as fired up as I am. It's hard to stay that way over 10 losing seasons. Yet here I am... :)

For you to say no one has a passion of the Orioles is very naive, the sheer fact that so many are here posting should show you that. As for calling for a bunt in the 9th inning, thats classless and immoral 2 qualities of hated Yankee fans. If all your rhetoric for your Orioles passion is going to be at the extent of selling one's soul then I suggest you save it. Just cut bait now and follow the Yankees you'll be much happier.

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For you to say no one has a passion of the Orioles is very naive, the sheer fact that so many are here posting should show you that. As for calling for a bunt in the 9th inning, thats classless and immoral 2 qualities of hated Yankee fans. If all your rhetoric for your Orioles passion is going to be at the extent of selling one's soul then I suggest you save it. Just cut bait now and follow the Yankees you'll be much happier.

Laying it on a little thick, aren't we?

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Laying it on a little thick, aren't we?

Not at all. Calling for a bunt in the 9th to break up a no-hitter is immoral! If any Oriole pitcher had a no-hitter in the 9th and Crisp bunted to break it up, he would probably be the first to call for his head. Instead of being happy he witnessed part of history he's whining and crying about how players didn't resort to cheap shots. Quite frankly its disgusting.........

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For you to say no one has a passion of the Orioles is very naive, the sheer fact that so many are here posting should show you that. As for calling for a bunt in the 9th inning, thats classless and immoral 2 qualities of hated Yankee fans. If all your rhetoric for your Orioles passion is going to be at the extent of selling one's soul then I suggest you save it. Just cut bait now and follow the Yankees you'll be much happier.

First of all I never said that the posters on this board lack passion for the O's. I just said I wish that more did. Obviously people who post here are passionate about their team. However there is a large majority of the fanbase that isn't and that's because they've become indifferent and I dont' blame them for that. 10 years is a long time to try to follow a losing team

Second, maybe I should say you should follow the Red Sox because you obviously didn't want the Orioles to try everything they could to break up that no-hitter because you wanted to see Buchholz get it. That would be stupid however and so is saying I should follow the Yankees just cause I wanted to see our team utilize all its weapons to break up a no hitter. Classless would be charging the mound and trying to injure Buchholz so he couldn't complete it after a close inside pitch. A bunt single is not classless, it's part of the game and there is no rule against it. If they want to make it a rule, they can that's fine. But it remains a weapon until then. It was also an unwritten rule not to go above slot to sign a draft pick. Aren't you glad the Orioles signed Wieters? How about Arrieta? Were we classless to give him a record amount for a fifth rounder? Other teams like Pittsburgh couldn't do that, but we had the money to. Are we classless because we used our advantages?

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Not at all. Calling for a bunt in the 9th to break up a no-hitter is immoral! If any Oriole pitcher had a no-hitter in the 9th and Crisp bunted to break it up, he would probably be the first to call for his head. Instead of being happy he witnessed the Orioles being no-hit by a Red Sox pitcher he's whining and crying about how players didn't resort to using all they had to try to break it up. Quite frankly its disgusting.........

Fixed those things for you and actuallly I would commend said team for trying it, and wonder why we didn't have the defense in to prevent it.

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First of all I never said that the posters on this board lack passion for the O's. I just said I wish that more did. Obviously people who post here are passionate about their team. However there is a large majority of the fanbase that isn't and that's because they've become indifferent and I dont' blame them for that. 10 years is a long time to try to follow a losing team

Second, maybe I should say you should follow the Red Sox because you obviously didn't want the Orioles to try everything they could to break up that no-hitter because you wanted to see Buchholz get it. That would be stupid however and so is saying I should follow the Yankees just cause I wanted to see our team utilize all its weapons to break up a no hitter. Classless would be charging the mound and trying to injure Buchholz so he couldn't complete it after a close inside pitch. A bunt single is not classless, it's part of the game and there is no rule against it. If they want to make it a rule, they can that's fine. But it remains a weapon until then. It was also an unwritten rule not to go above slot to sign a draft pick. Aren't you glad the Orioles signed Wieters? How about Arrieta? Were we classless to give him a record amount for a fifth rounder? Other teams like Pittsburgh couldn't do that, but we had the money to. Are we classless because we used our advantages?

So because we've been losing we have to resort to selling our soul? Kid you just don't get it, and sadly you think you do.

Bunting in the 9th inning is a cardinal sin and you just don't do it. Its been said throughout this thread and yet apparently you must not read it. We were behind 10-0!!!!!! A bunt single does nothing to change that. To show absolutely no integrity and attempt to break it up for a cheap bunt is pathetic and classless and has no bearing in the game of baseball. You bunt when a situation dictates it and being down 10-0 does not dictate it.

As for our signings, you really must have a comprehension problem being as I was a huge supporter for signing Wieters to whatever he demanded. Maybe you should take some time away from here and learn about such things as morals, integrity, class, and tact.

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