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Anyone care to jump onboard my conspiracy bandwagon in that the "strained oblique" that has happened at unprecidented intervals all over MLB is really a cover-up by MLB or by indivdual teams for some kind of positive drug tests?

No. As conspiracies expand beyond being known by just a single person, they inevitably become exponentially more difficult to keep a secret.

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"Strained oblique" is the new "high ankle sprain"... the injury that takes 5x longer to recover from ever since it got a new fancy-pants name.

Whether or not injuries in the past were diagnosed as "strained obliques," after talking to my father, who is a practicing physician, I can assure you that strained obliques exist and do take that long to fully recover. Unlike something like a broken arm, however, a player could play through it with "only" nagging pain.

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