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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. He signed a ML contract. He gets his money regardless of where or if he is playing.
  2. My problem with McKenna (Ryan, not Brian lol) is that he isn't what he is supposed to be. Maybe that is not his fault but, he hasn't made any adjustments to his game. I don't know if he goes into lala land in the outfield or what. But he often takes bad routes and he continues to make one handed catches off the the glove side while on his back foot. You'd think after the drop in Boston that he would have learned his lesson and made the adjustment but he hasn't. Another thing that bothers me (again, not his fault) but he seems to find his way into a lot of media stories or segments. I really don't care what Ryan McKenna thinks of our prospects. I don't care that he was with HK when he got the call this year. I don't care that he missed out on both celebrations last year. I am sure he is a great teammate and person. I'm tired of him being hyped as a speed/defense guy when he really doesn't play that level of defense consistently. He was fine when they sucked but they can and should do better now.
  3. I'll save time, just know that my take is over the top. I hate this lineup.
  4. I picked Baumann, not because that is who I think will go but who I want to go. I stopped trying to figure this stuff out a long time ago. I'm always wrong. Who knows if Bradish is even activated today. I anticipate it but, there may be another surprise.
  5. I never wanted to see him in an O’s uniform BEFORE that play. I don’t get why he’s here. He’s not good.
  6. I missed that part but you’re right.
  7. Yeah, brain fart. As I said elsewhere, I coached a player named Brian McKenna. I just didn't focus I guess when typing the name.
  8. Well that is embarrasing. I coached a kid named Brian McKenna. I guess I had that stuck on a loop.
  9. This probably didn't need its own thread but I didn't really know what existing thread to post it in. I am the only person who has recognized Roch's strange promotion/fascination/affection for Ryan McKenna. He mentions him regularly in his blog as a potential call up. Rings the bell about his plus defense and speed and that he'd be a RHH off the bench. He had several blog posts last year about him missing the clinching games, and so on and so forth. It just seems a little weird that a guy who hung on as the 26th man on bad teams and is dropped from the 40 man and clears waivers when the team gets good, keeps coming up in blog posts and would be sought out for opinions and quotes so often. Just seems a little odd to me. Roch's 4/25 Blog Post In McKenna’s favor were his speed, defense at every outfield spot and energy in the dugout. A team-first guy and positive clubhouse influence. And he had a strong, vocal supporter in manager Brandon Hyde. But McKenna went 5-for-37 in camp, the numbers mattering more for him than others, and running dry on options didn’t allow him to immediately stay.
  10. I think Corn has a typo in here. There are no limits on QO per team.
  11. Okay, thanks for clarifying. You get that I never said anything about them guaranteeing him they wouldn't affect his FA status? I agree with you that would be a factor. I didn't mention it because I didn't suggest that he trust anyone. I specifically said that he should do it even if it effected his status. You may disagree with doing anything to affect his status and that is certainly a defensible position. But my point was, if he can't get out of the first inning of a MiLB game, he should worry about his FA status. He won't get a ML contract at this point let alone a multi-year contract (IMHO).
  12. This seems like a strange post for you ... unless I am mis-reading your post. You are 100% correct that is my opinion. I never said that he didn't have the right to refuse. I also never said that he should trust the O's. I specificly mentioned that it might cost his FA status. I stated why he likely wouldn't accept it. I also laid out why I thought he should and how it would benefit him.
  13. I think it is definitely Ripken related. It is pretty cool to have an owner who is SM savy or has a SM team to help him.
  14. He likely wouldn't except the assignment but he should. I think pride and the union would be the biggest factors. I don't think the union would want that precedent. Anyway, I don't see him losing any money if it does coast him enough service time to affect his status. He is still arbitration eligible and he likely won't get a ML contract unless he can prove he is healthy and effective. I don't think the O's would ask him to accept the assignment. If this is how he performs the rest of the rehab, they can/will just continue with the IL stint and start over again. Likely send him to Sarasota for a few weeks and then see how he progresses.
  15. Like I said, 'm not saying it will or should happen. Just that it could and it would be a way to get ABs for guys. I don't the Basallo enters into the conversation until late next year.
  16. To answer the OP. I am not in a hurry to do anything. I think that people just are not used to having this much depth. None of these guys have to be promoted. They all have things they can/should improve. Let it play out and maintain the depth. Norby and Mayo aren't even on the 40 man.
  17. I Can see a 5th infielder role. I'm not saying it will or should happen but Westburg could move around infield giving guys a day off or having them DH from time to time. Perhaps he could even play OF against tough LHP. He could get around 400 ABs that way.
  18. Take last night. He had the guy struck out but didn't get the call for the 3rd out. He then gives up a 2 run HR. That's why I say he is both unlucky and not very good at the same time. He is unlucky, and then he isn't good enough to overcome it.
  19. I said this in another thread. I think it is both that he is unlucky and not very good. He just doesn't seem good enough to get out of situations when things don't go his way. I think in the pen, he is less likely to have things go wrong simply from a volume standpoint. Less innings, less things go wrong. He is a bit of an enigma.
  20. Irvin is the unluckiest pitcher or he just isn't good enough to pitch out of things when they go wrong. He is not a starting pitcher though. If Means stays the full 30 days then that takes him to the 28th or 29th of April. So hopefully, he's health and back in the rotation the first week in May. I was surprised to see Bradish go out on a rehab so soon. Of course, we don't know yet when he'll actually start the 30 day clock, but he and Means could both be back as soon as mid to late May.
  21. I was thinking the same thing last night watching the game play out. I kept going back and forth between positive and negitive vibes. "this team is so good, they are not hitting nearly as well as they can but they still put up 7 runs" or, "they need to start hitting better because they are not going to get so many gifts every night"
  22. I can speak from experience. Believing that the Lord (or other, higher power) is with you can and does provide both peace and confidence. Therefore, helping one to perform in tense or pressure situations, like trying to get a hit.
  23. I am a big believer on Westburg as well. I hope he starts to settle into a routine and he gets on a roll offensively now that he is going to get most of his starts at a single position. He seems like a guy who thrives on a consistent routine.
  24. That is my recollection too!
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