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Everything posted by ChosenOne21

  1. Is there anyone in baseball with as many line drive outs as Mountcastle?
  2. Yeah, because he missed Jud Fabian by a single pick
  3. He needs to stop striking everyone out, or how else will he pitch deep into games? GREEN FONT
  4. I hope they DFA Voth just so Hyde won't be able to put him in close games. Guy could have maybe been mop-up, but oh well...
  5. Why the hell would you put Voth in here?
  6. Cano dealing! He keeps this up for a few more games, I hope he gets an extended look
  7. I mean, Mateo didn't have options when we claimed him, IIRC. It was stay in the majors or be DFA'd again
  8. I like the guy, and I'm glad he's had the success he's had, but he's in the bottom few percent for raw stuff, and his strikeout to walk ratio has always been abyssmal. One day the magic is going to run out. I hope it's not this year
  9. Ryan McKenna is just about the least of this team's problems. Get back to me when we've replaced a third or so of the pitching
  10. Is he maybe just bad out of the pen? He was good as a starter last year and bad out of the pen this year and last
  11. Did we just strand an inherited runner?
  12. I honestly thought that was going to be worse for us
  13. If it's really three standard deviations, an 80 means is that you're better than 997 out of 1000 MLB players at something. There are roughly 330 active MLB hitters at any point in time, so an 80 means you're probably better at whatever the 80 is in than all but one or two active hitters. I'm not saying the scale is actually used like that, but it if is, I doubt Basallo, or anyone in the system, is an 80 raw power.
  14. I can't imagine Jackson is going to be in Delmarva for very long at this rate
  15. In Delmarva, sure. I'll bet it's still close to 40 against MLB pitching, which I believe is what the scouting grades are talking about
  16. I've always enjoyed the old boats parked in the Inner Harbor that you can tour. Also, the Babe Ruth Museum
  17. I'm not watching, how bad does the Bradish injury look? And what happened?
  18. I've always thought of a ceiling for Norby as Dan Uggla with a bit less bat and a bit more glove
  19. What does Stowers have to do to get in a lineup?
  20. When did he move Bencosme? Are you thinking of Hernaiz?
  21. Baker is in the pen for sure to start the year. I think he ends up being a fine reliever this year. If GrayRod is in the rotation, Wells and Voth are probably the long men in the pen who will be the first candidates for the rotation if someone is injured/struggles. If GrayRod goes to AAA, one of them steps in. My guess is Voth gets first crack based on last year.
  22. If the health continues to be a problem, Hays is probably a great 4th outfielder on a strong contender. Not playing every day could keep him healthier. If he stays healthy he's an above average starting outfielder (probably worse in center because his defense would be stretched)
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