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Everything posted by ChosenOne21

  1. Is it too early to see what he does with the AAA ball?
  2. Oh don't get me wrong, it was definitely incorrect not to protect him. I was just saying it wasn't a big mistake because the results haven't seemed amazing. Your baseball SAVANT numbers are eye-opening and there's reason to believe he might be significantly better than he's showed. I guess we'll see
  3. Well yeah, Zach Pop is a little better than some guys we have in our system, but overall he doesn't look like anything that's hard to find. That could change, but for now it's looking like no big deal
  4. Zach Pop currently has a 4.93 ERA and a 1.487 WHIP in 38.1 IP. Can we stop being sad about him already?
  5. I don't know that it's possible to lose a trade "badly" when you're trading away a guy with half a season of team control left. Only one of those I think you can argue we lost badly was Machado, and that's with 20/20 hindsight. Given how awful everyone we got for him has been, the draft pick might have been better but at the time I think you take the players over the pick
  6. I really don't want to extend Mancini. It's not that I don't think he can be good for the next few years and valuable at the right price, but I think the resources can be better allocated elsewhere. We've got Mountcastle who can be a good first baseman, and we probably want to keep DH/1B somewhat open to get Adley's bat in the lineup as much as we can
  7. Yeah, I remember UZR, or some other advanced defense statistic, really liking Santander's D last year
  8. At least according to outs above average they're basically the same. Santander is at -3 OAA and Hays at -2. Though I suppose Hays is a better center fielder than Santander, so there's that
  9. He's hit that before. If he's sitting there, that isn't normal
  10. A stress reaction is sort of the precursor to a stress fracture. Still needs to be shut down to let it heal, but it's not as bad as if he broke the bone
  11. He has much better stuff than Eshelman. Although I wouldn't really miss either player
  12. He's "slumping" with like a .700 OPS for the month of July. If that's his slump, I want him in Baltimore
  13. A stress reaction isn't a fracture. That's good to know
  14. Burch looks pretty good on paper. Can't complain for half a season of Galvis
  15. Shawn Armstrong is a a dime a dozen type reliever. Getting cash for him is a-ok with me
  16. Trading Mancini just makes too much sense, "spiritual leader" or no.
  17. Didn't know that. Still, I think there's a good chance he's significantly better than anyone we've ran out there so far this year
  18. Yeah, Watkins didn't seem especially off or anything. He was bound to have a start like this eventually. Nobody here thought he was going to have an ERA in the mid-1's forever.
  19. He'd probably have to pitch well for half a season with his underlying numbers backing up his success before he'd have any trade value
  20. Yeah, I've been excited all day to see what he'll do tonight
  21. This was exactly me in softball, at least after the league switched to reduced-flight balls. Never knew there was a word for it
  22. I'm from the area and I'd never heard of the guardians of traffic statues until the Indians changed their name
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