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Everything posted by Aglets

  1. Has Kevin Brown commented on this yet? heh
  2. Think I remember seeing a quote somewhere where Hicks said he really wanted to go somewhere where he would get playing time. I'm sure Elias wouldn't guarantee him that here. Maybe LAA did?
  3. Well let's see. You take away the informal Q & A events. Your biggest stars are never attached to any of the events. Many of the next wave of players people would want to see end up canceling after a week or so of being announced. You don't allow for autographs or "photos with individual players." Yeah I think I understand why interest might be down. #BringBackFanFest
  4. From Roch's blog: Elias: "The offseason is still going, there’s a lot left on the board and a lot of discussions still happening" - Blog (masnsports.com) It's a long interview with a lot of Elias repeating mantras and facts and things that we've heard him say 100 times over. But I think it's still worth reading. One little part kinda jumped out at me which I will quote below: “We’ve talked to all 29 other teams and seeing if any starters are readily available, and there just hasn’t been too many of these trades,” he said. “You saw Chris Sale and Glasnow, but the Rays or the Red Sox aren’t going to pick us to trade with if they have other options. … I do want to repeat that there’s a lot of free agents out there still. This thing, if you look last year, almost every single free agent was cleared about a week or two ago, and this year’s there’s a lot left. We’re staying on the phones every day. Am I overanalyzing things a bit to think he maybe has turned his focus more to the free agent market vs trade? I know we aren't likely getting Snell or Montgomery.......who would be in the next tier down that is still on FA?
  5. Fair enough. I would revise my priorities this way: Trade package worth more than a draft pick > a draft pick > nothing
  6. We control his rights through 2027. It's fair to wonder if we would keep him for that final ARB 3 year though if he doesn't want to extend. Better to get something rather than nothing if he walks.
  7. If I have any anxiety at all along these lines it is more that Elias will just do nothing between now and Opening Day. I understand the counter argument will be "well there has to be a reasonable trading partner out there." Well, there are 29 other teams. I'd like to think if he (Elias) has talent at this sort of thing he should be able to find one trading partner. But idk. It's still January.
  8. Quite a few names have been removed from these events....... just shortly after they were posted. Pretty disappointing.
  9. Yeah great point. If he really improves it could pay off for them. If he doesn't pitch well or gets hurt............they could lose everything.
  10. So the logic is that if no one will meet their asking price for 2 full seasons of Cease........... maybe some team will meet it for 1.5 seasons of him? I guess if one team is really desperate maybe. I don't really see Elias going for that though.
  11. But what about Fangraphs?!??!??! Yeah I take the over here. And yeah I feel confident I will take the over on Fangraphs prediction even though I haven't seen it yet.
  12. Really enjoyed the video. Definitely got emotional a few times. Funny that it immediately cuts off after they win #101. Guess nothing happened at all after that. Little surprised Roch wasn't in it at all. Or Steve. Feels a bit like a snub.
  13. I mean if he just pitches a bit below avg then the fans there will turn on him and it could def snowball to a disaster.
  14. So we have six out of 13 done today. At least two that will exchange figures. Still waiting to hear on Hays, Perez, Urias, Wells, and O'Hearn?
  15. Well they want to make sure people see it.
  16. Wow, 135 pages! Are we approaching classic status here? How long did that Teixeira thread get again back in 2008 / 2009?
  17. All I really care about is our fangraphs projections for next season. They are the gospel as far as I'm concerned. Wonder if they will have us north of 78 wins.
  18. Disappointing if this is the route we are going given the variety of other options available by trade or FA.
  19. I'm mostly here too. I was actually really happy / optimistic when I first heard the quote from Boras. Just started chiming in when people started to analyze it or take Gunnar's quote as proof that we haven't been trying at all to extend.
  20. Especially with that follow up line about him and Mike talking a lot. How many Boras clients are on the team right now in total?
  21. Thanks Frobby. I admit it's possible that was entirely tongue in cheek and a joke and that no they actually haven't reached out to Boras at all whatsoever. But that isn't how I read it. I take it as an exaggeration, sure. But not that they haven't had a single phone call about it. But people are free to read whatever they want into it I guess.
  22. So you think Boras was lying when he said the Orioles are frequently contacting him regarding extensions for his clients? Not all of the angles proposed by the different parties involved here can be true. There could be some nuance i admit. But to believe that nothing has been offered to anyone I think requires there to be intentional deception going on.
  23. Gut instinct would be that Boras is lying. But on the other hand.............the phrasing 'not that I'm aware of' can be very strategic when you don't want to answer a particular question. As I'm sure Frobby can attest to as a licensed attorney. heh
  24. So is Gunnar lying or is Boras lying? I suppose both could be telling the truth if Boras was fielding calls..........but keeping them from his client?
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