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Everything posted by joelala

  1. Is the ultimate goal the high draft pick, or the money saving? Which one is a nice by-product of the other? In our case I think it may be that the money saving has been the primary goal while we build out the system.
  2. Pretty much agree with you. Termarr looks like he could be a perennial 20-30 HR guy. Assuming his hit tool is as advertised, he should be extremely valuable if he were to reach his ceiling. It may not be as high a ceiling as Jones or Green, but it feels like the floor is much higher as well. Still a looong way to go, obviously. Haven’t watched Brock Jones, I’ll have to check him out.
  3. Agree, he comes off as a bit entitled in this video. I still prefer Termarr. I know it’s one PR video, but in the feature I watched on Termarr, he never complained about having to put in more work and not having time off.
  4. Did I miss something? When did the news come out that there definitely wouldn’t be an int’l draft?
  5. I’d love this but we won’t pay for him. He’s a solid, high floor guy though
  6. Ryan Ritter would be nice with one of our picks in the 40s.
  7. Yea, they don’t. It looks like Termarr is gonna have to work to keep his weight down as he’s 17 and already built like an NFL running back. Whereas I imagine Cedric has to work to keep his weight up.
  8. Ah ok yea I don’t think we’d get any such discount with Termarr. Wonder why Adley was willing to go under slot as a junior and potentially the best draft prospect in a decade.
  9. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CXEbFnjMyrn/?utm_medium=share_sheet
  10. If he is in a class of his own a la Adley was, let’s hope under slot isn’t a concern. I’m extremely excited to watch amateur ball this spring.
  11. I wonder if Johnson could move quickly for a high schooler. That write up is quite nice, and physically he looks like a major leaguer already. I’m a fan.
  12. Terrible leader. This letter reeks of weakness.
  13. I just looked up some video on him and that swing is FUNKY. His back foot actually comes off the ground and he kind of slaps at the ball. No idea how he has so much power. A testament to his strength and hand-eye coordination.
  14. I’ll go Hall or Rodriguez simply because they’re pitchers.
  15. We’re still paying him, so may as well get our money’s worth. I think he could be above replacement level in that role.
  16. I’m more intrigued and excited to see him this year than any other player in the system because there’s such a wide range of potential outcomes.
  17. Yea no one dominates this division, it’s a gauntlet.
  18. Would you expect anything less from this regime?
  19. Hoping Druw Jones separates himself and becomes the undeniable pick.
  20. That’s true. Joe Mixon too. It’s all complicated, but my gut feeling is that Bauer is done.
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