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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. it can show you, guys with great running ability, note, I didnt say speed. Speed helps, but doesnt do squat for you, if you have no base running IQ the guys that can score from first/second/third, by knowing who is in the outfield and getting good jump on the crack of the bat.
  2. posters hypothesize on OH as a regular daily part of their routines.
  3. It also shows us, that the leaks in the warehouse for information, appears to be plugged, when Elias did his housekeeping on arrival.
  4. Thats insane, and thats was real game time play?
  5. Correct, and I said it earlier, at this point is all perspective and guess work, until we see AR play at the major league level for 3-5 years.
  6. Absurd if somebody doesnt agree with you. Whatever, I dont give a fork. Frobby thank you for an excellent job of explaining my thoughts, better than I did. @Frobby
  7. Baseball prospects, you might have heard of them. Rated MW #1 in all of MIL in 2009, the first and only Oriole to ever hit #1, AR is currently at #2, yes, he might make it to #1 before going to the ML, but he cant do better than #1, So clearly, Matt wins or draws at the measurement of MIL value.
  8. I know, you are not a Wieters fan. But dangit Wieters was a solid first round pick for the Orioles. No, he didnt live up to the hype. He had a pretty darn good 3 years, before injuries took their tool At this point its, subjective to opinions, until Adley plays at the ML level 3-5 years.
  9. Ideally a decent veteran that can catch a few games here and there, dont break the bank on, but more importantly spending time with Adley and almost like a player/coach on the bench.
  10. I dont want league min below replacement level, you never know when #1 guy gets hurt and goes down for a spell. I dont expect a 3 WAR on the bench. But, for me, my backup catcher needs to have some catcher tools in his skillset.
  11. The thing about relievers, is there is such a fine line, when they produce outstandingly and they slip just a tad bit, and become hitterable. You never know when that will happen, so it makes me leery on spending to crazy for those.
  12. So calling out each other's opinion as BS is a worthy discussion?
  13. This whole speculation spread is BS, built on wild ass speculation. We dont really know what this team is willing to spend in the off-season??????
  14. Funny thing is, the major complaint about Girardi was also said about Buck. He tends to stick to his older under performing players too much. Girardi is much different than Buck. Buck connected well with his players. Girardi is weak in that regards. Girardi being fired by the Marlins because of runins with their owner. Is a bit like Davey and King Peter here.
  15. What no Lew Ford comment? I thought you was the president of the Lew Ford fan club?
  16. They showed us in Croc Dundee 3, just throw a school eraser at them and it will stun then.
  17. Lew Ford is an old inside joke here.
  18. Im with you, I want hitters that can hit. But, remember Reynolds was hitting and had a brick for a glove at third. Not saying MC is that bad, just saying, I totally want hitters, but dont need super bad defensive players either.
  19. I was in the camp. Very bullish on MC, figured his bat would play at the ML level, but wasnt sure, where his defense skillset would have him, and do the least damage to the team.
  20. I believe there are too many fans on social media sites, FB and MASN, for example, that have nothing but pure hate for Hyde and blame him for everything, regardless of the issue. He is like their scapegoat, and if he was replaced the entire team would miraculously become better.
  21. I like Frobby''s response best. The Orioles did what they did with open eyes. Anybody that tries and pretend they would have done overwise, is full of crapola.
  22. Seams like just yesterday, the fans were shocked and calling sports radio about the 39 million dollar contract, and the highest at the time (briefly). Now, tier 2 guys are getting that kind of money for 3 years.
  23. Most teams dont buy insurance cost these days, because of the high cost. IE, Belle and Fielder Jr are just 2.
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