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Andy Pettitte is a MAJOR RAT!!!


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My main reaction to the whole Clemens steroids issue is that I'm annoyed it is pre-empting all the ESPN talking heads from talking about what the various teams did over the winter and how things look going into spring training. I'd much rather hear about that than hear about who is lying about what Clemens did in the past.

But on the Clemens issue, at this point I think it's important that the government pursue the charges that Clemens has lied under oath or lied to federal officials just as vigorously as they did with Barry Bonds, if the evidence is there. Otherwise, any difference in how they are treated will be seen as a racial issue.

And anything that serves as a distraction for the Yankees is good so far as I'm concerned. I hope the Feds subpoena every player, trainer and clubhouse attendant who work for the Yankees now or any time in the last 8 years. That should keep them busy.

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This whole thing with Clemens is turning into a great morality tale. Don't lie under oath. It is not the crime that gets you its the lieing about it. Ask Nixon.

President Clinton got a pass but Clemens doesnt have an automatic partisan side backing his lies up. I think he gets slapped around for this.

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A source close to Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., told ESPN.com's T.J. Quinn that the congressman says he was misquoted and misunderstood in a published report about Andy Pettitte's deposition.

Appearing on ESPN's "Outside The Lines," Davis wouldn't directly address the details contained in the Newsday report but said that Pettitte's affidavit "doesn't get into a lot of detail."

"His entire deposition eventually will speak for him. He does have an affidavit that probably will be in the record [Wednesday."

Davis said that Pettitte wasn't needed at Wednesday's hearing.

"No ballplayer in their right mind wants to come up before a congressional committee. It wasn't like he could add anything," Davis said.

Source - ESPN
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Why is he a rat ? For telling the truth so he doesn't go to jail to protect someone elses reputation, when that other person appears to be lying?

I think you might be mistaken in who the rat is.

Hes already knee deep because of clemens, might as well just tell the truth and get it over with.

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