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New Maese Article: Ouch!


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My thoughts on this:

I've never liked the number statues outside the park. I think the font is cartoonish, and, of course they're backwards when viewed from behind.

I would replace them with statues of all the Orioles who have had their numbers retired.

But you know what you see of a person when you look at their statue from behind?


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Career WARP3:

Cal: 172.4

BRooks: 106.7

WARP3 is a counting stat..Cal played more games but only by a little more than 100.

If you go by WARP3, Cal had 8 years better than Brooks' best year and 2 others that were pretty much equal.

He is the clear winner here.

Career OPS:

Cal: 787

Brooks: 723

Career OPS+:

Cal: 112

Brooks: 104

Cal had many more doubles and homers....His career BA was 9 points higher.

Plus, of course, the streak, MVPs, ROY, etc.....

Brooks was a better fielder than Cal and had more triples...That's about it.

Cal was clearly the better player....Every stat tells you that.

The case can be made that Brooks isn't a top 10 third baseman of all time...I think he is but the case can/has been made.

Cal is #2 for SS....That is pretty much universally accepted.

Hell, one writer talked about Ripken being one of the top 20 players ever.

Good Post. I agree.

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Earl kicking dirt on an ump


Earl smoking a cigarette in the tunnel

Per Roger Angell's (or Tom Boswell's, I can't remember) story in Ken Burns's Baseball:

Earl sitting naked in his office, eating fried chicken and talking about baseball with a reporter...while the National Anthem is playing and the game's about to start.

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Cal should have one before Brooks, especially at OPACY.

I think they both deserve one but the reality is Palmer is just as deserving(if not moreso) than Brooks.

I think all 3 of them should be given one.

I agree but I really think something should be done for Elrod also.He might not be in Cooperstown but he was a part of the Os!

I still miss him!:002_scry:

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Career WARP3:

Cal: 172.4

BRooks: 106.7

WARP3 is a counting stat..Cal played more games but only by a little more than 100.

If you go by WARP3, Cal had 8 years better than Brooks' best year and 2 others that were pretty much equal.

He is the clear winner here.

Career OPS:

Cal: 787

Brooks: 723

Career OPS+:

Cal: 112

Brooks: 104

Cal had many more doubles and homers....His career BA was 9 points higher.

Plus, of course, the streak, MVPs, ROY, etc.....

Brooks was a better fielder than Cal and had more triples...That's about it.

Cal was clearly the better player....Every stat tells you that.

The case can be made that Brooks isn't a top 10 third baseman of all time...I think he is but the case can/has been made.

Cal is #2 for SS....That is pretty much universally accepted.

Hell, one writer talked about Ripken being one of the top 20 players ever.

Very nice post Sports Guy!:)

I love CAL:)

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CAL is a local boy does good story in Harford County.He is a home grown hero!:)

Yes, he is all of those things, I agree 100%.

The problem is that we've got people who don't know beans about who Brooks was, or what he meant to either the O's or the area, saying that Cal was somehow more important. That's just plain wrong and, IMO, is mainly ignorance talking.

Plus, I don't know why anybody in their right mind would set up some phony argument between the two of them. Who was most important to the country: Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln? It's the same kind of question.

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Yes, he is all of those things, I agree 100%.

The problem is that we've got people who don't know beans about who Brooks was, or what he meant to either the O's or the area, saying that Cal was somehow more important. That's just plain wrong and, IMO, is mainly ignorance talking.

Plus, I don't know why anybody in their right mind would set up some phony argument between the two of them. Who was most important to the country: Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln? It's the same kind of question.

I have the utmost respect for Brooks.I hope to get to meet him someday! I keep trying!:(

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Even though he really put the team over the top for the years he was here, he wasn't here long enough....Eddie deserves it more than him.

1) Cal was better

2) Cal is the hometown guy

3) The current fan base can relate to Cal more than Brooks.

4) Cal played for many years at OPACY.

You can honor them both...Some kind of statue of Palmer pitching, Cal hitting and Brooks fielding...A big combo of the 3 is the way to go IMO.

You make blanket statements that can not be proved. Cal played in a era that was geared more to stats. He played in smaller parks with watered down pitching. I think they were similar in ability. I do not like comparing stats in different era's. It is like apples and oranges. The thing that can be compared. Their loyalty to the city and the class that they conducted them selves. I would call that a tie.

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You make blanket statements that can not be proved. Cal played in a era that was geared more to stats. He played in smaller parks with watered down pitching. I think they were similar in ability. I do not like comparing stats in different era's. It is like apples and oranges. The thing that can be compared. Their loyalty to the city and the class that they conducted them selves. I would call that a tie.

WARP3 takes into account eras...So does OPS+.

Cal played a majority of his career in an era that wasn't geared towards offense, that is why he was so good.

He was way better than everyone else at his position because of his ability to hit at a position that wasn't known for hitting.

BTW, Cal also played in an era of specialization...LOOGYs, ROOGYs, several fresh guys all the time.

And, the talent was better in Cal's era.

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