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Adam "Real American Hero" Jones


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Just now, Can_of_corn said:

I've noticed that as I have aged I get hurt more often and it takes longer to recover.  My left knee is bothering me a bit right now and I have no idea what I even did to tweak it.

Baseball is a tough sport. 

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2 minutes ago, jsn5688 said:

Hopefully this is the first time and last time that Jonesy has to rob Manny of a Homerun... Don't want to have to think about playing defense against Manny in a couple of years.

I'd be OK with Adam the not Oriole robbing Manny the Oriole.

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6 minutes ago, ba9oriole said:

I meant to say "create an account," but I can't edit my posts because I'm not dumb enough to spend money to have the "privilege" of editing my posts.

Yea, sure is dumb to support things you like so they don't go away.


I make sure not to eat at restaurants I like all the time.

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12 minutes ago, ba9oriole said:

Good point. It's "just a game." Why have a whole forum about "just a game" then, right? And why did you create a forum and spend your time talking about "just a game?" Or is it "just a game" when it's convenient for your "argument?"

Games are fun and people like talking about them. So that clears up why have the whole forum. That's not the same discussion as whether or not it's appropriate to say it's shameful for someone to embrace their heritage by playing a game. I don't think that it is.

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15 minutes ago, ba9oriole said:

That example didn't even make sense. lol That's what happens when you make emotional arguments instead of logical ones.

Wow, not often I get called out for being emotional instead of logical.

If you can't understand the point I was making I'm not sure what to tell you.  But I bet if everyone else thought like you do Tony would have to close up shop.

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6 minutes ago, ba9oriole said:

I already know why we have forums. You're the one who seems not to understand it. I was discussing baseball. Just because you're a sensitive snowflake who doesn't like what I said doesn't change that.

I agree that you were discussing baseball. Surely then your freedom to do so also extends to others who want to discuss your comments. 

As for deploying the new snowflake catchphrase, I'm curious how that applies in a discussion that began with you indicating your morals are bothered by Manny's choice of team in a baseball tournament. 

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3 minutes ago, ba9oriole said:

I'll explain why your "argument" made no sense since you're being emotional instead of logical. Comparing not eating at a restaurant you like to not paying for a forum you like makes no sense because they generate revenue in two totally different ways. Restaurants provide you food in exchange for money. Forums provide you a forum to discuss things on in exchange for you having ads on the page you're viewing, ads that companies pay Tony to show.

Understand the difference now? Or are emotions still clouding your ability to reason?

Do you understand how little revenue those ads bring in?

I guess you only go to the restaurant when you have your Groupon coupon and make your own lemonade out of ice water?

And then you can't understand why they closed up?


When I was a teenager I used to short order cook.  We had a 99 cent special, one egg, one meat, toast and homefries.  We also had a 2.20 breakfast that was two eggs, two meat, toast and homefries.  Boy we sure loved those customers that would come in and "get one over on us" by ordering two of the 99 cent deals.

Needless to say the restaurant wasn't a long term success.

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2 minutes ago, ba9oriole said:

Well thankfully we have "geniuses" like you who pay to use a forum. Good job!

Yet another emotional strawman argument that made no sense. Good job!

Okay... thanks for the story time. Was there a point you were trying to make in there somewhere?

Sigh, guess I have to break it down in a very obvious way.

Sometimes you have to do more than the absolute minimum required.  If isn't necessarily the smart thing to do when you let others pull part of your weight.  I don't think a single one of us that has decided to support this site directly think it is money wasted.  And I don't think any of us do it so we can edit posts.

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