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Will Givens be traded this offseason?


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I think the Orioles will consider trading Givens if the price is right. I read Roch's article as they wouldn't consider trading him last Winter Meetings. The use of the "wouldn't" instead of "won't" leads to me to believe past tense. I think he was trying to paint the story of Givens over the last year (but failed). I don't think they'll trade him unless they get what they think he is worth (which is more than what other teams will probably offer), but I don't think they'll listen.

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4 hours ago, jamalshw said:

I think the Orioles will consider trading Givens if the price is right. I read Roch's article as they wouldn't consider trading him last Winter Meetings. The use of the "wouldn't" instead of "won't" leads to me to believe past tense. I think he was trying to paint the story of Givens over the last year (but failed). I don't think they'll trade him unless they get what they think he is worth (which is more than what other teams will probably offer), but I don't think they'll listen.

I guess it will depend on what the New Executive who will be completely in charge of all baseball operations views this. I'll be thrilled to specultate when this is determined. 

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6 hours ago, Dipper9 said:

Agreed.  Take the Orioles out of the equation for a moment.  In the AL East you have three well run organizations who just had 90, 100, and 108 win seasons with young talent and good farm systems.  The Jays are not very well run but are always willing to spend money.  The future is bleak.

Now add in the Orioles incompetence and poor farm system coupled with a GM and Manager search, and 3 years is looking VERY optimistic.  

Yeah, THIS. 

Three years is VERY optimistic.

I said in another thread that my oldest, who's in 5th grade, might see a winner at graduation...7 years.  I'm sticking to that - which is hard to stomach.  Yet, you are correct, to fix all of the stuff we've done wrong and get started with the things we've not done at all, while watching the other clubs who are already doing all those things and getting better at them, we're a black hole of pain just like the 2000's.

I'm still not convinced the new Angeloses are any different that their dad.  Actions will speak louder than words for me.

Everyone is, therefore, trade-able.

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