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28 minutes ago, wildbillhiccup said:

We're not comparing him to college or high school pitchers who were never drafted. We're comparing him to other MLB pitchers. Compared to his peers (other MLB pitchers) he was most definitely not considered very good. I can't believe you're even trying to argue this. Doug Brocail was a middling relief pitcher for the majority of his career. And the only reason he probably even had a long career was because he was left handed. 

So you're saying that someone who rose to the very, very peak of his profession should refer to himself as a no-talent hack because he was only in the 50th percentile of best best 300 pitchers in the world?

Reminds me of William Shatner singing Has Been, about people on their couch playing Nintendo, eating Cheetos, getting ready to go to work at Best Buy mocking Shatner for not being in a hit TV show or movie lately.

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19 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

So you're saying that someone who rose to the very, very peak of his profession should refer to himself as a no-talent hack because he was only in the 50th percentile of best best 300 pitchers in the world?

Reminds me of William Shatner singing Has Been, about people on their couch playing Nintendo, eating Cheetos, getting ready to go to work at Best Buy mocking Shatner for not being in a hit TV show or movie lately.

I'm done playing this game. Have fun shouting at the clouds. 

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24 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

So you're saying that someone who rose to the very, very peak of his profession should refer to himself as a no-talent hack because he was only in the 50th percentile of best best 300 pitchers in the world?

Reminds me of William Shatner singing Has Been, about people on their couch playing Nintendo, eating Cheetos, getting ready to go to work at Best Buy mocking Shatner for not being in a hit TV show or movie lately.

You have to admit $#*! My Dad Says was one of the worst things ever.  (and yes I looked up the correct spelling of $#*!)

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10 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

You have to admit $#*! My Dad Says was one of the worst things ever.  (and yes I looked up the correct spelling of $#*!)

Never even watched it.  I think that was on when my kids were like two and three and that was just a blur of screaming and throwing up and wondering why nobody ever sleeps.

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10 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

Doug Brocail was probably the best player on his Little League team, the best player at his high school, the best player at Lamar Community College.  From 1997-2000 he threw over 250 major league games to a 155 ERA+.  He's currently 184th in all time games pitched in major league history.  He's in the top tiny fraction of 1% of everyone who's ever played baseball.  He's not delusional when he idly chats about what made him a good pitcher.

It's amazing how many people don't understand this concept when they bash on a former or current major league player.

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On 8/16/2019 at 10:03 PM, Tony-OH said:

It's amazing how many people don't understand this concept when they bash on a former or current major league player.

Even if you wanted to limit the pool to “good” major league pitchers, by what measure is Brocail not “good?”   10.6 rWAR, 109 ERA+ and major league teams saw fit to keep him employed for 15 seasons.    They don’t do that if you’re not “good.”

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