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How would you feel if Harper falls to us and we pass on him?

How would you feel if Harper falls to us and we pass on him?  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you feel if Harper falls to us and we pass on him?

    • No sweat off my back. JJ/AM know what they're doing
    • I'm "okay" with it. I trust JJ/AM, but man, Harper would've looked nice in our future lineup
    • Discouraged. Unless there's something we don't know, I don't understand this decision at all
    • Enraged. Same as it ever was!

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Lots of people here seem to play the "what if" card when it comes to polls like this one. I'm not Lex, but I'd assume he means, "How would you feel if Harper (assuming he's stayed on track and does not suffer any injury or other setback in his 2010 season) falls to us and we pass on him?"

Yeah, I get that a lot can happen between now and the draft, but this isn't a scientific poll. :D

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Lots of people here seem to play the "what if" card when it comes to polls like this one. I'm not Lex, but I'd assume he means, "How would you feel if Harper (assuming he's stayed on track and does not suffer any injury or other setback in his 2010 season) falls to us and we pass on him?"

Yeah, I get that a lot can happen between now and the draft, but this isn't a scientific poll. :D

Exactly!!! It should be viewed as some variation of "if the draft were today"/"if everything continues as it is now". Playing the "what if" game serves no purpose, as we could come up with countless scenarios.

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No offense, but this poll is just silly. It just baits people into talking negatively about the Orioles over a hypothetical situation that has about a .000000001% chance of ever happening. If other teams were to pass on Harper, there'd be a reason, for sure.

Money could be all that make him drop, and there are those in the industry (ex. Kevin Goldstein) who have given that scenario pretty good odds. So, IMO, this poll only gets silly if you enter "what ifs" into it other than, "what if" the O's decided not to pony up the big bucks. Whether people participating in the poll are doing that or not, I don't know.

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