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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. Adley did not swing at a strike that AB.
  2. The walks are what killed his performance in Toronto. I'm hoping that a slumping Atlanta lineup is just what the doctor ordered for him and the team right now. Unfortunately, he and Suarez are going back-to-back which is BAD for the bullpen as neither go very deep in games. I truly hope he can get some better command tonight, but his history shows that control may always be a problem for him.
  3. I thought the same thing after he appeared completely overmatched at the plate and made another error last night.
  4. What a waste. That guy probably threw 2 actual strikes.
  5. Consistency is all you can ask for.
  6. Adley's old school...Lincoln Logs.
  7. Oh...I agree. Toronto's offense is...well...offensive.
  8. Well...Berrios and Kikuchi are no slouches.
  9. Toronto is also not a good hitting team. It was a good team for his first start, but he blew it with the walks.
  10. Yup. Toronto sucks...I mean look at that lineup.
  11. With Kikuchi and his extra-wide plate, this will be a cakewalk for the Jays.
  12. Yup...you don't walk the bottom of the order to pitch to Vlad.
  13. He may need a day off. Should have had Urias in the lineup today.
  14. I'm guessing that you're saying De Paula's swing is much better than Jones? I didn't realize Jones was a "step in the bucket" hitter.
  15. Hunt has a nice, short stroke.
  16. With Urias hitting a little now, it might have been nice to have Norby DH and let Urias play 3B with Westburg on 2B.
  17. Nice to see that most of the board is sane. Of course, Heyman's initial misleading headline doesn't help matters.
  18. I still feel like he's a guy you can get into the lineup a few times per week in some capacity.
  19. I dunno why, but when I think about this, I have a picture in my head of Earl Weaver yelling at Rosie, the Jetsons' "maid".
  20. I think there is a reason Tommy Pham has played with 8 teams in his 11 baseball seasons...
  21. More like "work release" than "let out". He'll be back to finish his sentence.
  22. Love Trout, but I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole unless the LAA paid 75% of his salary and we gave them Vieira as the trade bait.
  23. I will be happily surprised if Norby gets into any games in the next 7 days.
  24. If they can't put this guy into ANY relatively close game, he needs to go.
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