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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. This guy is a great interview. He comes off as a very confident, but not cocky, guy. Love the way he talked about the relationship with the catchers.
  2. I definitely expect more WAR from Henderson and Holliday...and maybe not as much from Adley.
  3. Was thinking the same thing. Would be hard to give both of those guys a big deal, but they could be the two guys (talking Gunner and Jackson) you build this club around.
  4. But, the Royals are a small market team...how could they afford this? /s
  5. Exactly. It gives the really young guys plenty of time to develop. I'm sure there are a few shortstops that will be available in the draft this year as well.
  6. So...how about that Corbin Burnes acquisition??? What do you expect from him this season? I think that since he's tougher on lefties than righties historically, he may find Camden Yards very friendly to him.
  7. What is Woodruff's status and/or injury? Never mind...I just read his Wikipedia entry. So, it looks as if he's out for most of the 2024 season. Sounds like a Bautista-esque contract. I'm in...
  8. I believe that should be priority #1 right now.
  9. Pitching is volatile. Locking position players up is a safer move. I have no issues with pitchers on a 3 or 4 year deal, but I think you tie up too much money on anything longer than that.
  10. I could see this being something that happens with the O's on a semi-regular basis. This would save them from long-term commitment. You get a guy in here who is out to make himself some serious coin following his last year (or two) before FA. This could be a new formula for teams like the Orioles and Braves and maybe some other teams that can't afford to have that 30M dollar/year salary. And, quite honestly, if the Orioles are going to invest in a player, I'd rather it be Gunnar and/or Holliday. Get the position players locked up and get your "ace" through trade.
  11. I specified "Other" because I think more than one of these things can/should happen. Personally, I'd love to see them sign Montgomery AND make a deal for an outfielder and bullpen arm. There's also no reason why they can't pursue extensions for some of the young guys as well.
  12. I think it would have. I'm guessing they would have made a corresponding move like dealing Santander for prospects. I could see them still moving him to make room for Cowser and/or Kjerstad.
  13. I was actually thinking about this. I kind of like Montgomery. He seemed to be rejuvenated when he went to Texas. He's great against LH hitters and would have a pretty decent defense around him.
  14. Agreed. This is a one and done. I could see them doing this on a yearly basis if the farm system remains strong. Find a guy who is a year away from FA then letting them go for a draft pick...could be done for Cease if he bounces back and is not traded at the deadline.
  15. I'm guessing there is another move (at least) to be made. I honestly don't feel comfortable with where the bullpen is at this time.
  16. Personally, I hope Roch gets to stay and do his thing. He's put in his time here with crappy teams/ownership and they are now in a position to put a perennial contender on the field. Would be nice for him to be a part of all of it.
  17. I think when it's "officially" official, I'll feel like it's hit me. I don't think people realize what this means for the organization. I hope that they follow that Astros' mold and continue to be good at development, making key acquisitions, and keeping a fairly stable management team in place. Not sure how long Elias is under contract, but I think that's one of the first things I'd take care of immediately. He's young and he's a keeper.
  18. Even as someone who dislikes Duke, I have to admit that this made me chuckle.
  19. I'm guessing the biggest decisions the Angeloses will be making will be where they are picking up lunch for everyone.
  20. Maybe the team "was not for sale" because a deal was already done...just not announced?
  21. My hope is that the new ownership gives Elias a nice budget amount and lets him do his stuff. There's no reason why this team can't have a payroll around $125M and continue it's developmental success. I would just like to see them have the ability to get that one or two pieces of the puzzle that could put them over the top.
  22. I do agree with you on this...kind of why I made the Bauer comment...but I thought you were aware. Even though Bauer was exonerated of the charges against him, I'm just not sure who will take a chance on him at this point.
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