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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. Seems a bit lazy to me. Don't know how they could give the Mancini one an "F".
  2. It wasn't Buster, but his link went to some guy named Bradford Doolittle. First thing Bradford needs to do is fact-check as he labels Lopez a "LHP".
  3. But, he could have been dealt before his salary went on the books.
  4. Agreed. What would have been the harm in this? Lopez still has 2 more years of control left.
  5. I would think both Vavra and Diaz will get their fair share of AB'S.
  6. Trey has been nothing but class since he arrived here. Hope the Astros win it all this year and that Trey plays a nice part in that. Thanks for the inspirational comeback story, Trey. Wishing you all the best!
  7. I'm really not trying to be a smart-aleck, but can someone tell me the last time a Yankee prospect was traded and turned into a very valuable player?
  8. Didn't think it would happen, but I'm happy for Trey. I'm also ready to see Stowers up here and having him play on a regular basis.
  9. I had replied with a "yes", but deleted it. If McLean does NOT sign, doesn't that mean they lose that pool money?
  10. I dunno...was there any speculation about a Josh Hader trade before today?
  11. Agreed. Santander plays a passable OF...can't say the same for Trey. He also supplies more power to a lineup.
  12. Not sure how the Mets acquisition of Tyler Naquin will affect a trade for Mancini?
  13. I voted "no". I would like to see him traded, but I don't think they will get back the "right" offers for him. Also, I do like the guy and wish him nothing but the best.
  14. Wow...what a nice "problem" to have!
  15. Anyone think it might be time to let Ryan sit a game out? Maybe the rest of the month since he's always miserable in July?
  16. OK...I wasn't sure how the QO's were affected by the new CB. Both you and @Can_of_corn make valid points about that. I'm guessing you are both correct and if they don't find a suitable deal for Trey now, they will just let him walk after the season.
  17. I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming they would offer the QO.
  18. At this point, it may be worth keeping him to get the 3rd round comp pick when he leaves via FA.
  19. Dude, McKenna has ALWAYS been in the O's system. There are NO OTHERS like him!
  20. That's a good start. I think you are going to need to add to this with another high-level prospect. Could you possibly do both trades? Do the Santander for Snell trade AND get another guy for prospects?
  21. I don't want to seem like a downer, but I think it will be difficult for this team to sustain this. This streak seems like the perfect storm, where the teams the O's are playing are not very good or just cold at the moment. They have taken advantage of this easy part of the schedule, but the next couple of weeks with games versus the Yanks/Rays could easily turn this train around. When I look at this rotation, I feel like they are overachieving and I'm not sure they can sustain the pace. Just to be clear, I'm hoping that they don't lose another game this season. I think if things stay as they are, they can probably be close to a .500 team this year.
  22. Totally agree. Mullins isn't going anywhere right now. Now, if this team falls off the cliff over the next two weeks, it may be a different story. I don't want to see that happen, but that's the only way Mullins would be dealt. Still thinking the Santander for Snell deal makes the most sense.
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