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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. IF the O's are able to acquire a frontline starter (without giving up Kremer in the deal) AND if Tate is back to 2022 form THEN Wells and Hall move to the bullpen, which IMO becomes one of the best bullpens in the league. Edit: and imagine if Bautista comes back full bore opening day 2025 and the O's exercise Kimbrel's option.
  2. Putting a chunk of money in 2-3 year CDs has been super helpful. I work for an Investment Advisor, and we have put probably $50-100 million dollars into CDs and annuities for clients at 5% or better, very close to 6%. Very smart to take that yield risk free as part of a portfolio.
  3. And... today's interest rates will not be here forever. I can earn 5% practically risk free in a CD, but in 2-3 years I have to renew it at who-knows-what rate.
  4. I often forget that the O's have Wells and Hall capable of filling either a starting or bullpen role. And just imagine if Tate really can return to his 2022 form. IMO it makes the O's one Closer away from a top bullpen.
  5. Ben McDonald literally called the outcome of that play a pitch earlier.
  6. I thought the O's had like 3-4 picks before the 2nd round started?
  7. I know it's a stretch, but I'm really hoping Cowser comes north with the big club.
  8. I think the Yankees and Red Sox are going to reload and score more runs So yes, I think we need to score more runs
  9. I'm not really interested in the Rule 5 draft any longer. Except now I'm worried about who the O's might lose in a given year instead of who they might gain.
  10. We should start a pool for pitcher or position player
  11. Hopefully there will still be a chair for the O's when the music stops.
  12. I'm with @Can_of_corn. There really isn't any situational difference between Bradfield getting a walk/single/SB as opposed to a double. The more people on base and in scoring position the better.
  13. The promotion says "Get Tickets" to every home game. They don't actually allow you into the ballpark.
  14. I expect the Yankees and Red Sox to spend this offseason and to be better teams next year. 92 wins might be a real challenge.
  15. David Schoenfield at ESPN thinks the O's should trade Mayo for Burnes and then sign Jordan Hicks 4/44
  16. I loved what Gibson gave to the staff last year. That being said, I'm glad he's off the board. The O's need to set their sights higher.
  17. I'm assuming that to get those 2 starters, Kremer will likely be included in a trade somewhere.
  18. Here is my hope for the offseason. Is it a realistic best case? Who the phat knows? The O's and the City of Baltimore sign and ratify a long term lease The O's acquire two starters which would at least be #2-3 anywhere else in the league. The O's acquire a closer. The O's acquire a MOO who can take the pressure of the young guys to produce. No idea what it would cost in $$ or prospects.
  19. Sometimes you can be such a noodge. It's not about me having no "confidence in the young guys". It's about measured expectations that they will be able to replicate Santander's .800 OPS with 28 HR and 98 RBI. Is it possible? Of course it is possible. Is it so probable that a team with WS aspirations can write it in ink? I don't believe so.
  20. Well now that is a different proposition yes? Does trading Santander for a pitching upgrade actually improve aggregate value? Then I'm all for it.
  21. I'm not sure I even have 50% confidence, not when I want the O's to take the next step towards a WS. I hope our rookies can thrive, but the landscape has changed.
  22. Do you want to field a team with all rookies?
  23. I think you are aiming something unrealistic at me. I'm not saying don't give Kjerstad and Cowser a chance to step up. I"m saying don't be surprised if they struggle. There are other positions on the field where the O's can try to add a run producer through trade or FA.
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