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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. While I agree with your post and would have rather seen Ortiz and Westburg all year I don't think that it stole a year of development. It certainly delayed it but I don't think there is anything wrong with stockpiling ML ready prospects at AAA as a general rule. That is what happens when you have both a good ML club and a well stocked farm. I am not of the belief that the O's have a 40 man roster crunch yet.
  2. I don't think I ever offered a grade but I was disappointed that Gibson was our "Big" FA signing. In hindsight, several of the FA pitchers that I would have liked the O's to sign either stunk or got hurt so as I constantly have to remind myself, sometimes the best deals are the ones you don't make. I did think there would be a slight digression this year. I was thinking maybe 78 wins. looks like I was off by somewhere around 20 games probably more.
  3. I'd stick with your grade for Frazier. He is an enigma. He's awful defensively and mostly offensively. But, he has been clutch (I do think that is a thing) and for me, the payroll is so low that the money doesn't matter. I think I still would have liked to see what Ortiz and Westburg would have done with that playing time but his hit in the Tampa series alone gardners a C grade!
  4. I grew up with dominate O's teams of the late 60's and 70's, pretty much all the way to 1983. Who knew then that they would be mediocre at best for most of the next 40 years. I am certainly enjoying this team. The fascinating thing is that most non-O's fans think it's because they drafted so high for 5 years. That's just not true. The only two ME draftees that have had a major impact on this team are Adley and Gunnar. Westburg has had a smaller impact. Only Adley was a top ME pick. They are very well set up for the next 5+ years. I hope ME is as good at extending the window as Houston has been.
  5. I hear you but he does pitch well in short spirts. You may disagree with me but I don't think that was an egregious error. Bringing him back out was.
  6. HK's hands are crazy quick. He's just a different hitter than Cowser. I'm not saying that Cowser won't hit but the separator for me are the hands. I was in the middle of our summer season when Cowswer got most of his ABs but from what I did see Cowser was stuck between the fastball and offspeed pitches and the hands really allow you to wait and still catch up to the fastball.
  7. I don't have a problem putting him in to finish the inning. It was bringing him back out that had me screaming at the TV. You have to be happy with anything you get from him and to not push your luck. I felt like Hyde left him out there to fail.
  8. He will have to answer some tough questions from the national media in the playoffs.
  9. I agree. I am afraid that they will put Gibbons in there tho. Which he may be lights out or he may be done after 2 IP.
  10. Are you saying that the analytics department determines the lineup or that they give data to the manager?
  11. It is probably a litttle different based on the club and how much authority each Manager has to make the lineup. But many factors play into it. Matchups against certain pitchers both from a side of the plate match up and "stuff". Hitter's strengths and how they are currently hitting. Lots of analytics. A manager's hunch. Even the conventional way of making a lineup has changed. Used to be your best hitter was in the 3 spot. Now most are in the 2 spot and some are even at 1.
  12. Unless they don't plan on playing them anyway. He could be on the roster for 24 hours and optioned. Still seems weird that Heston is th call up.
  13. I am a little surprised that he is the call up (assuming he is). He is a LHH and doesn't have a lot of position flexibility. Seems Ortiz would be a more logical choice. Is he close to losing rookie status too?
  14. This makes the most sense and he likely will not play much. It is exciting to see very little dead wood position players on the 40 man. Should be even less after this offseason. I looking forward to being able to say the same about the pitchers eventually.
  15. Yes, then they won 3 in a row to go up 3-2 and O's won game 6.
  16. Me too. I will be surprised if he is on the 2024 team. I'm not saying he shouldn't be, I just think he won't be.
  17. I remember the first time I walked up the ramp at Memorial Stadium and saw the grass. It's one of those moments that I will remember emotionally more than cognitively. A couple years later my dad am I took my grandfather to his first ever MLB game. He was a farmer from SW VA. When he made the same walk up the ramp and saw the field for the first time his face lit up like a 5 year old. I think about that everytime I go to a ball game.
  18. I think he is saying that Santander gets traded.
  19. It's ironic, I am a Steelers fan but I hate the Pirates with all my being. Two WS losses up 3-2 in 71 and 3-1 in 79.
  20. You know, I thought about this on occasion. When I was a kid I got to root for the O's from 69 - 83 when they were the best team in baseball over that stretch. In many ways that's still how I view them emotionally. My three sons though grew up watching them lose except for the brief window from 12- 16. They have a much different perception of the team than I do and that's sad.
  21. I am older than you and remember the 69 - 71 teams but just barely. Ironically, some of the better O's teams were in the mid 70's that ran into the A's teams. 89 was one of my favorites too. I have found this team exciting and fun but I have also felt weirdly reserved like I was waiting for the bottom to fall out. It has kept me from enjoying it as much as I should. I was really disappointed with the 14 team for getting swept by the Royals. I will be at Sundays game against the Rays. I am very much looking forward to the playoffs with no expectations but to just enjoy it.
  22. Unless something changed with this CBA (I don't think it did) then yes, Hicks is paid by the Yankees for the entirety of his contract minus whatever his current club pays him. Therefore, there is no incentive by his current club or Hicks for them to pay anything above minimum. This is not new and it has been this way for many years. The same back and forth took place on the board when he was first acquired. Hicks was signed by the O's as a free agent and can sign with any team for next year. But it will still likely be at the minimum because of the above. I don't remember off the top of my head when the NYY contract expires but I think its after the 25 season. I was surprised because folks on this board are usually on top of this stuff.
  23. I agree. I have heard of guys rehabbing a partial tear but it is rare. Although details are unclear to the fans, I am sure that his reps and the union have all the available information.
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