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Everything posted by seak05

  1. Might be the best throw I've ever seen Owings make
  2. Grade 1 is like a month to 6 weeks grade 2 is 2-3 months grade 3 is surgery and see you in 2023
  3. If it’s grade 3, he’s having surgery and he won’t be throwing till the winter
  4. Lat strain sigh https://t.co/INQmdirjHo
  5. Do we know he actually got tests in Norfolk? Maybe they just preferred he get the tests in Baltimore? Or the plan is for him to start Sunday here, so they just brought him north
  6. By draft time, who had him #1? He was generally behind Mayer and Leiter (he was ahead of Cowser, I'm not disagreeing with you on that)
  7. A tear is a strain, a strain is a tear. You have levels of strain based on how much tearing takes place eg a a grade 3 strain is a complete to mostly complete tear
  8. It’s all hindsight. You can’t make decisions on hindsight. I would have preferred Lawlar at the time, but none of us would have taken Fralick, and Lawlar wasn’t the Uber prospect some on here have made him out to be. Applying hindsight also tends to mean you take the wrong lessons, in this case I would say Cowser looks more like a scouting failure, not a process failure. Regardless, I hope he turns it around, and a whole bunch of posts saying we should have drafted this other guy aren’t really going to change anything
  9. Sometimes scouting misses. In this case nearly all scouting reports I saw had Cowser as a better bat then Frelik, and the fact that he went 10 spots later seems to back that up. There were alos legitimate questions about Lawlar's hit tool, which is part of why he didn't go 1, 2, 3, or 4. You can only make a decision on best available evidence at the time (aka hindsight is 20/20), and I don't think the gap between Cowser and the other two looked as large then as it's currently looking.
  10. His defense this year has been leaps and bounds better. It’s really good to see
  11. Cody Sedlock took one for the team today
  12. The last time you posted this sort of thread, it did not end well
  13. Probably Lopez, they'll need several closers. By WAR (so far this year) Hays. Lot can change between now and end of June though. If Adley gets hot, lets just say Catcher is a really thing position
  14. The bullpen got walloped the last two days, and no off days until a week from Monday. Going to need someone in the starting rotation to go deep.
  15. Whether you want to term it a bad patch or not ready, generally speaking that seems like a bad time to promote someone...and an especially bad time to promote someone to the major leagues
  16. I’ll disagree with this. In the little we saw in spring training he struggled, and he struggled in a few of his triple-a starts as well. He’s been in a better groove lately
  17. My guess is Kremer. Lowther has been a disappointment
  18. I can't see him making his ML debut on short rest on Tuesday after going 7 last night. If the Orioles want to give someone an extra day of rest though, maybe later that week
  19. I think it's more an industry wide recognition that stringing together several base hits to lead to multiple run innings is a rare occurrence. So hitters are hunting homers because it's an automatic run, and pitchers know they will give up some homeruns, but as long as they are only solo shots the damage will be limited
  20. Mancini and Mountcastle are sort of similar players, and having both on the team doesn't really give you a ton of flexibility. The Orioles would (I think) prefer Adley plays 1b on the days he doesn't catch, which would mean Mountcastle goes to DH. It also means you can't call up a Stowers and use the DH spot to help rotate your OFers.
  21. This tbh. If Jones is clearly #1 on their board, they will take him. If he's not clearly #1, they'll take a guy that they have in the same group, who will also allow them to spread out money. It's probably best to think of the Orioles board as groupings rather then a straight ordered list
  22. McKenna is much better then Santander
  23. It's not the number of pitches, it's the times through the order.
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