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We're waiting on ARod


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With talk of Corey Patterson getting 5/50 this offseason, I think $13 million a year for Tejada is a freaking bargain.

LOL way to prove my point for me.

At those prices, the market for Patterson will be exceedingly small.

By the same token, the teams where Tejada is a fit will be small too. I gave you a long list of qualifying conditions, and not too many teams will meet enough of them to have serious interest.

Your saying, "what other teams wouldn't want Tejada?" is extremely narrowminded. May as well ask, "who wouldn't want ARod?" Just because everyone would love to have ARod doesn't make everyone a player for ARod, as your logic would imply.

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Well it kinda stinks for us who are waiting on pins and needles for the first post that says "Tejada traded" but it's best for MacPhail to keep his price where it is. It is pretty likely that Tejada could give the Cubs close to Crawford's #'s minus the SBs for cheaper in terms of players than it would be to trade for Crawford, where they would have to give up Hill and Pie...

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Calm down buddy..its just the GM meetings. It still early in the offseason.

Absolutely zero offense meant to you or the other insiders who are just reporting what you're hearing, but it seems every offseason we hear about the O's plans for this and that and how this move or that move is imminent and there's always something that stalls it and makes the FO go "oh, wait..." If they're truly waiting for Arod to sign before they make any moves, we're going to be in for a real drag. Until they show me "actions" I don't really expect anything to be different than in the past.

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Absolutely zero offense meant to you or the other insiders who are just reporting what you're hearing, but it seems every offseason we hear about the O's plans for this and that and how this move or that move is imminent and there's always something that stalls it and makes the FO go "oh, wait..." If they're truly waiting for Arod to sign before they make any moves, we're going to be in for a real drag. Until they show me "actions" I don't really expect anything to be different than in the past.

You just have to take it as Peace's guy is the optimist, BB's guy is the pessimist and Sonny76's guy is the realist. I guess Belkast's guy falls in between Peaces' and Sonny76's or Sonny76's and BB's depending on the situation...

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You just have to take it as Peace's guy is the optimist, BB's guy is the pessimist and Sonny76's guy is the realist. I guess Belkast's guy falls in between BB's and Sonny76's

bb's guy has been an optimist too, now the Cubs and Mets interest has "cooled". It's a lot of the same. It's not a condemnation of the posters who are just reporting what they're hearing but a condemnation of the O's front office and how they're still slow to the draw.

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bb's guy has been an optimist too, now the Cubs and Mets interest has "cooled". It's a lot of the same. It's fun, and please don't even misconstrue that I don't want this stuff reported on, I do. It's more a condemnation of the O's front office and how they're still slow to the draw.

Or, comdemnation of a fan base with little patience and have unrealistic expectations. Many were cussing up a storm when Trachsel wasn't gone by the deadline... now AM is a hero for getting 3 for 1... I think we all want some good news ASAP.. but good things come to those who wait.... tick tick tick..

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Its all gamesmanship by the Gms. Everyone wants the other to feel they are not desparate so they dont get fleeced. Its all part of the art of negotiation. He who blinks first loses. We dont have to trade anyone. Other folks dont have to trade for anyone. Everyone wants to do some trading but everyone wants to win the trade if they can and only settle for a fair trade at the end of the day if that's all they can do. But noone wants to get fleeced.

There will be trades. There will be winners and losers. Mostly though there will be even handed dealing between professionals, not kids trading cards in the school playground.

Percieved Supply and Demand drives every market. There is demand for our players, we just dont know how much. The supply of servicable players like ours for trade is limited, more limited than propects. I expect a trade to get done and I expect we will get more than a fair deal. There is more pressure on those that think they are close to a shot at the playoffs and the World Series than a team like us who is looking to rebuild IMO.

We just have to be patient. Look at the Trax trade. A small microcosm of the needed patience and return on that patience right there. Andy seems to know how to play the game, let him hide his cards a bit and do his thing.

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Or, comdemnation of a fan base with little patience and have unrealistic expectations. Many were cussing up a storm when Trachsel wasn't gone by the deadline... now AM is a hero for getting 3 for 1... I think we all want some good news ASAP.. but good things come to those who wait.... tick tick tick..

Oh, forgive my impatience. I suppose, what, 9? 10? more years isn't too much to wait for some forward thinking and aggressiveness from this team. :rolleyes:

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Boras has shown tremendous instincts for how much the market will bear over the years, but this time I think he may have misjudged things. Despite the monster year he just had, A-Rod at age 33-40 simply isn't as valuable as A-Rod at ages 26-32. He's now 4 years removed from playing SS and he is less valuable as a 3B than as a SS. And time has shown that his presence on a team doesn't guarantee success or even major improvement. I'm sure some team will pony up 8 years, $180 mm but I'm not sure he'll see much more than that, in which case he might have been better off playing out his old contract and then signing a 5-6 year deal. Only time will tell.

I agree with this. Its not a matter of collusion against Boras and ARod. It IS a matter of teams realizing that ARod alone will not bring them a penant, and $25-30mil/year for any one player, even as good as ARod, is NOT good baseball sense.

I hope nobody signs Arod to these ridiculous numbers, and then come February we get him for $21mil/year! :D

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I agree with this. Its not a matter of collusion against Boras and ARod. It IS a matter of teams realizing that ARod alone will not bring them a penant, and $25-30mil/year for any one player, even as good as ARod, is NOT good baseball sense.

I hope nobody signs Arod to these ridiculous numbers, and then come February we get him for $21mil/year! :D

Is $20M a year too much?

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I'd love for you to name the 25 teams in MLB that can both afford to sign a player for 2 years / 26 mil AND need a SS/3B.

The market for A-Rod and the market for Tejada are essentially the same. I can think of maybe 3 teams that may want Tejada but not A-Rod. Supply and demand isn't that hard of a concept. If 10 teams are looking for a SS/3B, 7 of them want to go after A-Rod before pursuing Tejada, and you press to make a deal with one of the other 3, you're going to get significantly less return than if you wait until A-Rod is gone and you now have 9 teams pursuing Tejada as their "first" option.

And BTW, it is a huge leap to even add teams looking for 3B because Tejada hasn't said he is willing to play third. That is likely a concern for any team that has a SS but needs a 3B until he publicly or privately states something different to the team in question.

Com'mon Vatech.. screw getting a decent return... we want action and we want it now! :D

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