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Revenue Sharing not working? Hey Drungo...


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How much money are you suggesting be involved?

Teams are NOT going to let all of their money go into that kind of situation.

How much? I don't know. But the most-sane idea I can think of is to take the revenue from each game (all the revenue, no more hiding it behind TV deals) and then do a split between the 2 teams playing in the actual ballgame. The MFY's aren't gonna make a dime of nobody's playing them. Then, split it slightly-unevenly based on who wins the game. I'm not saying all-or-nothing. I don't know whether to say 60-40 or 55-45 or whatever. But something along the idea that whoever wins the ballgame gets a slightly bigger cut of the money generated by that ballgame.

It accomplishes the main thing that all these complicated attendance-based schemes are trying to do, but without all the complicated cop-aspects to it. It would still have the MFY's being way-way richer than everybody, just not by quite as much. Just split the money so that the winner gets a bit more, that's all you need to make owners want to win. Anything else, and they'll just find some loopholes...

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How much? I don't know. But the most-sane idea I can think of is to take the revenue from each game (all the revenue, no more hiding it behind TV deals) and then do a split between the 2 teams playing in the actual ballgame. The MFY's aren't gonna make a dime of nobody's playing them. Then, split it slightly-unevenly based on who wins the game. I'm not saying all-or-nothing. I don't know whether to say 60-40 or 55-45 or whatever. But something along the idea that whoever wins the ballgame gets a slightly bigger cut of the money generated by that ballgame.

It accomplishes the main thing that all these complicated attendance-based schemes are trying to do, but without all the complicated cop-aspects to it. It would still have the MFY's being way-way richer than everybody, just not by quite as much. Just split the money so that the winner gets a bit more, that's all you need to make owners want to win. Anything else, and they'll just find some loopholes...

I think it's a great idea, but teams aren't going to want to do that.

Plus, you are going to need to figure out how other revenue streams, like media contracts, merchandising, etc., fit in.

Unless you can find away to divide every last possible revenue stream into all of the games, owners will find a loophole or ten-thousand.

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All "new media" money (mlb.com) is, IIRC, already split evenly between the teams. My proposal would be that 75% of a teams local revenues be thrown into the common pot, and then split between all the teams.

Teams would have to account for all of their common pot spending. It would not necessarily have to go to MLB payroll, but would have to be used on improving the team (scouting, player development, a Dominican academy, etc.)

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