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MLB.com: Monday Afternoon MacPhail Quotes


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I think no matter what the truth is, we know that MacPhail is being less than forthcoming with the media, and is therefore being less than forthcoming with the fans. I don't pretend to know why that is, and I am confident that there is a reason for it, but it still rubs me the wrong way. I've been a huge supporter of MacPhail ever since the Wieters signing.

The only thing I can think of is that he hasn't been able to get in touch with PA AT ALL (not even to discuss the deal briefly) and therefore does not want to even hint at a deal being done, out of respect (fear?) for Angelos.

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Okay, crazy thought...Let's say the deal was going down, but then Jones opens his mouth, MacPhail gets angry (or pretends to), and starts this public, vehement denial just to shake up Bavasi some and get a little more out of him. basically, posturing, bluffing.

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Why would Jones lie, point blank? He gains nothing from that. He's a young guy that has never been traded before, so he probably shouldn't have mentioned anything of his conversation with Bavasi. But he's probably excited about a chance to play everday. And why would he be flying 6 hours to Baltimore? For a REAL crab cake? I think the deal is done, as much as many don't want to believe Churchill, sounds like he's on to something.

Maybe after seeing how the O's do their physicals with the Aaron Sele deal, the M's are cool with our year end physical on Bedard? ;)

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Okay, crazy thought...Let's say the deal was going down, but then Jones opens his mouth, MacPhail gets angry (or pretends to), and starts this public, vehement denial just to shake up Bavasi some and get a little more out of him. basically, posturing, bluffing.

Let's face it guys, nothing is happening the O's have blown it again, just as the seasons change the O's continue to cater to false hope. I have a feeling Roberts and Bedard are on the opening day roster, this is the last hoorah if nothing happens with this one than nothing is going to happen. Just my frustrated opinion.

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Okay, crazy thought...Let's say the deal was going down, but then Jones opens his mouth, MacPhail gets angry (or pretends to), and starts this public, vehement denial just to shake up Bavasi some and get a little more out of him. basically, posturing, bluffing.

Why would they give a s__t about the comments? It seems like it's basically SEA and us. Neither side seems to be trying to get a in bidding war. Either we come to an agreement or we don't.

Are the O's trying to do a side deal to flip someone and, in order to make the most of that, need to somehow shield the other team from the details of this deal? I'm not even sure what a good example of the would be, but in theory that could be possible. Otherwise, I have no idea why everything is so cloak-and-dagger now.

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Let's face it guys, nothing is happening the O's have blown it again, just as the seasons change the O's continue to cater to false hope. I have a feeling Roberts and Bedard are on the opening day roster, this is the last hoorah if nothing happens with this one than nothing is going to happen. Just my frustrated opinion.

Sounds like your frustration speaking and not your actual thoughts.

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Ok id believe that if Sojo hadnt said yeah he is headed to Bmore for a physical. You dont leave a Championship game on a whim.

I think we have to accept a deal is or was v close simply because the pulled him from such a big game so mb AM told Bavasi he'd give him a final answer in a few days and now the wait is on while we decide if we want to get our asses in gear at all this off season....

Of course your point still stands about the physical comment :confused:

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I would concur with this assessment. Even if its Seattle backing out of the deal, this still reaks of ineptness on the part of Orioles' management.

I'm truly beginning to wonder if MacPhail was the right guy for this rebuild.

I'm truly beginning to wonder if there is going to be a rebuild. Seems all the same to me. Other than the Tejada trade there has been no change. I don't even want to hear anymore about MacPhail. I am starting to see why other teams that he has worked for fans didn't like him. He has only been here a few months and I am already starting to not like him.

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Although it's not wise to jump to conclusions until all of the facts are out, this certainly reeks of Roberts-to-Cubs fiasco. It is understandable that many O's fans will conclude based on the current facts that Angelos has meddled again.

What a frustrating team to follow.

Well, I think it's important to note that people are being quoted throughout the media (including Stark / Crasnick from ESPN), that Jones is coming back home - some are even reporting people flying to Baltimore for a physical. I think there's a little more to this than Roberts to Cubs, but it's definitely got potential to unravel and we have no reason to complain aside from the fact that this process is completely and utterly painfully, even, slow. Someone said they were getting sick of the rollercoaster - amen brother.

Frobby's stance looks more and more like the only sane option out there...

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Why would they give a s__t about the comments? It seems like it's basically SEA and us. Neither side seems to be trying to get a in bidding war. Either we come to an agreement or we don't.

Are the O's trying to do a side deal to flip someone and, in order to make the most of that, need to somehow shield the other team from the details of this deal? I'm not even sure what a good example of the would be, but in theory that could be possible. Otherwise, I have no idea why everything is so cloak-and-dagger now.

Maybe it just pisses MacPhail off to be scooped.

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