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Fangraphs Community Research: Adjusting to the New Reality


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The level of offense in baseball has been dropping for some time now. In the 1980s and into the early 1990s, teams scored around 4.3 runs/game (with the exception of 1987, when offense jumped up to 4.7 runs/game for one year, then went right back down in 1988). Offense started to rise in 1993 and first jumped over 5 runs/game in 1996. Run-scoring peaked at 5.1 runs/game in 2000, then leveled off to around 4.8 runs/game through 2007. Since 2008, offense has gone down steadily, with 2014 seeing an average of 4.1 runs/game. You have to go back to 1981 to find fewer runs per game in baseball (4.0 runs/game).
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