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Oh! How doing that during the anthem rankles some people


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I'm late to the party here but I thought I'd chime in.

1- I love the "O" during the National Anthem. I do it anywhere I'm at a sporting event (as a fan, not as a member of the media, that may be considered a bit inappropriate :D )

My favorite place to do it is at the ACC Tournament. I'll be going for the 7th straight year this year, and it's always fun to do it before every session. All the Carolina boys (Duke, State, UNC, Wake, even Clemson) are so confused. However, ALL the Maryland fans and most of the UVa fans can be heard yelling it during the anthem. Really cool to see the puzzled looks on the good ole boys faces when everyone does that.

2- I also love "Thank God I'm a Country Boy". I honestly would be extremely upset if they didn't play it when I was at a game. It's a tradition that I've never NOT had in my life as an Orioles fan. I mean, I'll be 22 on Opening Day this year, and I've never not heard that song at a game. Some of my best memories at the yard are the O's getting out of a tough jam in the Top of the 7th with a big K or a nice play on defense, and the crowd going crazy. Then "TGIACB" comes on, and the place goes crazy. I'd love how Rex Barney would announce the next batter before the song was over too. It'd still be playing and you'd hear "Leading off for the Orioles (pause) the shortstop (pause)number 8 (pause) Cal (pause) Ripken (pause) Junior.

Man Rex Barney was the best.

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Yeah! What's next, no more Old Bay Crab Shuffle? No more Eskkay Hot Dog Races? No more Orioles Magic when the O's take the field to start the game? No more run pump?

These things are staples at the yard, and they are fun. Don't let the fact that the O's have stunk for 10 years (going on 30) make you hate everything about them. Those traditions make going to the Yard fun.

They should 'spice' up the crab shuffle for the new HD screen. A better song, maybe 5 crabs, just turn it up a notch. A rock fish could swim by threatening to eat the crabs! I could go on and on with bad ideas.

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I really don't understand people who find the O! offensive. I don't even view it as a sign of support for the Orioles or anything like that. The O!, as we are talking about, has spread far beyond Orioles games. To me, it is an injection of civic pride into the song/poem written - in Baltimore - about national pride. It's not altering the lyrics at all, just emphasizing one syllable.

As far as the hat issue, I agree with those who say it's disrespectful to not take it off, and I'll go one step further. I could understand women not having to take off their hats for the anthem/in church back when they wore big fancy hats that were a part of their overall outfit and emphasized modesty. But there's no reason why women can't take off their hats in respect now, too. You don't see a whole lot of women in big sun hats anymore...you see them wearing the same baseball caps as men, if anything. Especially since women are now in the armed forces, show a little respect ladies! Even if the law doesn't force you to (I never knew it was a law for men before, good pull).

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For basketball games at my High School our small student section would start singing the Anthem softly and by the end be louder then the actual singer, and at football games there was no singer, the school band played it so those of us on the team would sing it on the sidelines while it was played. Both off these ticked some people off but most people thought it was really cool, unfortunately after I graduated they got a new principal who banned it after the first game in both seasons. Traditions concerning the anthem are really cool in my opinion, and should be allowed, as long as you show respect and remove your hat.

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I'm indifferent to the "O" chant, since I grew up in Maryland and I consider it our thing, plus a rally cry. I do it sometimes, but as I have gotten a little older, unless I am with some buddies, I refrain from doing so.

I don't rail against other people from doing so, but I guess it's my way being respectful and a fact of growing older.

I often invite friends from other places to the Yard, and some seem to find it cool, while some are a little bothered by it.

There was one case in particular where I brought a friend (a New York) the year after 9/11 and he went into a tirade that Oriole fans were being disrespectful to the anthem by shouting "O" in the middle of it. I see how my friend was bothered by it; however, I think a lot of the anger shown in the Times article is reflective of what many Washingtonians (mostly Nationals fans) feel towards Peter Angelos.

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I really don't understand people who find the O! offensive. I don't even view it as a sign of support for the Orioles or anything like that. The O!, as we are talking about, has spread far beyond Orioles games. To me, it is an injection of civic pride into the song/poem written - in Baltimore - about national pride. It's not altering the lyrics at all, just emphasizing one syllable.

As far as the hat issue, I agree with those who say it's disrespectful to not take it off, and I'll go one step further. I could understand women not having to take off their hats for the anthem/in church back when they wore big fancy hats that were a part of their overall outfit and emphasized modesty. But there's no reason why women can't take off their hats in respect now, too. You don't see a whole lot of women in big sun hats anymore...you see them wearing the same baseball caps as men, if anything. Especially since women are now in the armed forces, show a little respect ladies! Even if the law doesn't force you to (I never knew it was a law for men before, good pull).

Funny you say that...my wife ALWAYS removes her cap as well during the National Anthem!

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Wow...I thought most people, especially you, would understand what I was referring to. You're a tall guy, I wouldn't have expected it to go that far over your head.

I guess I have to explain. My first comment about people missing the first 2 or 3 innings while you relate that story was in reference to your usually long-winded posts on this forum. It was an attempt at Actual Humor. No more, no less.


You can prolly understand why I thought maybe somebody here was being maybe a little bit too literal. Nothing personal ;-)

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And I know that the Oh! is still pretty loud at DC United matches despite the fact that most of the fans have no connection to Baltimore and many really don't like baseball.

I tend to think that a lot of fans at DC United and Caps games do it without really realizing what its for. Its more out of habit than anything. For the Caps, it can just as easily mean Olie or Ovechkin.

So just because you might hear it loudly doesn't necessarily mean that there are lots of Orioles fans where you are.

Its almost non-existent at Wizards games.

I'm not really offended by it, but I do think its kind of dumb. I just don't make the connection with "O" and Orioles. They've often been shortened as the "O's" but not "O."

And I certainly wouldn't do it at Orioles away games. I'd think you'd be embarrassing yourself.

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I just don't make the connection with "O" and Orioles. They've often been shortened as the "O's" but not "O."

Were you alive during the Wild Bill Hagy years?

If you were, you'd remember that tens of thousands of people hollering "O" simultaneously would be followed by the "R-I-O-L-E-S" and, more often than not, an Orioles rally on the way to an exciting victory.

I actually feel sorry for any of you who weren't lucky enough to experience that. My self pity comes from the fact that Doug DeCinces had already displaced Brooks at 3B by the time I attended my first O's game.

Just wait 'til we get a president whose name starts with O. Everybody'll be biting Baltimore's style.

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Just to clarify. I don't yell the O at non sporting events, I just think it to myself.

As for headware. I take my hat off for the Anthem. I'm only 33, but I have a lot of those older fashioned ideals. I take my hat off when I sit at a table in someone's home or in a restaurant.

I also haven't let chivalry die the death its been headed to for a while now.

Look where that's got me.

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The Star Spangled Banner was written about Fort McHenry and DC folk are complaining about the 'O'?? :rolleyes: Yawn That article just wreaks of PA hatred. I can kind of understand that they are mad about it at a Nats game but you can't control what people say or do and as much as they want to say that it's disrespectful it's just a way of offloading their hatred of PA onto O's fans. On the other hand, it looks as though there is a truly legit rivalry forming here. Should be fun when we play them this season.

As for the song, it's pretty horrid people, I like blue grass and folk music as well as many other things but the John Denver has to go. That's my opinion of course.

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