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Snider pinch hitting for Joseph tonight


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I wasn't on the game thread tonight but anybody else hating that call? LHB against Rodney CH is pretty tough sledding and Snider hasn't shown much in the way of power. I would have kept Caleb in there. Tough game in a lot of ways but I really hated that call.

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Had no problem with it. Snider does have good power, his playing time has been too sporadic to show it. Feel like he's probably a better threat than Joseph.

I agree.

Snider, while not necessarily showing any power threat thus far, would be a better threat to at least get a base hit and keep the inning alive.

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I'm sorry, I just don't like Snider. I'll root for him because he's an Oriole but I don't have much confidence in him to do much right on a ballfield.

Agree with Roy, we have zippy production from the corner outfield spots. Having low production from one might be serviceable if the other corner produces but it's pretty bad right now and I don't see it getting much better. De Aza is getting too many at bats.

I really hate to say it, but I miss Cruz. I know, I know, I know, 4 years is too much but I'd have kept him before Nick, Miller....I think we could have afforded to and we'd look drastically different now.

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Caleb Joseph has not been a beacon of offensive success recently. It was a toss up who to have in there, I'd argue the right call was made. If you want to be mad about anything, be mad at Paredes for yet another mystifying base running decision.

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We have 5 HR's total from 4 corner outfielders. Thats just not good enough.Thats a big problem with this team, THAT, and very poor plate patience.

I'm as in the tank for Nick Markakis as anyone not named Frobby on the board, always have been. But he has 0 this season, and Nelson Cruz has shown why in two games alone why he should never be in the field.

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I'm as in the tank for Nick Markakis as anyone not named Frobby on the board, always have been. But he has 0 this season, and Nelson Cruz has shown why in two games alone why he should never be in the field.

This. Excellent observation.

We do miss Cruz' bat however. Big time.

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We have 5 HR's total from 4 corner outfielders. Thats just not good enough.Thats a big problem with this team, THAT, and very poor plate patience.

I think De Aza and Snider will better. They won't be great, but used correctly and allowed to work out of slumps they'll be okay. Lough isn't going to hit much, but he's here for his plus glove. My problem is Young. He already has 69 PAs against RHPs vs 24 against lefties. I understand Buck doesn't currently have a ton of options, but I wouldn't have given Young 69 PAs against righties all year. Or a glove that wasn't enclosed in a "in case of emergency break glass" thing.

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I'm sorry, I just don't like Snider. I'll root for him because he's an Oriole but I don't have much confidence in him to do much right on a ballfield.

Agree with Roy, we have zippy production from the corner outfield spots. Having low production from one might be serviceable if the other corner produces but it's pretty bad right now and I don't see it getting much better. De Aza is getting too many at bats.

I really hate to say it, but I miss Cruz. I know, I know, I know, 4 years is too much but I'd have kept him before Nick, Miller....I think we could have afforded to and we'd look drastically different now.

I agree with pretty much all of this. Ultimately, you get what you pay for. We didn't want to pay to upgrade those positions. I don't see much hope for them to get better. I guess it can't get much worse?

Caleb Joseph has not been a beacon of offensive success recently.

It's true he's cooled off quite a bit, but I don't think we should be pointing fingers at him. He plays (arguably) the most important defensive position on the field; offense is a bonus here, in my opinion. He still has the 3rd highest OPS of all AL catchers.

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I agree with pretty much all of this. Ultimately, you get what you pay for. We didn't want to pay to upgrade those positions. I don't see much hope for them to get better. I guess it can't get much worse?

The Orioles have about an average offensive outfield. Oriole RFers are 22nd in wOBA, a bit below average, but still ahead of the Yanks, Red Sox, Reds, Rockies, Pirates, Padres, and Phils. Their LFers are 17th in wOBA, just a few points below average and miles ahead of teams like the Angels and A's and Nats. And of course with Jones handling almost all of the CF duties they're .001 points from leading the majors in offensive output from center. And the O's and Braves have gotten an almost identical 0.3 wins out of their RFers, only with the O's doing it for a tiny fraction of the Braves' budget.

So, actually, it could get a lot worse. The O's are 12th in the majors in total production from their outfield, roughly three wins better than the White Sox, Rockies, and A's. And about a half win better than Nelson Cruz' Mariners.

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I wasn't on the game thread tonight but anybody else hating that call? LHB against Rodney CH is pretty tough sledding and Snider hasn't shown much in the way of power. I would have kept Caleb in there. Tough game in a lot of ways but I really hated that call.

I don't know enough one way or the other to hate that move. I guess maybe Buck

was trying to shake things up.

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I'm sorry, I just don't like Snider. I'll root for him because he's an Oriole but I don't have much confidence in him to do much right on a ballfield.

Agree with Roy, we have zippy production from the corner outfield spots. Having low production from one might be serviceable if the other corner produces but it's pretty bad right now and I don't see it getting much better. De Aza is getting too many at bats.

I really hate to say it, but I miss Cruz. I know, I know, I know, 4 years is too much but I'd have kept him before Nick, Miller....I think we could have afforded to and we'd look drastically different now.

I like him too but the last years of his contract would be an anchor around the

neck of the O's. IMO

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I wasn't on the game thread tonight but anybody else hating that call? LHB against Rodney CH is pretty tough sledding and Snider hasn't shown much in the way of power. I would have kept Caleb in there. Tough game in a lot of ways but I really hated that call.

I think it was the right move. Despite the changeup, lefties have hit better than righties against Rodney in his career, and it's basically an even split so far this year. And Joseph has been in a freefall at the plate lately, possibly because of overuse. Snider has a lot of experience being a pinch-hitter after spending the last few years with the Pirates.

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