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How Nelson Cruz beat aging

Moose Milligan

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There is no need for comparison. They should just spend "whatever it takes."

But why. That is not how it works. Is it? You don't know what it will take. And if you end up with Teixeira and Nolasco and Romero and Balfour and Hamilton. Then you just really stink. And you don't get Chen and Gonzalez and Paredes and you don't get to keep Zach Britton. It hurts when your roster is bloated with unreleasables. Sometimes it can set a franchise back 14 years. I think the quality clubs in the last few seasons have all shown flexibility is a great asset.

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But why. That is not how it works. Is it? You don't know what it will take. And if you end up with Teixeira and Nolasco and Romero and Balfour and Hamilton. Then you just really stink. And you don't get Chen and Gonzalez and Paredes and you don't get to keep Zach Britton. It hurts when your roster is bloated with unreleasables. Sometimes it can set a franchise back 14 years. I think the quality clubs in the last few seasons have all shown flexibility is a great asset.

Sorry, I didn't think it would be necessary to indicate sarcasm.

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Such incredible logic. If you don't have "whatever it takes", then you obviously can't spend "whatever it takes".

But isn't whatever it takes a trailing quantity? How do you know what the last unlucky bounce of the season might be looking forward. I'm confused. Is signing Travis Ishikawa "what it takes?"

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But isn't whatever it takes a trailing quantity? How do you know what the last unlucky bounce of the season might be looking forward. I'm confused. Is signing Travis Ishikawa "what it takes?"

I chose to ignore the ambiguity of "whatever it takes" when I responded to him. But you're right. They argue to spend "whatever it takes" and it's vague enough to always leave them with the ability to blast DD for not doing enough.

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I wanted the Os to resign Cruz, and I'm disappointed that they didn't. But this subject is all conjecture at this point and belongs in the "water under the bridge" category. It's akin to "what would this country be like if Al Gore had won the election in 2000?" Any new arguments are merely of the "I told you so" or "admit you were wrong" type, IMHO. I don't worry about Cruz's production this year or 4 years from now primarily because it doesn't affect what happens on the field today. At the end of the year, I'm sure there will be revisitation of the topic, but for now, I find it just boring. I don't mean offense to those who are angry about it (I am too, for what it's worth), but it's a rear-view mirror topic at this point, for better or worse...

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I chose to ignore the ambiguity of "whatever it takes" when I responded to him. But you're right. They argue to spend "whatever it takes" and it's vague enough to always leave them with the ability to blast DD for not doing enough.

Yes, but since I was being facetious when I said it, I chose the good old "whatever it takes" because it is totally meaningless.

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Who cares about comparing them to other teams payrolls.

If I'm reading it correctly, it's funny how teams like White sox and Blue Jays who have been just as bad or worse than the Os for the past fifteen years are willing to spend more than the Os.

And just for the record, that's the first time I've seen that graph.

It isn't about comparing them to other payrolls. It is about comparing their actual payroll to what their payroll would project to considering their revenue.

The take-away is that they have averaged about 11 million more a season then the projection would say is in line with their revenue.

Now if you think that should be 30 million then that is your right but they are not cheap.

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"Whatever it takes " can only be used to quantity what took a team to win the final game of the post-season. It has been said here and elsewhere that nothing other than that counts at all. I guess the answer last year was steal Madison Bumgarner and the year befor, sign exactly one David Ortiz. And let him go to Dominica ever time his super powers wane for a week.

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Makes so much sense? Because the GM who signed him to said deal is defending it by saying that Cruz is a young 34/35? One thing is for sure. He's not typical.

Pretty much every risky contract for a guy in his decline years is justified with a bunch of words about how this guy is going to be the exception to the rule, we just know it. Jack Z knows that. The only way he's more right than anyone else is if his words are just code for "that stuff we got at the BALCO going out of business sale." And even that wouldn't be any kind of guarantee.

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Who cares what their payroll is compared to the Yanks. They have the money to spend if they want. They didn't want to and that's that.

It amazes me that folks think it is perfectly correct to suggest that business owners should operate their businesses as non-profits.

Sure he has a majority of his wealth tied up in one business but that doesn't give him the right to expect a decent ROI!

How about you suggest to the city of Baltimore that they use Eminent domain to take control of the O's?

It worked so well last time.

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