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Nestor banned from Camden Yards?

Hank Scorpio

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At least someone gets it.You criticize the team,you are "silenced" by the fascist that runs this sorry excuse for a franchise.

Got news a for ya Pete,we arent going away.And we will just add this to the list of reasons to despise you and everything associated with the way this team has been destroyed and run into the ground.

What would you have done as owner? If there was a guy who didn't ask for a press pass last year, formed a well-publicized protest movement directed at you, then asked for credentials... would you have granted them? They're not taking away his credentials, he didn't have them. And he only asked for them after going out of his way to embarass the team.

I'm no Angelos fan, but this would be like Bush inviting Chavez to the White House right after he made his speech comparing Bush to the devil. You can't raise your middle finger to someone and then expect to be invited into his house. No matter how justified the gesture was.

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I was just e-mailed from Greg Bader, the Orioles Director of Communications with this: "WNST is getting the same access they had last season. The same

individuals who applied last year have been granted credentials this


According to an Orioles source, WNST has been given seven passes for today and 2 parking passes. They have received three season passes and the other four individuals can apply for daily passes along with other members of the media who are infrequent attendees.

Just to let you guys know, we have four people in the box as well (myself, Paul, Scott and John).

Really this is much ado about nothing if you ask me.

Let's move on, it's 2-1 and Cabrera looks sharp...

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Nestor's is a joke. His radio station is a joke. It's not even minor league. Have any of you ever seen the stations ratings? DC radio stations that are barely receptible in Baltimore get higher ratings. I have no idea why any business advertises with them.

Netor's "Dundalk guy taking on the man" act needs to go to Vince McMahon and the WWE.

Forrester is a big mouth too. Someone ask Forrester about the time Tim Wittman allegedly kicked his @$$ in the Blast locker room.

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So the bit about Nestor was inaccurate, the bit about Drew F was inaccurate, and the bit about WBAL was inaccurate?

Whiff, whiff and whiff. WNST, take a seat. You're giving sports media a bad name.

But on to the real things - let's go O's!!!

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You know, I supported his rally last season and agree with some of the stuff he spews but this is getting ridiculous. He is just trying to grab the limelight for himself in any way possible. This guy is really a horse's ass

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BTW guys,I will post what Drew has said that COMCAST also has been banned from the clubhouse!! They only got "ONE DAY PRESS BOX ONLY" as well!!

Any reason for this that anyone can think of?? This is unbelievable.

Come on guys,Im waitng for response to this one...here is what Drew had to say....

It's actually COMCAST that hasn't been issued season credentials by the Orioles.

The new guy (Popovec) doesn't want to ruffle any feathers, I guess. But I'll tell you that it's COMCAST because that's the truth and you should know that's how the team is treating one of the area's best sports networks.

Anyway, COMCAST does not have season credentials, despite the fact they did a 2-week stint at spring training and spent two days in Minnesota covering the season opener last week.

They've done nothing to be treated like this, yet they were told they're on a "game-by-game" basis as well.

Like me, today, they didn't get a straight answer when they asked, "Why aren't we getting season credentials like we did last season?"

At least I know why I'm being treated poorly. It's because I'm too critical of the team. But Comcast? Why treat them poorly?

All we (media-wise) want is to be told the truth. I've been working with the Ravens for six football seasons and they've never lied to me ONCE. The baseball team has lied to me twice in the last six hours.

And someone wrote that I shouldn't post on message boards like this? Really, why?

Talking to sports fans in a civilized manner like this is something all members of the media should do. I enjoy reading what many of you write. Some of you even make sense.


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BTW guys,I will post what Drew has said that COMCAST also has been banned from the clubhouse!! They only got "ONE DAY PRESS BOX ONLY" as well!!

Any reason for this that anyone can think of?? This is unbelievable.

Come on guys,Im waitng for response to this one...here is what Drew had to say....

It's actually COMCAST that hasn't been issued season credentials by the Orioles.

The new guy (Popovec) doesn't want to ruffle any feathers, I guess. But I'll tell you that it's COMCAST because that's the truth and you should know that's how the team is treating one of the area's best sports networks.

Anyway, COMCAST does not have season credentials, despite the fact they did a 2-week stint at spring training and spent two days in Minnesota covering the season opener last week.

They've done nothing to be treated like this, yet they were told they're on a "game-by-game" basis as well.

Like me, today, they didn't get a straight answer when they asked, "Why aren't we getting season credentials like we did last season?"

At least I know why I'm being treated poorly. It's because I'm too critical of the team. But Comcast? Why treat them poorly?

All we (media-wise) want is to be told the truth. I've been working with the Ravens for six football seasons and they've never lied to me ONCE. The baseball team has lied to me twice in the last six hours.

And someone wrote that I shouldn't post on message boards like this? Really, why?

Talking to sports fans in a civilized manner like this is something all members of the media should do. I enjoy reading what many of you write. Some of you even make sense.


You should tell people that you cut and paste this post.

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He talks about freedom of speech but tried to discredit Laura Vescey (former Baltimore Sun writer) as soon as she came here because she had the nerve to write a negative column about the Ravens and Ray Lewis after they won the Super Bowl when she was a writer I believe in Seattle. I happened to be listening to his station shortly after Anita Marks was hired at ESPN 1300 and he basically said they hired her because she has boobs, ok why should he care? it is not his station. If you didn't grow up within a 10 mile radius of Baltimore you have no business being a media member in this town in his eyes. I love the Ravens and I know they are very active in promoting the team but his shows with the players are basically mutual admiration society meetings. Nestor is as much of a journalist as Paris Hilton is an actress. I have no problem with any criticism of the Orioles because they have deserved it in the last 9 years. I like Tom Davis but I can't take his "sunshine" views of the team either so it is not like I am an Orioles apologist. I do not like the fact that the Orioles try to control media coverage of the team but it is a part of sports today whether we like it or not. The Orioles are not the first team to do this and they won't be the last. A real journalist doesn't make the story about themselves which Nestor has done consistently.

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You should tell people that you cut and paste this post.

I did,but if it will make you happy I will say it again.

This above is from another board,and I cut and pasted it.

Any comments on COMCAST being treated like a second class citizen as well?? I cant wait to hear the defenders of Peter now.

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