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Nestor banned from Camden Yards?

Hank Scorpio

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I just talked to the new guy on the ride home. he is still talking like no one at NST got credentials.

He did say that no one in the media got credentials until today. There was some screw up.

People were handing out "Free The Birds" signs around the park, they said that NO ONE got credentials.

There has been a TON of misinformation flying around here today - all coming from one source, Nestor Aparicio.

And we wonder why he got his credentials denied?

I saw Nestor walking into Home Plate Plaza with his cronies. I didn't see a press pass around his neck... :D

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Why have they lost all credibility,because you disagrre with them??

I will say it for the last time,show me where they said something that wasnt true,half true,or conflicting or exaggerated in the past 24 hours.

When you can,I will take what you have to say a little more seriously.Until then you sound like someone who hates Nestor and just want to bash him the first chance you get.

Would make sense with the way you defend PA and the ballclub here all the time and obviously hate NST.They call it like they see it and you cant take it,just admit it.

Its Ok to be a homer,but you take it to the extreme sometimes.

First Lie: WNST being denied Press credentials. FACT: everyone that got credentials last year got them this year.

Second Half-truth: Angelos is discriminating against the dissenters. FACT: All media outlets did not receive press credentials until today, due to some sort of SNAFU. No one was discriminated against.

More misinformation: Nestor's cronies were handing out "Free The Birds" fliers to people around the park today telling people: "Angelos took away our press credentials, he isn't allowing us in the Park." This is what one, told me, to my face.

So, Nestor has created a controversy, where there was none. Accused the Orioles of discrimination and his cronies were flat out lying to people on the street.

So why do they deserve to be treated like JOURNALISTS again?

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First Lie: WNST being denied Press credentials. FACT: everyone that got credentials last year got them this year.

Second Half-truth: Angelos is discriminating against the dissenters. FACT: All media outlets did not receive press credentials until today, due to some sort of SNAFU. No one was discriminated against.

More misinformation: Nestor's cronies were handing out "Free The Birds" fliers to people around the park today telling people: "Angelos took away our press credentials, he isn't allowing us in the Park." This is what one, told me, to my face.

So, Nestor has created a controversy, where there was none. Accused the Orioles of discrimination and his cronies were flat out lying to people on the street.

So why do they deserve to be treated like JOURNALISTS again?

And I'm pretty sure all of this info was to be found previously in this thread.

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Nestor crosses the line when he decides to make the news rather than report it. He may employ some quasi-journalists, but he is not one himself. And, anyone who wears a diaper on his head and convinces a few dozen of his lemmings to do the same is an *ss (well, that is where you usually wear a diaper).

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You may not have meant anyone directly when you say "quasi-journalists," but to say that Casey is anything but a real journalist is ridiculous. There was never a doubt in my mind he'd get credentialed like every other year, and what he does is as legit as anyone else.

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He has totally hoodwinked people.

He never requested a media credential last year, now he wnats one. He didn't get one because he has no show, he is not active media.

Forrester never even came to pick his up last year, according to Stedka, a man I have had many talks with for various things and has always treaed me with courtesy. And Forrester will be given a credential anytime he wants one.

As for all other NST employees they all have credentials!


He chose opening day to re-launch the WNST site, looks nice BTW, what better way to get people there than to create a story out of thin air.

People already hate Angelos and will believe ANYHTING bad that is said about him. And whether or not Stedka is telling the truth, I think he is, it doesn't matter because no one will believe him.

Nestor has completely pulled the wool over everyone's eyes with this one.

EDIT:: By everyone I mean all his listeners more than anyone else. Over at Maese's blog the comments caused this statement.

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You may not have meant anyone directly when you say "quasi-journalists," but to say that Casey is anything but a real journalist is ridiculous. There was never a doubt in my mind he'd get credentialed like every other year, and what he does is as legit as anyone else.

casey Is really good. He is fair and critical. Hainey and Long are all class acts. The new kid seems really good too. It is just a shame that they get lumped together with that blowhard Nestor.

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I didn't mean to direct that at anyone in particular. But, they like to blast other media outlets as non-Baltimore because they hire experienced, quality broadcasters while Nestor hires his callers, holds contests, etc.. I know, by those standards, I guess I would have to consider the staff here "quasi" journalists, as well. But, my experience in reading the staff members on this board has taught me to respect their work far more than I do guys like Nestor and Drew Forrester.

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This site too? Lets see, I'm a real journalist that gets paid to break stories for a living, to the point that I can do this for fun on the side. And some nights you can even hear me doing my real job down in NC. I also come with a real journalism degree. But even some of the best journalists don't have one of those.

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I see where you mentioned my situation twice in the closed thread. There is a big difference from me getting my credentials pulled at Frederick and Bowie and Nestor.

I merely qouted a manager who came to me as a reporter about Bowie using players for early morning baseball clinics and how this was effecting the players performance for games. The manager also said he originally withheld use of the players until Bowie paid them more. The manager (Don Werner) also provided profit and costs numbers I used attributing them to him after verifying. The only mention about Frederick was...that was also holding similar early morning clinics. The Frederick front office was already upset with me for quoting there manager about the field conditions and the cancellation of Keys games for unplayable field conditions on nice days. Comcast was making a lot of money on these clinics and a manager questioned that to the press. Comcast did not appreciate the comments and thoughts of the manager being made public.

However I never tried to lead a boycot of the teams. Big difference. I was doing my job providing information about the players and games...not trying to throw up protest lines at the front gate.

John Hoffmann

Hi John,

I just wanted to let you know that it in no way was meant to be a disservice to you in any way, shape, or form. I was just trying to point out that media credentials being revoked is not something that is completely unheard of when ownership, et al., is upset at a reporter.

I hope you understand the POV I am attempting to convey.



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John, again, read what I wrote. I wrote that I've learned to respect the staff members here at the Hangout. I read everything that's written here and hold all of the staff in high regard, even when I don't necessarily agree with an opinion. I just admitted that if I called the staff at NST "quasi" journalists that I'd have to apply that to some here, as well, but that, again, I respect the writers here no matter what they do full-time, and, much more than I do some (not all) of Nestor's staff and Nestor himself.

Also, I have no idea what you or any of the other members of the staff do for a regular living, nor do I care, just as, I'm sure, you don't really care what your readers do for a living. The quality of the reporting and commentary are all I care about, and I routinely find both quite high or I wouldn't spend the time that I do reading the board and articles. The last thing that I wanted to do was argue with people that I respect and you're one of them.

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Oh I know, and I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I'm just saying that I more or less do full time what I do for fun here. I know nothing else, except bouncing at a bar I guess. I'm just saying it's not fair to generalize because you don't have to work at a major newspaper to be a reporter, or a journalist.

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