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April 7 - O's vs. M's


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If he continues like this, I could see him being non-tendered at the end of the season if something doesnt happen before then.

If my man can't get out of the 3rd inning, I'm thinking this thing could end quickly. It's not like we don't have pitching depth in the minors. Maybe he gets it straightened out. But his spring was poor and his stats have continued to slide year over year.

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If my man can't get out of the 3rd inning, I'm thinking this thing could end quickly. It's not like we don't have pitching depth in the minors. Maybe he gets it straightened out. But his spring was poor and his stats have continued to slide year over year.

Could Cabrera be non-tendered by the 3rd inning today? :D

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We have to give him a month or so, but if he doesn't straighten himself out, we need to call someone up who will give us a better chance to compete and put CaBBHRera in the pen. I kept waiting for him to turn things around last year and he never did. This year, his leash must be much shorter.

Cabrera makes the bullpen worse. If he flames out as a starter, and he will (already has), release him.

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