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The 46 months was a plea deal, so obviously there is quite a bit we don't know.

"Plea deals" in the federal system are QUITE different than plea deals in state. As in, it isn't really a "deal" at all, it is plea....or else. You really don't want to get into a fight with the federal government, because you will lose.

Lawyers know the uphill battle they face and unless they have some crazy circumstances on their side they are going to plea every time. That and the fact this guy was....guilty. The last thing he would have wanted was to waste the courts time on a trial when he was clearly guilty. I'm guessing due to the nature of this case, being electronic and all they had plenty of irrefutable evidence(as the feds do in most cases). Judge could have hit him with the max if he would have tried to beat it and inevitably lost.

One of the other bad things for this guy was he was the sole perpetrator acting alone, and otherwise has no knowledge of other criminal activity so he could not provide any "info" to lighten his sentence.

It is still an extremely harsh sentence for a first time offender of any sort. I would have loved to see how the sentencing guidelines even approached that amount of time, but sometimes feds have a way of charging to get these outcomes.

He does have the right to a sentence reduction hearing, depending on the plea. But again.....good luck. Not happening.

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