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Adam Jones on MLB's lack of Kaepernick protest: 'Baseball is a white man's sport'


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I do want to say one thing on this topic. It may be more a "thinking out loud moment".

First off, I think Kapernick is a loser because he wouldn't take a payout to the play for my Broncos:) I mean, really dude? You would rather be a back up in SF? Yo aren't even that good.....but I digress.

Seriously, here is my thought and let me know what you think. I think racial profiling and mistreatment of minorities by police is a very serious issue. I have witnessed this numerous times with friends, I assure you it is a very real thing.


By taking a knee (or whatever method of protest) I think the message is muddled because it groups the military, first-responders and fireman in there as well. Doesn't that confuse the main topic at hand? I can understand why people would be upset.

What would I do? I would probably put something on my uniform and absorb the fine. In fact, if enough players did it, they couldn't fine everyone!

I will say this...do some research on Francis Scott Key (he lived in what is now Carroll County I believe). He owned slaves and was no friend of the abolitionists. So that is something to think about and consider too.

Lastly, I have a a bunch of really good police friends (both black and white) and they bust their asses to not be perceived like the bad ones out there. However, more needs to be done.

Thank you for your time.

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What is ironic is Jones says, “We already have two strikes against us already,so you might as well not kick yourself out of the game."

He is black and making a statement in USA Today, and knows darn well he isn't going to kick himself out of the game, because it's a best players game/league, not a white man's game/league.

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I think what AJ was getting at is that NFL by policy does not require players to stand. His theory, which may or may not be true, is that this is because NFL is a majority black league. This is clearly wrong in the case of NBA, which is has a majority of black players and has suspended players such as Chris Jackson for refusing to stand. I think AJ is saying he believes MLB would suspend players who don't stand. Anyone know if MLB has a policy either way?

I don't know if there is, but Kaepernick proves that it only takes one person to start a wave. Jones should be that guy in MLB. Who better? In 2015, the majority of the Twins did not stand during the national anthem and

the Twins organization stood by the players saying they had the right to not stand at attention during the national anthem. On the flip side, the Angels used to tell their ticket takers to continue doing their jobs during the

anthem. However, several ticket takers did not like this and did not comply with that. Once the word got out, the Angels changed their policy. It certainly seems to be a team policy thing only. If the Orioles chose to come

down on Jones for that, can you imagine the protests outside of Camden Yards? It would be off limits for games again, I bet. Do you think Angelos is going to risk that?

I agree with you, some of AJ's remarks are clearly off the cuff and not very articulate. Also agree that AJ as well as the board are confusing two issues that are mostly separate. Still, I am glad AJ is trying to contribute to the national conversation instead of pretending it doesn't exist.

I am glad as well, but it's all talk until he does something.

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I think what AJ was getting at is that NFL by policy does not require players to stand. His theory, which may or may not be true, is that this is because NFL is a majority black league. This is clearly wrong in the case of NBA, which is has a majority of black players and has suspended players such as Chris Jackson for refusing to stand. I think AJ is saying he believes MLB would suspend players who don't stand. Anyone know if MLB has a policy either way?

I don't know if there is, but Kaepernick proves that it only takes one person to start a wave. Jones should be that guy in MLB. Who better? In 2015, the majority of the Twins did not stand during the national anthem and

the Twins organization stood by the players saying they had the right to not stand at attention during the national anthem. On the flip side, the Angels used to tell their ticket takers to continue doing their jobs during the

anthem. However, several ticket takers did not like this and did not comply with that. Once the word got out, the Angels changed their policy. It certainly seems to be a team policy thing only. If the Orioles chose to come

down on Jones for that, can you imagine the protests outside of Camden Yards? It would be off limits for games again, I bet. Do you think Angelos is going to risk that?

I agree with you, some of AJ's remarks are clearly off the cuff and not very articulate. Also agree that AJ as well as the board are confusing two issues that are mostly separate. Still, I am glad AJ is trying to contribute to the national conversation instead of pretending it doesn't exist.

I am glad as well, but it's all talk until he does something.

Fixed the above post.

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Kaepernick is getting destroyed in the media and from NFL "fans". Hell, you have NFL executives destroying him. It's disgusting. A bunch of thin skinned jerks that don't realize that civil discourse is what this country is founded on.

That is a sign to keep going, not stop. They can't allow themselves to be intimidated if they want to illicit real change. I commend him and all who have followed in his footsteps.

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1.6% more than what there should have been. Wake me up when there's been a piece of federal legislation passed which states that white people are only equivalent to 3/5 of a person. We know nothing about being the victims of systemic profiling and injustice, and it's ignorant and borderline hateful to attack the premise of "African-Americans are and have been treated poorly and want equality".

That was years before you were born. I guess I should feel guilty about everything that has ever happened.

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That is a sign to keep going, not stop. They can't allow themselves to be intimidated if they want to illicit real change. I commend him and all who have followed in his footsteps.

Well, Kaepernick is continuing on. I think the thing here is whether or not Adam *wants* to or not. That's an entirely different animal. The first step in this is always the hardest.

Hell, Adam is getting destroyed by people that don't even read the article, but rather just the title. He's also getting destroyed having *not* done anything during the anthem.

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I'm 3rd generation Greek. My Grandfather came over on the boat. I don't whine and cry and say whoa is me. I work and work to make my life better. Some of these spoiled athletes should do the same.

Why you gotta be like that man. People are having legitimate conversation, sharing human history, personal experience etc. This can be a great convo if you added something constructive bro

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I'm 3rd generation Greek. My Grandfather came over on the boat. I don't whine and cry and say whoa is me. I work and work to make my life better. Some of these spoiled athletes should do the same.

You're white. Speaking from privilege. Just like most of us on this forum.

The problem is you can work and work to make your life better...but as a white person in the United States, you have less obstacles nearly every single step of the way. And if you're a white man? Even less obstacles.

The point about athletes standing up has nothing to do with being spoiled. Hell, arguably their life is already better. They're using their stature and media attention to bring attention to the issue at hand. And bring more and more people into the fold to talk about the issue.

This is civil discourse, folks. We should applaud it. Everyone speaks of freedom of speech. Unfortunately there are those that believe that as soon as someone disagrees with them...that they aren't patriotic, not being a true American...if anything they are being more American than those that sit down and shut up. We were built on rebelling.

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Here is where I am lost. I am not bothered by Kaepernick's protest at all. Honestly I don't care. I wouldn't personally do it, but if he feels like it is the right thing to do, who am I to say it is wrong? He isn't hurting me. I wish him luck in effecting change.

I talk with a LOT of football fans for various reasons and I have yet to find a single person who is upset about the protest. Yet, the media would have you believe the country is up in arms about this issue. I don't think it is true. I think that most of those taking issue with it need to fill air time or generate discussion. The media is most of the problem IMHO. They breed conflict because conflict breeds emotion and emotion leads to people spending time and money on things that they normally wouldn't.

I would also add that I truly like and respect Adam Jones. I have no doubt that his heart is in the right place. However, I really wish he would stop talking in absolutes. If someone reads that article and grasps the meaning of the actual words he said, he repeatedly says things that mean ALL people that aren't of color dislike and restrain freedom of expression in ALL people of color. Basically that there is a carte blanche of freedom granted by caucasians to other caucasians and restricted to non-caucasians.

There are certainly people who feel that way and it sucks to put it simplly. I don't support it and I'd work to fight against it, but I ALSO don't like being grouped into a mindless, faceless homogenous group that systemically institutes racial practices. When I get grouped into this type of homogenous grouping it becomes very hard for me to focus on the base issue at hand rather than wanting to debate the poor use of the modifiers few/some/most/all.

Nobody wants to be accused of negative attributes that they don't feel they possess. When it does happens, you're almost forced into a defensive position. Again, this is a result of the seeming endless segregation into binary groups that the media insists on doing every single day. I beg of us all. DON'T FALL FOR THAT CRAP. Most people care. Most people want to do the right thing. Most people just want to live good lives and be able to provide for their family. The country isn't what the media is showing us. They are showing the small ends of the bell curve at both ends and pretending they represent the majority. They don't.

I respectfully disagree. There are a lot of dead men that tried to give them these rights. Too bad they have screwed the pooch.

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