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What other records will this team set


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5 hours ago, atomic said:


I think you are right on that. Most people on here want the Orioles to do badly.  Also I think they want players to fail.  All I here is release this player and release that player.  What can do to get rid of Chris Davis. blah blah blah.  They don't want us to get better by signing anyone.  I find message boards have gotten more and more negative over the years. Most of the regulars on message boards have chased all the women away with their group think and insulting everyone with a different opinion. Most of amiable people have left to facebook. 




Having a different opinion is not the same as intentionally being obtuse (such as when you continually say "The Ravens do it" in regard to owners holding press conferences, when several other posters have pointed out to you that the Ravens don't do anything different than all NFL teams do, which is hold press conferences after the season is over. Every NFL team is required to hold open its locker room for player interviews the day after the season ends, and hold a news conference during the week following the end of its season with its head coach, and/or owner, and/or club president, and/or general manager. Your continued insistence that the ownership of the Orioles hold an impromptu press conference NOW, only 2 weeks into the 26-week season of a rebuilding team, is not like what the Ravens' owner does at season's end (which is required of all NFL teams.)


You're not a victim. Nobody is bullying you. They are simply holding you responsible for some of the ridiculous things that you say/assert. Not all opinions are equally valid, in spite of what JTrea often claimed when he was here. I can have an opinion that Dwight Smith Jr will still 80 bases this season ........ it is not necessarily as valid as somebody else who asserts that he will probably not steal more than 15 or 25. You are welcome to say/claim whatever you want in regard to the Orioles, any time you want, as am I and everybody else that posts here. And others are welcome to say whatever they want in regard to any and all of our assertions/claims.



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4 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



Having a different opinion is not the same as intentionally being obtuse (such as when you continually say "The Ravens do it" in regard to owners holding press conferences, when several other posters have pointed out to you that the Ravens don't do anything different than all NFL teams do, which is hold press conferences after the season is over. Every NFL team is required to hold open its locker room for player interviews the day after the season ends, and hold a news conference during the week following the end of its season with its head coach, and/or owner, and/or club president, and/or general manager. You're insistence that the ownership of the Orioles hold an impromptu press conference NOW, only 2 weeks into the 26-week season of a rebuilding team, is nothing like what the Ravens do (which is required of all NFL teams.)


You're not a victim. Nobody is bullying you. They are simply holding you responsible for some of the ridiculous things that you say/assert. Not all opinions are equal, in spite of what JTrea often claimed when he was here. You are welcome to say/claim whatever you want in regard to the Orioles, any time you want, as am I and everybody else that posts here. And others are welcome to say whatever they want in regard to any and all of our assertions/claims.



No the Ravens owner doesn't have to attend the press conference.  He also is open and talks to the press.  Capitals/Wizards owner is interviewed by the press and talks to the fans. He even has a blog where he posts all the time. He used to even spend time daily answering fans emails.  I am not sure why everyone on here is so defensive about the Orioles owners.  You know the guys who were responsible for us trading Gausman and not getting anything back.  

It is truely weird that by me criticizing the ownership the rest of you are taking it personally.  What weirder is everyone has been criticizing Peter Angelos for over a decade and no one cared. It is the most bizare thing I have experienced. 


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41 minutes ago, atomic said:


It is truely weird that by me criticizing the ownership the rest of you are taking it personally. What weirder is everyone has been criticizing Peter Angelos for over a decade and no one cared. It is the most bizare thing I have experienced. 




There is nothing weird about the same people who have been highly critical of Angelos calling you on your ridiculous request that the Orioles' ownership stage a press conference 2 weeks into this rebuilding season.

Also, in terms of "taking things personally", it is you who just made a theatrical post about  "all the women have been chased away with their group think and insulting everyone with a different opinion, and then finding refuge in Facebook.You also are the same person made the absurd claim that down-voting was "trolling and inflammatory" ........ so the only one taking any of this personally is you. As I stated in my last post, you are not a victim, although you obviously fancy yourself as one.



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10 hours ago, OFFNY said:



There is nothing weird about the same people who have been highly critical of Angelos calling you on your ridiculous request that the Orioles' ownership stage a press conference 2 weeks into this rebuilding season.

Also, in terms of "taking things personally", it is you who just made a theatrical post about  "all the women have been chased away with their group think and insulting everyone with a different opinion, and then finding refuge in Facebook.You also are the same person made the absurd claim that down-voting was "trolling and inflammatory" ........ so the only one taking any of this personally is you. As I stated in my last post, you are not a victim, although you obviously fancy yourself as one.



How many women regularly post on this board?  It is the herd mentality with attacking with dissenting views that makes message boards an unfriendly place.  You still didnt answer why anything negative about GM and owners is met with hostility.  Both have done nothing to help team.  I am not saying anything about you.  So I dont get why it bothers you. 


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On 4/13/2019 at 9:03 AM, atomic said:


How many women regularly post on this board?  It is the herd mentality with attacking with dissenting views that makes message boards an unfriendly placeYou still didn't answer why anything negative about GM and owners is met with hostility.  Both have done nothing to help team.  I am not saying anything about you.  So I dont get why it bothers you. 




This is the kind of crap which pisses people off, and numerous other posters have already told you why. For the 29th time ....... those posters (and myself) have objected to your inane and absurd thread and contention that the owners and GM of the team hold a press conference 2 weeks into the season of a rebuild. Countless people have criticized Angelos and Duquette when they were here, and they will no doubt criticize Elias in his tenure. To portray the board-at-large as "taking it personally" and/or say that they are blindly defending them is an out-and-out lie.


Unfortunately, I took the bait of you painting yourself as the poor, persecuted martyr of the OH. If you want to believe that (essentially) the entire board is a bunch of apologists for the ownership/GM and that you are the only one here who has the temerity to be critical of them, go right ahead. 



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1 hour ago, atomic said:

How many women regularly post on this board?  It is the herd mentality with attacking with dissenting views that makes message boards an unfriendly place.  You still didnt answer why anything negative about GM and owners is met with hostility.  Both have done nothing to help team.  I am not saying anything about you.  So I dont get why it bothers you. 


atomic, I am going to be honest with you.     I have no problem with you expressing your views on the the team, and I think your assessment of the current team is largely correct.     I don’t agree with your assessment of management’s strategy or motives, but I don’t have any problem with you expressing them.   Yes you are in the minority here, on the topic of management’s strategy, but that’s fine.    

The problem is the way you frame your posts.    Referring to your IQ, deriding the intelligence of those who disagree with you, acting like you’re the only person here who thinks the current team is going to be awful, and like you’re the only “realist.”     And generally, doing it in a self-aggrandizing manner.    Those are the reasons you draw such negative responses to your posts.   I try not to be someone who “piles on” against you, but quite honestly, you make it hard.

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12 hours ago, OFFNY said:



There is nothing weird about the same people who have been highly critical of Angelos calling you on your ridiculous request that the Orioles' ownership stage a press conference 2 weeks into this rebuilding season.

Also, in terms of "taking things personally", it is you who just made a theatrical post about  "all the women have been chased away with their group think and insulting everyone with a different opinion, and then finding refuge in Facebook.You also are the same person made the absurd claim that down-voting was "trolling and inflammatory" ........ so the only one taking any of this personally is you. As I stated in my last post, you are not a victim, although you obviously fancy yourself as one.



There are professional victims in our society that will always see the world as against them. The Hangout has never been for everyone. This is the big league of Orioles talk. Back your opinions up with facts or be prepared to be to be questioned, and usually with reasonable counter facts. 

Personally it makes me a better analyst by reading the folks here and getting questioned myself when I present analysis and or opinions.

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3 hours ago, atomic said:

How many women regularly post on this board?  It is the herd mentality with attacking with dissenting views that makes message boards an unfriendly place.  You still didnt answer why anything negative about GM and owners is met with hostility.  Both have done nothing to help team.  I am not saying anything about you.  So I dont get why it bothers you. 


I'll try again to address these two issues. And admit that in taking the bait again....I fail.

I honestly don't know of anyone here who would go so far as to jump directly to hostility for anything negative about the GM.  Hell Tony posted on Twitter last night asking is it time to question if analytics is working since you know...our pitchers suck.  But there is, I agree an atmosphere that holds that a rebuild is necessary.  And over time, it will be naturally apparent that our new regime is not perfect, and there will in fact be criticism.  Some of it will be spot on, some of it will be irrational.  Those who criticize without basis are going to be hit back on.  For example:  Many people weighed in on whether Hess should have been pulled or not.  That conversation got pretty heated pretty quickly on both sides.  But the brunt of heat, in my opinion was reserved for irrational debate...Hyde should be fired immediately, types.  


One would think that honest debate would leave room for differences of opinion.  You pretty much sum up any critique as an attack.  Virtually everyone here agrees that this team will be pretty bad.  You manage to get into personal exchanges debating the depths this team will fall to.  Not because you think it will be worse than last year, but because you state that opinion as fact and your reasoning as "because".  Further, YOU attack those who question the validity of your facts as being irrational and characterize those who disagree as attacking you.  You have essentially claimed to be the smartest person here, which is bold and irrelevant and yet almost certainly untrue, and yet you seem to always resort to attacking anyone who points out the slightest weakness to your stance.  And everyone here does not attack you. Everyone here does not make fun of you.  I have tried multiple times to give rep when your posts are either interesting, entertaining or thought provoking.  I have even commented on some of those posts noting the difference between stating an opinion as on opinion versus stating an opinion as fact.

The second part is more difficult but I have tried to comment on that before as well.  You continue to state...again as statement of fact, that the new GM and the new owners have done absolutely noting to help the team.  Now again, this statement 9 minutes (figuratively) into the new regime is so politically nuanced it is almost farcical.  NOT because it is wrong, but purely because evaluation by any fair metric, would acknowledge that it is too early to tell in any meaningful way.  However, to make matters worse, you use this line over and over to mask your own personal disappointment that the new owners and the new GM are not following your prescribed method for this season, which was clearly to spend money, and lot's of it to be "better" than this team.  The reason this seems comical to a large number of people here, is that your method, if followed, would look, regardless of outcome, a lot like the team that took the field in 2018.  Sure, the Orioles could have done the same thing and perhaps it could have gone differently.  My opinion is that course of action was not likely to be successful.  

You make no argument for creating a winning organization for the future mind you, just an argument that if we had retained Adam Jones, or signed some Free Agents in the midsize $ category that this team would be better.  Better.  You use your eyes to look at this team and say it is going to be the worst in over 50 years because you don't think it will generate 4 to 6 WAR, and then you bemoan the fact that the Orioles did not spend to be better.  IF you yourself accept the argument that the team is going to be the worst ever, you should understand completely why it would be foolish to spend 50 or 60 or 100 Million dollars to be maybe a 75 win team...84 if everything magically turned up roses.  

Through it all,  you acknowledge the complete lack of talent...as most of us do...and yet still complain that in the few months that the new group has been on board, have done nothing.  The facts state otherwise, they have done lots.  Whether any of it has a positive impact is...wait for it...too early to tell.  

You would be closer to keeping an honest argument by claiming that the new folks are following your lead, and having recognized this team could be historically bad, is plowing resources to the future.  Of course, this would bring you to the very robust argument regarding whether or not ownership will in fact keep tying the hands of the GM.  Can of Corn raises this repeatedly as do others.  Many of us like debates and many of us don't mind admitting we are either wrong or haven't looked at something the way someone else does.  

So, again, I don't think anyone has an issue that you don't like the owners or the GM.  I think the issue is the lazy way you characterize your rationale and those who have different views.  One would think a genius like say Sig Mejdal, would be doing this a whole lot over the course of this year.  I may be wrong, and I have no evidence of this, but I believe he will find a way to bring people to his opinion, hopefully that turns out to help.  In the meantime, those of us who take your bait, fail at the long held wisdom of Mark Twain:


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