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Why did Davis go after Hyde? He was not happy.


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10 minutes ago, Greg Pappas said:

All indications point to Davis being in the wrong.
Then-- Hyde called him out for it.
Then-- Davis reacted inappropriately in response.
The end? 
Time will tell.

^^ Pretty much sums it up. Only thing I'd add is this really isn't as big a deal if it's anyone else on the team. Davis is toxic though.

8 minutes ago, Philip said:

Everybody says wins don’t matter, but I strongly disagree with that. ...The idea that, “Ah,so what? Wins don’t matter.” Is the worst attitude a ball player can have. Every guy on the field should be playing to his best level. That level may not be very high, but you better do it. Davis is not. Absolutely nothing more need be said.

I agree. I think the only argument against this is that clubhouse culture in 2019 is more or less meaningless for the 2022 team. While that may be true, organizational culture is built and sustained over time. As a fan of the Redskins, I can tell you that bad culture is a poison that will ruin an organization. At some point, the O's will need to make the move on Davis. We all know it. Sooner is better.

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This is a tough dynamic.  I've always been sympathetic to Davis, I don't think it's as easy as just brushing off how tough these past couple of years have been for him just because he has a $161M contract.  No amount of money makes it feel good to show up everyday and do a job that you are actually incapable of doing. That has to wear on him.

That being said, this frustration has to be a long time coming for Hyde.  He has a player he doesn't want that makes a lot of money, he has to play his best player out of position because of Davis.  And it wasn't his decision to give him the contract.  Having someone that you manage that you think isn't earning their salary is a very frustrating thing, especially when you can't do anything about it.

I am sure it will be handled internally, but Davis needs to be disciplined for leaving the ballpark before the game was over and not speaking to the media.  When you make $142k per game and have hit .180 over the last three years, the least you can do is stick around for the entire game.  He should be at a minimum fined his game check.  I thought leaving and not speaking to the media was a coward move, and I'm beginning to hold the opinion that that is all Davis really is at his core.  I hope I'm wrong. 

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2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

He could suspend Davis for conduct detrimental to the team.

I'd like to see Hyde come out and support his manager publicly. In the perfect world, I'd like to see him go to ownership and request that he could release Davis and end this nightmare for he organization.

What good does Davis bring to the team at this point? 

He sells tickets.  


(wait for it....wait for it...)


Or not.  

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2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

Are you kidding me? This "throwing the team under the bus" crap is garbage. Hyde is telling the truth. He is telling it like it is and should be refreshing as a fan to hear that, not start questioning him. 

Hyde goes out of his way not to totally throw one player under the bus, but the team as a whole this year. He's absolutely correct when he says the talent is not there. He always says they are trying hard, but he's saying what we all see. 

What, you want Hunter to continue his Bagdad Bob approach and take over for Hyde in the press conferences? 

Seriously, this idea that Hyde should be questioned is utter and complete garbage.

I'm sorry that having the audacity to have an opinion that differs with yours is complete garbage.

I think it's important to realize that Brandon Hyde isn't a broadcaster like Jim Hunter, where it is refreshing to hear an announcer or commentator speak to the truth and not sugar-coat things. Brandon Hyde is the manager. His job is to be a leader and make sure the O's win games. If you're looking for the post-game presser to be a source of valuable insight, I think that is a terribly misguided expectation.

We don't need Brandon Hyde to tell us how bad this team is. You're right, everything Hyde has said is correct. But, there's plenty of people on ESPN, MASN, NBC, FOX, and tons of baseball websites to tell us that. What we need is Brandon Hyde to be a manager who keeps the clubhouse together and playing the best that they can. He isn't a commentator. He isn't the Orioles PR team. He's the manager.

Roch has now stated he thinks Davis threw something in frustration, it hit Hyde's foot possibly, Hyde said something that wasn't appreciated, and it set Davis off. Why is a manager doing that? Why is a manager saying to the press that the guys on his team are not good enough? He can do whatever he wants behind closed doors - but not publicly. Whether you agree with that or not - modern baseball players do not like that. At all. Take one look at the Red Sox/Dennis Eckersley situation and you'll know that modern baseball players have certain expectations. Hell, Joe Girardi was a great manager and he got shown the door in New York because the clubhouse wasn't with him.

Simply put, sure - if you're someone doesn't sugar-coat things, that's great. I completely understand. But, me personally, I care about what is effective. And we've seen on countless occasions that modern day baseball players have no patience for some of the things Hyde has been doing lately. We can shout about typical old-man-millenials-are-crybabies takes all day - but it doesn't matter. What matters is effective, and that's not trying to pick a fight with your first baseman. That's not talking to the press about how your pitching staff sucks.

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5 minutes ago, theocean said:

What matters is effective, and that's not trying to pick a fight with your first baseman. That's not talking to the press about how your pitching staff sucks.

I don't think these two things are the same. I also remember the day my high school football coach grabbed me by the face mask and dressed me down in front of both teams because I made an illegal block in the back. He was right. I needed to be coached and it worked. 

Unless Hyde got way personal, it's not only his right, but his job, to say something to any player in that dugout who isn't giving great effort or who is displaying a cancerous personality. That's what works. Ask Bill Belicheck. He gives Tom Brady the business and that's the best QB ever. 

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