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50% maximum occupancy in MD and Baltimore City


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56 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Well, your inability to comprehend what I’m saying is your issue, not mine.

The rest of your post is very much fear mongering and worrying about this.  You can choose to be that guy if you want but not me.

I think the restrictions are dumb whether the vaccine is there or not but the idea that all is well now because you get a vaccine is bs.  Yes, it supposedly is better for you to not get the severe symptoms.  That’s great for those who have underlying conditions.  But you can still get it and you can still spread it.   Whether or not it’s reduced is irrelevant.  It still is happening and it’s not like it’s a fluke thing either. As it continues to mutate, the current vaccines will be worthless.  

Just live your lives, like we do with all other diseases that are transmitted by air that can kill you and move on.


No fear mongering.   And I didn't discuss whether I thought the restrictions were dumb in the first place or not.   Nor did you in the post I was replying to.  You bring that up in this post as a complete non sequitor to our discussion.

I just said that your idea that a relationship between lots of people getting vaccinated and LIFTING restrictions was "funny".   And I said why I disagree.   I have no problem comprehending your posts.

And your talking about the idea that "all is well now because you get a vaccine" is a straw man.   No one is saying that.   All that is being said is that we are approaching a point where transmission rates / new cases are dropping significantly due to the % of people being vaccinated (because vaccination DOES make a significant difference even though it's not 100% effective) and thus restrictions are rightly being eased.

You seem to continually make the point that if the vaccine isn't perfect it is useless.   People can and do disagree what an acceptable rate of spread is,  but vaccinating the population clearly does lower the rate significantly.    We see it in the daily new case numbers.   In Maryland we were getting well over 1000+ new cases a day for almost every day in April, and in May it has dropped well below 1000 each day.   That is progress, and vaccination has been a factor in causing that.   And now the rate is low enough that restrictions are being lifted.   It makes perfect sense to me.   I get that you didn't want the restrictions in the first place, your acceptable rate of spread was obviously much higher than TPTB.  That's fine, and understood.    But that really isn't relevant to the discussion.   The FACT is that with increased vaccination, the rate has lowered enough to the point that CDC and other policy making and recommending bodies are now lessening restrictions, something I think we ALL can be happy about.   And you continually try to say that vaccination is irrelevant to that.   But it is relevant.   It has gotten us to the point where it is not spreading as fast as it was.

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The Nationals are going to full capacity on June 11 according to the link below. If the Orioles don't want to open up the park to the allowable limits, maybe Camden Yards is too big. They should consider removing seats, lots of them. 



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On 5/14/2021 at 3:19 PM, SteveA said:

No fear mongering.   And I didn't discuss whether I thought the restrictions were dumb in the first place or not.   Nor did you in the post I was replying to.  You bring that up in this post as a complete non sequitor to our discussion.

I just said that your idea that a relationship between lots of people getting vaccinated and LIFTING restrictions was "funny".   And I said why I disagree.   I have no problem comprehending your posts.

And your talking about the idea that "all is well now because you get a vaccine" is a straw man.   No one is saying that.   All that is being said is that we are approaching a point where transmission rates / new cases are dropping significantly due to the % of people being vaccinated (because vaccination DOES make a significant difference even though it's not 100% effective) and thus restrictions are rightly being eased.

You seem to continually make the point that if the vaccine isn't perfect it is useless.   People can and do disagree what an acceptable rate of spread is,  but vaccinating the population clearly does lower the rate significantly.    We see it in the daily new case numbers.   In Maryland we were getting well over 1000+ new cases a day for almost every day in April, and in May it has dropped well below 1000 each day.   That is progress, and vaccination has been a factor in causing that.   And now the rate is low enough that restrictions are being lifted.   It makes perfect sense to me.   I get that you didn't want the restrictions in the first place, your acceptable rate of spread was obviously much higher than TPTB.  That's fine, and understood.    But that really isn't relevant to the discussion.   The FACT is that with increased vaccination, the rate has lowered enough to the point that CDC and other policy making and recommending bodies are now lessening restrictions, something I think we ALL can be happy about.   And you continually try to say that vaccination is irrelevant to that.   But it is relevant.   It has gotten us to the point where it is not spreading as fast as it was.

You are leaving out the key which is seasonality. For some reason the media has deliberately ignored this for a year. You see the same curve shapes in the same portions of the US and over the world at the same time. Clearly more people had the vaccine by April than February around here and yet cases and % was higher in April than February, why?  Something had to trigger it. It wasn’t a huge jump because we had already had 2 waves prior. That said it was a rise. The people in power love to blame behavior - people inside more-  as the reason. Well more people are inside in February than April aren’t they?  

Cases are down due to natural immunity - which is being ignored by some, vaccines and seasonality. It’s a combo. The fact that this topic has been ignored is yet another reason for my anger with what has gone on the last year. Edgar Hope-Simpson talked about seasonality 4 decades ago and apparently no current “expert”or media member can be bothered to discuss it.  

The seasonality in Maryland is not the same as it is in Florida or Montana or North Dakota. If you noticed the portion of the US which had issues last summer was only the sunbelt. Mexico had its first wave in the summer also. Meanwhile in Europe and the Northern portion of the US the summer was flat. Then it came back in the fall. No portion of Europe is along similar latitudes of the the southern portion of the US.


 This is a bit dated but explains seasonality and Hope-Simpson. 

Here are graphs showing PCR positivity by region in the US. 

Once again. Notice the similar curve shapes at the same times. This only goes back several months but is very telling. 

In general the southern states had a higher floor but lower ceiling. The opposite in the north. Higher ceiling with a lower floor. 

Last year before I understood seasonality I made the comment on this board the MLB season should start in Texas, Arizona and Florida. I could not of been more wrong!!! Those states were rising as the delayed season was approaching.  

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