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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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How much money do we have to spend on all of these FAs???? Do you understand how many we are going to need to make this happen right away??? This team is h-u-r-t-i-n-g.

It's not like we are looking for a no. 2 pitcher to fill out the rotation. Right now, we have, what... 1 guy with experience (J Guth) that is really worth much and he would be a 3 --- probably a 4 on the other power players in our division.

We should wait another 3 years and get the base there. Otherwise it's like digging in wet sand for the next 3 or 4 years while we wait for the tide to go out. We should not have to lock-up 150+ million in ONE PLAYER in the meantime.

Teixeira is as good as they come - do you think FA's are going to get cheaper by the time we're "ready"?

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I'm really confused by this awe-jaw-dropping goo-goo and ga-ga over Mark T.

Folks, there is really something that needs to be said here. We are going to have another last place or second to last finish with or without him.

Why handcuff ourselves with 60 million in money to ONE player over the next 3 years while we wait for more talent to arrive ???

It doesn't make any sense.

We are already in the downy-dumps. We stink worse than we ever thought possible... so, at this point, why not ride out the storm the right way...

Take our time in investing and developing young talent - focusing on pitching.

The last time I checked, Tex can't pitch. Unless the O's were willing to go after some nasty FA pitchers like the Yanks did... it just doesn't make sense why we would dump a ton of money on a stop-gap star that will be well into his 30's before the O's "TEAM" is ready to ramp-it-up and make a run at something real.

Anything outside of that, at this point and time, is just silly IMO. Make the trades, take $ and sign the young pitching talent... and grow this.

Who says we can't invest in and develop young talent - focusing on pitching if we sign Tex to a huge deal?

And just because we need more help at starting pitching, for the short term, doesn't mean you just ignore other areas that could be improved upon.

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Who says we can't invest in and develop young talent - focusing on pitching if we sign Tex to a huge deal?

And just because we need more help at starting pitching, for the short term, doesn't mean you just ignore other areas that could be improved upon.

Mark my words. The Yankees spending that much on long term pitching will help us a great deal in a few years.

We need to grow pitchers.

And buy threes and fours cheap. Our Aces need to come from our drafts and trades.

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Just gotta chime in with a reality check for all the pollyannas. How many winning seasons have we had uner PA in the last 10 years? Exactly...

Whoops I forgot. We haven't won lately, so why should we root for our team right?

Despite things looking like they're on the up and up and it looks like we have a real shot at signing a huge hometown free agent.

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Just gotta chime in with a reality check for all the pollyannas. How many winning seasons have we had uner PA in the last 10 years? Exactly...

When was the last time we had a farm system this talented? We have BA's minor league POTY in our system. We have actually scouted and are actually considering signing Japanese players...

Pointing to the past with Angelos doesn't prove anything about the future of this team.

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No offense, but what is your point here?

I was just rambling about how free agent pitching is a dangerous thing. Just had it on my mind. I prefer ther approach that we have seemed to have taken.

I will go back to sleep now. BTW How is your arm? Ready to try out yet?

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It's incredibly short sighted and naive to think that this team isn't on the way up, instead of in the middle of continued carpet mats for the division for another decade.

It's even more short sighted to believe Tex won't expedite the process greatly.

This just simply isn't true. As fan, you may wish it to be true, but this team isn't playing in the west. It's in the east... standing amongst the 2 giants of modern MLB baseball and a team loaded with sick young talent.

So we have Jones... who may or may not turn out to be good. We have Nick... he looks like he has the makings... we have an aging B.Rob... and we have young Matt who hasn't even stepped in the Yard.

Our pitching is lifeless... and you can never count on pitching prospects... there's just too many obstacles for them to navigate to assume that all of them will make it. And even if they do we all know that means nothing about their ability to put the hurt on MLB caliber hitters.

We've had, what, 11 straight losing seasons and last year we were buried deep in last place. Our talent situation is nowhere near the Rays of 2006-07, so please don't draw comparisons.

Bringing in one grossly over-priced FA hitter isn't going to be enough to lift us past the Yankees, Red Sox and D-Rays. No way.

Need I remind you that we have no SS. No solid 3B glove. A catcher that might be able to hit but has absolutely no experience even calling a game against MLB stars... and a bullpen, that quite frankly, is on strings.

We should wait it out. Another "star" will be there when our time has come.

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When was the last time we had a farm system this talented? We have BA's minor league POTY in our system. We have actually scouted and are actually considering signing Japanese players...

Pointing to the past with Angelos doesn't prove anything about the future of this team.

Yes, I think I hear what SouthernBird was trying to say. I get his point.

But looking at the many areas of this organization that have improved the last couple of years is really encouraging.

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How much money do we have to spend on all of these FAs???? Do you understand how many we are going to need to make this happen right away??? This team is h-u-r-t-i-n-g.

It's not like we are looking for a no. 2 pitcher to fill out the rotation. Right now, we have, what... 1 guy with experience (J Guth) that is really worth much and he would be a 3 --- probably a 4 on the other power players in our division.

We should wait another 3 years and get the base there. Otherwise it's like digging in wet sand for the next 3 or 4 years while we wait for the tide to go out. We should not have to lock-up 150+ million in ONE PLAYER in the meantime.

Tex would increase fan interest by quite a bit. Lets say # of fans increased by 5000 per game. Each fan spent an average of $125 (Includes tickets,parking,food etc) that would be around 405,000 for the season. I'd bet 405,000 would be low as I believe Tejada 1st year it jumped higher than that. 405,000 fans x 125 (a conservative number also)=$50,625,000. Subtract 40% in product related cost (Food,cups,electricity)$20,250,000.

Tex would pay for himself!

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I was just rambling about how free agent pitching is a dangerous thing. Just had it on my mind. I prefer ther approach that we have seemed to have taken.

I will go back to sleep now. BTW How is your arm? Ready to try out yet?

Well thanks, but I didn't direct that to you.

As for the tryout, I'm still waiting on my 3 year opt out clause. :laughlol:

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Tex would increase fan interest by quite a bit. Lets say # of fans increased by 5000 per game. Each fan spent an average of $125 (Includes tickets,parking,food etc) that would be around 405,000 for the season. I'd bet 405,000 would be low as I believe Tejada 1st year it jumped higher than that. 405,000 fans x 125 (a conservative number also)=$50,625,000. Subtract 40% in product related cost (Food,cups,electricity)$20,250,000.

Tex would pay for himself!

The Mets will go bankrupt over the Ponzi scheme.

The Cubs are really going to broke well if they are not sold quickly.

Baseball math is gonna change soon.

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