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Angelos Family Fued

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I feel that I was too hard on the O's in the game thread last night.  If the board was upset enough about the bombshell revelations about the fight over the future of the O's that we have 36 pages about in one day, it would be easy to see that there would be a major impact on the players who are actually employed by this clownish organization.  The O's played last night like they had just heard that the organization they played for was owned by the Hatfields and McCoys.  They played like the one constant they felt they could depend on, ownership, had been irreparably fractured.  I'm sure they will be able to focus better in the days ahead.  This news was just as shocking to them as to us, except they actually play the game and we just watch.

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33 minutes ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

I feel that I was too hard on the O's in the game thread last night.  If the board was upset enough about the bombshell revelations about the fight over the future of the O's that we have 36 pages about in one day, it would be easy to see that there would be a major impact on the players who are actually employed by this clownish organization.  The O's played last night like they had just heard that the organization they played for was owned by the Hatfields and McCoys.  They played like the one constant they felt they could depend on, ownership, had been irreparably fractured.  I'm sure they will be able to focus better in the days ahead.  This news was just as shocking to them as to us, except they actually play the game and we just watch.

Haha.   What are the chances that not even one word was spoken about it in the clubhouse before the game?   Pretty good, I'd say.

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1 hour ago, milbest77 said:

They have not

I think Nestor is an opinionated fan that happens to have the forum. I think that he exaggerates in order to pullin listeners. His organization has produced Rob Long who is now a MASN (Orioles) employee and Haney who is good enough to  run his own show on CBS. What I know is they are local guys that love the Orioles. After the first few years I’ve hated Angelos” tenure as owner. I’ve been praying for a sale and debated the matter with @weamsoften. I would never follow Nestor nor did I participate in the walkout that he orchestrated. BTW, the I don’t think Peter knew or cared about. I know he was so convicted to his path that he couldn’t get a press pass for a long while.


BTW, thanks @Sports Guyfor disagreeing with me on just about everything. Rob, outside of being fans of the same team we never agree on anything. If I say the Ravens wear purple you say they wear midnight blue. I appreciate your feedback and enthusiasm.

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Wasnt there a rumor over a decade ago that John was fired from MASN for trying to undermine his dad over ownership of the company? Im pretty sure I remember reading he had no affiliation with the O's over a falling out with his dad. If true, not exactly the wisest decision to bring him back in.

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2 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

I feel that I was too hard on the O's in the game thread last night.  If the board was upset enough about the bombshell revelations about the fight over the future of the O's that we have 36 pages about in one day, it would be easy to see that there would be a major impact on the players who are actually employed by this clownish organization.  The O's played last night like they had just heard that the organization they played for was owned by the Hatfields and McCoys.  They played like the one constant they felt they could depend on, ownership, had been irreparably fractured.  I'm sure they will be able to focus better in the days ahead.  This news was just as shocking to them as to us, except they actually play the game and we just watch.

Well, I know how Jake Taylor would have reacted.


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3 hours ago, Roll Tide said:

I think Nestor is an opinionated fan that happens to have the forum. I think that he exaggerates in order to pullin listeners. His organization has produced Rob Long who is now a MASN (Orioles) employee and Haney who is good enough to  run his own show on CBS. What I know is they are local guys that love the Orioles. After the first few years I’ve hated Angelos” tenure as owner. I’ve been praying for a sale and debated the matter with @weamsoften. I would never follow Nestor nor did I participate in the walkout that he orchestrated. BTW, the I don’t think Peter knew or cared about. I know he was so convicted to his path that he couldn’t get a press pass for a long while.


BTW, thanks @Sports Guyfor disagreeing with me on just about everything. Rob, outside of being fans of the same team we never agree on anything. If I say the Ravens wear purple you say they wear midnight blue. I appreciate your feedback and enthusiasm.

I do agree with some of Nestor’s opinions and his content isn’t too bad,  but wow is his ego gigantic. He never misses the opportunity to namedrop himself when talking about interacting with someone famous. And he thinks all these former Ravens are his BFFs. It’s pretty insufferable, but at least somewhat entertaining. 

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1 hour ago, milbest77 said:

I do agree with some of Nestor’s opinions and his content isn’t too bad,  but wow is his ego gigantic. He never misses the opportunity to namedrop himself when talking about interacting with someone famous. And he thinks all these former Ravens are his BFFs. It’s pretty insufferable, but at least somewhat entertaining. 

Nestor has never failed to burn any bridge during his career. He's actually has some good radio host talent pass through WNST during his career and now it's all gone.

His station is now a podcast that gets replayed on his radio station. I can't imagine how WNST makes any money with no live talkshows and zero on-air talent. 

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6 minutes ago, bigjayb024 said:

After reading that, I'm reminded of why I don't watch soap operas.

As long as this ends with them having to sell the team, I think we'd all be in favor of that.

One question I'd like to know, who was the group with the offer on the table to buy?


The actors in a soap opera are generally a lot more attractive than what we have here.

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