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Orioles Announcers calling the team Baltimore


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1 hour ago, DrungoHazewood said:

Way back in time teams didn't have official nicknames. Sometimes they picked them up, like the National League Chicagos were called the Colts, probably because of a stable of young players signed by Cap Anson. The papers were as likely to call teams the Bostons or the Baltimores as anything else. Or if there was more than one team/league in the area they might be called the Washington Nationals, since they were the NL team in Washington.

If you looked into the official legal documentation for the franchise it would just say something like the Cincinnati National League Baseball Club.

It was well into the 20th century before teams started making nicknames official, legal things. As late as the 1930s the Braves started calling themselves the Bees for some reason, and then switched back to Braves.

So I would kind of like it if people occasionally referred to them as the Baltimores or the Baltimore Nine or the Baltimore Americans just as a throwback reference to long ago eras.

That’s great, thank you very much for sharing. I think “the Baltimore nine” would be a terrific nickname.
I have given a lot of thought to what name would be appropriate for a new baseball team team. It’s kind of sad to think how many names are tainted now by accusations that they would evoke from foolish people. We can’t call a team the Saints, or Crusaders, or by an Indian name, or so many other names that are non PC now. Animal names are so common they wouldn’t work. The Colt 45s were so bad Memorabilia ignores the original Colt logo and just calls them .45s. Just try to find a real Colt 45s logo, with the smoking pistol on it. You can, but it won’t be MLB Official. 

I read a hilarious book about the American football conference, and the original name of the San Diego Chargers was… The sombreros. Well, at least they were creative.

I think calling a team just by the city would be fine. Call them “The Nashville Nine,” and be done.

They’ll doubtless pick a name evoking the music scene, something like “The Banjos” Oy…

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The most annoying thing announcers do for me is referring to every strike out as a "punch out".

Punch out is slang for a called strike three when the umpire makes that motion.  Not whiffing on strike threes.

It seems like every announcer in all of baseball has a gun to their head in case they actually say "strike out"

Edited by drdelaware
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8 hours ago, Frobby said:

What’s funny to me about this complaint is that for years I heard people complaining that our road uniforms said “Orioles” on them instead of “Baltimore.”   They clamored to have that changed until it finally happened and there was a lot of fanfare on this site when the change was made.  https://www.baltimoresun.com/2008/06/01/orioles-take-steps-to-return-baltimore-to-road-uniforms/  So now 15 years later it’s a problem to call the team Baltimore?  

In my mind, after following the team for 58 years, Baltimore and the Orioles are synonymous.  Call them Baltimore, call them the Orioles, call them the Birds, call them the O’s, I don’t care.  Just call them winners.   

Well, not to poo poo you and your cheering club of upvotes (I swear you could say the exact same thing someone else says and you will 9,000 upvotes lol) but that's not my point at all. 

I asked the question whether hearing him call them "Baltimore" vs Orioles as a home broadcaster bothered anyone. All home broadcasters have ALWAYS called them the Orioles when referring to them on local broadcasts. It was how we always could tell between Orioles broadcasters and away/national broadcasters.

The away uniform and the announcers referring to the Orioles as Baltimore are two TOTALLY different things. TOTALLY. It's not apples to oranges it's apples to fish.

So, if you don't care what the local announcers call them, great, that's your opinion, but let's stay on subject.

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8 hours ago, Surhoffan17 said:

You are not alone on this! I find it strange and have mostly heard it from Hollander. I thought maybe it was some weird directive. But then it wouldn't mostly be him if that were the case. It would be all announcers. 

I have heard DC fans call the Redskins (before the name change) "Washington" even though it was their team, but obviously that was politically driven. No controversy with the Orioles name to my knowledge!

The only thing this thread has showed me is how unobservant a lot of people are. lol

I've never heard a home broadcaster call their team by their city. Even when I used to watch the Braves and Cubs games as a kid on the super stations, they always referred to their teams by their team names and referred to the other teams as the city.

It's just seems so weird to hear a home announcer call the team by the city name. Obviously it doesn't bother some others and most just don't pay close enough attention obviously and that's fine too. 

This has nothing to do with "pride" for the city or because Angelos would not allow Baltimore on the jersey's until the Nats came to DC. 

Like I said, I've never referred to the Orioles as "Baltimore" just like I don't call the Ravens "Baltimore". I call them by their team names because that's what fans do. 

Nobody has ever said to me, "Did you see the Baltimore game last night?" 

Notice tonight, I have yet to hear Palmer call the Orioles Baltimore nor Kevin Brown. It's just not done and has nothing to do with a lack of "pride" for the city. 

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Tony, the comment below is something I wrote before your reply to my post.  Apparently I never hit send.  So please don’t take it as a retort to what you wrote in response to me.


By the way, I think Chuck Thompson would at least occasionally refer to the team as Baltimore.  It’s been a long time since he was in the booth, so I can’t say that with 100% certainty, but I’m pretty sure I recall that. 

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8 hours ago, interloper said:

Absolutely. Brett knows all this because he's a hometown O's fan. It's probably why he opts to say Baltimore as much as he can. It should be celebrated.

It's wild that we fought all those years to put the "Baltimore" back in Baltimore Orioles, and now people are complaining about it? 

I'm not "complaining" about it. I quite simply asked the question and explained why it bothered me a bit. You can disagree, but acting all ups and arms over it like I'm crying over it is disrespectful and ridiculous. 

This has NOTHING to do with a fight to have Baltimore represented. That was solved years and years ago when Baltimore was put on the away jerseys. Hollander just starting doing this from what I can tell and only Arnold and Wagner do it on occasion from what I've heard.

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7 hours ago, scottbbfm said:

The Baltimore Orioles must be really really good right now given your recent complaints:

1. Orioles are poor at drafting in the out rounds

2. Jersey patches. 

3.  Announcers calling the team Baltimore instead of the Orioles. 

life pretty good 😊 😆

It's called continuing the conversation. Last time I check, it's part of what I do as the owner of this place and when I start seeing things slow down or things getting redundant. 

That seems to be hard for some people to understand.

BTW, I didn't start the jersey patch and that patch is an embarrassment to everyone involved.


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7 hours ago, TopGunnar said:

Tony, we’re 21 over .500 in the midst of a decade long run. Who cares what our announcers call us

Hmm, how can I say this nicely..... ?????

How about you not tell me what I can post on my forum and in my community? 

How about you not tell me what conversation I can start?

How about not tell me I can't have an opinion on something?

How about if you don't like it, you can leave the community?

Nevermind, I decided not to be nice afterall.

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1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

Hmm, how can I say this nicely..... ?????

How about you not tell me what I can post on my forum and in my community? 

How about you not tell me what conversation I can start?

How about not tell me I can't have an opinion on something?

How about if you don't like it, you can leave the community?

Nevermind, I decided not to be nice afterall.

Geez dude calm down. 

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25 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

It's called continuing the conversation. Last time I check, it's part of what I do as the owner of this place and when I start seeing things slow down or things getting redundant. 

That seems to be hard for some people to understand.

BTW, I didn't start the jersey patch and that patch is an embarrassment to everyone involved.


Based on your response you took my post the wrong way.   Yes as the owner you like to keep the conversation going and I think you generally do good job of it.  I wouldn’t pay otherwise. 

That said, since you were quick to remind everyone you are the owner - I would love to see you fix the dead links issue.   Still seems to happen with a lot of frequency. When I clicked to respond here it directed me to a United advert.  

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9 hours ago, TopGunnar said:

Tony, we’re 21 over .500 in the midst of a decade long run. Who cares what our announcers call us

This is the kettle calling the pot black.  We are 22 games up and most of your posts are Hays, Urias, etc sucks.  

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