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Vote Lastings Milledge Into The All Star Game!


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I don't post here often, but I am an active lurker. But I have come here with an important cause.

Vote Lastings Milledge into the All Star game!


Some of the biggest names in the internet sporting press are encouraging the world to cast their 2009 All-Star ballots for Lastings Milledge' date=' a loveable young outfielder who the Nationals demoted to AAA after a rough first week of this season.

The big names include:

The Sons Of Sam Horn

‘Duk, Big League Stew

Chris Mottram, Mr. Irrelevant (and maker of that sweet photoshoppery, click over for a closer look)

Save me a seat on that bandwagon y’all — this sounds like a magical idea.[/quote']

You get 25 votes per email address, and I know all of you would love to see a Nationals minor leaguer voted the NL starting CFer.

Vote early and vote often. And tell friends.

Even Keith Law is catching the Vote for Milledge fever in today's chat:

Matt H. (Tallahassee): How awesome would it be if the grassroots movement to get Lastings Milledge in the all-star game actually worked?

Keith Law: (1:26 PM ET ) It would be phenomenal. In fact, I need to remember to vote for him 25 times. Thanks for the reminder.

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I think I'll have to cast all 25 votes for him. Not only will it be hilarious, it will cause MLB to re-evaluate voting for All-Stars in Mid-April.

Yeah the voting in mid-April is bad, but the fact that the ballots are set so early is ridiculous. How often does a player get hurt in spring training and is one of the 8 players available to vote for from your team?

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.... it will cause MLB to re-evaluate voting for All-Stars in Mid-April.

You're dreaming. The fan voting is a farce, but MLB milks it for a lot of valuable publicity.

Instead of voting for the all star starters, fans should elect their own team's representative to the classic. Let the league players, coaches, and managers vote for their own starting team. They have the most at stake, now that the game determines home field advantage for the World Series.

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