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CNN/SI: Gibbons received shipments of steriods

The Azman

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Wow, what a mess! So it sounds like it could still be some jackhole giving out fake names to the press after all. Do we have any idea if the source is the same one who provided Hairston and Matthews names earlier? This whole thing is so confusing and bogus. People are getting put through the wringer over nothing but a bunch of rumors and innuendo that they committed what amounts to a misdemeanor.

By the way, for those of you anti-steroid crusaders, I'm not saying Gibbons didn't do PEDs... just that this whole investigation farce is a complete joke and is never going to provide reliable information.

A mess ? Just a "jackhole" giving out "fake" names ?

Yeah, that's it.

I am sure there is no truth at all to any mlb player doing steroids (especially an ORIOLE player). How in the world can anyone come to that conclusion ? :rolleyes:

Just some "anti-steroid crusader" making stuff up.

Gibbons (and baseball players in general) are obviously clean as a whistle. Anyone that can't see that is in idiot. :rolleyes:

Thankfully, there are only two kinds of people in this debate- the objective/reasonable ones and those "anti steroid crusaders". Thankfully, there are no hero-worshipping player apologists. Then, it could be hard to decipher what the truth really is.

Speaking of Gibbons.......where is he ? Is he hiding?

Has he said anything yet ?

If it is just some "jackhole" making stuff up- he should be granting every interview and proclaiming his innocence from the top of the mountain for all to hear.

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A mess ? Just a "jackhole" giving out "fake" names ?

Yeah, that's it.

I am sure there is no truth at all to any mlb player doing steroids (especially an ORIOLE player). How in the world can anyone come to that conclusion ? :rolleyes:

Just some "anti-steroid crusader" making stuff up.

Gibbons (and baseball players in general) are obviously clean as a whistle. Anyone that can't see that is in idiot. :rolleyes:

Thankfully, there are only two kinds of people in this debate- the objective/reasonable ones and those "anti steroid crusaders". Thankfully, there are no hero-worshipping player apologists. Then, it could be hard to decipher what the truth really is.

Speaking of Gibbons.......where is he ? Is he hiding?

Has he said anything yet ?

If it is just some "jackhole" making stuff up- he should be granting every interview and proclaiming his innocence from the top of the mountain for all to hear.

Sorry, but it is not "hero worshipping" to suggest that baseball players are human beings and US Citizens (or legal aliens) just like me and presumably you, and therefore deserve some measure of justice and privacy just like you and I. I don't even like Jay Gibbons, much less "worship" him. As a matter of fact, I hate the DH rule and would much rather have MLB full of Luis Hernandez types than the likes of Jay Gibbons. I just don't want to see anyone's career and reputation ruined based on anything but verifiable facts from a legitimate source. If that makes me a bleeding heart liberal or something (which I'm sure it does in your book), thank God my parents raised me to be a bleeding heart liberal with some compassion for my fellow human beings rather than a hateful, vindictive witch hunter who makes themselves feel better by casting stones at others with or without evidence that they did anything wrong or any perspective on the magnitude of what they did and then further pats themselves on the back by spewing vitriol at anyone who attempts to call their point of view into question.

If you want to keep telling yourself that the words I type mean nothing because really I'm just some naive child knows just as you do that performance enhancing drugs in sports are the most serious sin on the planet at the moment but doesn't believe any Major League Baseball players have used them, go ahead. Just please stop taking the time to type the same tired attacks on this message board over and over when you know full well that you're ignoring what's actually being said in favor of your oversimplified, us vs. them worldview. It got really, really old a long time ago.

If you have something to contribute to the discussion, please go ahead and do so. If you have some insight into who SI's source was that might go towards establishing its credibility, please, let's hear it. If you want to further engage in ideological debate about why drugs in sports are such an important and passion-worthy issue that they are worth ruining lives over without a fair trial process, please, try to explain yourself. If you want to explain why in your opinion the investigation into PEDs in baseball is not a "mess" but rather a well organized, efficient and professional inquiry, please do tell. Just quit with the soundbite attacks. We're not running against each other for president here.

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Sorry, but it is not "hero worshipping" to suggest that baseball players are human beings and US Citizens (or legal aliens) just like me and presumably you, and therefore deserve some measure of justice and privacy just like you and I. I don't even like Jay Gibbons, much less "worship" him. As a matter of fact, I hate the DH rule and would much rather have MLB full of Luis Hernandez types than the likes of Jay Gibbons. I just don't want to see anyone's career and reputation ruined based on anything but verifiable facts from a legitimate source. If that makes me a bleeding heart liberal or something (which I'm sure it does in your book), thank God my parents raised me to be a bleeding heart liberal with some compassion for my fellow human beings rather than a hateful, vindictive witch hunter who makes themselves feel better by casting stones at others with or without evidence that they did anything wrong or any perspective on the magnitude of what they did and then further pats themselves on the back by spewing vitriol at anyone who attempts to call their point of view into question.

If you want to keep telling yourself that the words I type mean nothing because really I'm just some naive child knows just as you do that performance enhancing drugs in sports are the most serious sin on the planet at the moment but doesn't believe any Major League Baseball players have used them, go ahead. Just please stop taking the time to type the same tired attacks on this message board over and over when you know full well that you're ignoring what's actually being said in favor of your oversimplified, us vs. them worldview. It got really, really old a long time ago.

If you have something to contribute to the discussion, please go ahead and do so. If you have some insight into who SI's source was that might go towards establishing its credibility, please, let's hear it. If you want to further engage in ideological debate about why drugs in sports are such an important and passion-worthy issue that they are worth ruining lives over without a fair trial process, please, try to explain yourself. Just quit with the soundbite attacks. We're not running against each other for president here.

This is funny coming from the "Queen" of soundbite attacks.....and pretty judgemental to boot.

You know the saying- if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

We do agree on something else: I hate the DH too.

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This is funny coming from the "Queen" of soundbite attacks.....and pretty judgemental to boot.

You know the saying- if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

We do agree on something else: I hate the DH too.

Do I go around responding to a large number of your posts which are not directed at me with a series of accusatory one-liners? If you start something, of course I'm going to respond... well actually, you know what? No more. I'm done responding to you. Please just stay on topic and don't force me to figure out how to activate the "ignore" list.

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Do I go around responding to a large number of your posts which are not directed at me with a series of accusatory one-liners? If you start something, of course I'm going to respond... well actually, you know what? No more. I'm done responding to you. Please just stay on topic and don't force me to figure out how to activate the "ignore" list.

Nice double standard- you can respond, but I can't. :eek:

Do you know my wife ? Have you been talking to her ? :o:D

I will continue to respond to what I see fit. That is what this board is all about- open public discussion, not private conversations.

While I don't agree with some of your views, I actually like your posts and read them. I probably agree with more of them than you could imagine.

I have never attacked you personally, or made judgements about your character, politics, etc..... I have only responded to your statements.

Don't take everything so personally. Attacking the message is fine, attacking the messenger is out of line. I have tried to go out of my way in that regard here.

Have at it- attack my posts (not me) all day long. But, when you use sarcasm and hyperbole to make a point- don't be surprised when it is returned.

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Roberts??? Tejada???

That would be awful. It would make both virtually untradable as nothing we'd get would come close to equal value.

BTW, I hate the fact that the nyt says, "ten more names could be released." That's BS. Either say "10 more names WILL be released" or shut the hell up. Right now, it's a non-story.

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Might want to re-read these articles, the first one you posted states pretty clearly that it DOES negatively affect your health ;)

The second one says: "The other key difference is that while steroids cause a bevy of nasty side effects—testicular shrinkage, an increased risk of stroke—taking HGH doesn't seem to be that bad for you"

I'm not saying that they are good or bad, just saying that perhaps we should do more research before condemning people. I've been thinking alot about the media recently, and I think one of society's major problems is the instant news. We seem to jump to conclusions and make minor stories major ones because they have to detail every change. I think if we waited until everything was out there, then our opinions would be more valid, and there would be less misunderstanding.

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That would be awful. It would make both virtually untradable as nothing we'd get would come close to equal value.

BTW, I hate the fact that the nyt says, "ten more names could be released." That's BS. Either say "10 more names WILL be released" or shut the hell up. Right now, it's a non-story.

No it wouldn't....Neither of them has ever tested positive for it and even if they did take it, it was likely 2-3 years ago...They are producing now, so it doesn't matter at this point.

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