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Adam Jones wins Gold Glove


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Congrats to Jones. Did Jeter deserve it this year?
I don't think he was the #1 best defensive SS (although I haven't looked too hard) but he did have a very solid year according to UZR. Certainly not the travesty that his previous 3 GG's were.
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I don't care much about Gold Gloves in general, but for some reason I like the idea that this particular Gold Glove is like a jab in the face of UZR.

For some reason I find UZR annoying...maybe because so many O's have lousy UZRs, or maybe it's because UZR is used to justify the notion that guys like Ryan Sweeney and Franklin Gutierrez are great ballplayers. I just haven't bought into it the way that I bought into runs created or DIPS ERA when they first came out.

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I don't care much about Gold Gloves in general, but for some reason I like the idea that this particular Gold Glove is like a jab in the face of UZR.

For some reason I find UZR annoying...maybe because so many O's have lousy UZRs, or maybe it's because UZR is used to justify the notion that guys like Ryan Sweeney and Franklin Gutierrez are great ballplayers. I just haven't bought into it the way that I bought into runs created or DIPS ERA when they first came out.

Next year the game changes right?

New tech coming in?

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I don't care much about Gold Gloves in general, but for some reason I like the idea that this particular Gold Glove is like a jab in the face of UZR.

For some reason I find UZR annoying...maybe because so many O's have lousy UZRs, or maybe it's because UZR is used to justify the notion that guys like Ryan Sweeney and Franklin Gutierrez are great ballplayers. I just haven't bought into it the way that I bought into runs created or DIPS ERA when they first came out.

Way back in post #85 of this thread, one of my favorite posters pointed out that Jones was actually tops at his position this year by some traditional measures.

The consensus of all the latest newfangled statistics is that there is no consensus. Therefore, my happiness for Jones is not bittersweet in the least.

For a guy his age to already have an All-Star appearance and a Gold Glove is 100% a good thing IMO. Many of the replies to this thread leave me wondering if peepee was raining down on some of your Cornflakes all week.

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A baseball analyst just said on ESPN News that Jones didn't deserve the award because some of the other metrics showed Jones as a below average outfielder. UZR was one of the metrics he cited.

He thought the other GG should have gone to the Seattle centerfielder(I forget his name).

And that analyst would be correct...But congrats to Jones anyway. :clap3:

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I know I'm boing a spoilsport, but I just can't get excited about this. It would be one thing if he had a good year in the field and stole it away from players who had a great year in the field. But he didn't even have a good year in the field.

Apologies to Gutierrez.

I know this is a sensitive subject, and understandably so, but I'm also worried about the effect this will have on Jones' ego. The 2nd half of the season, after he went to the all-star game, it seemed to me he was really enjoying The Adam Jones Show, swinging for the fences every at bat. It was just painful to watch, especially after his incredible first two months. I think he's a great kid and he's going to be a huge part of our future, but I'm not sure this gold glove helps our cause at all.

On a more positive note, though, I'm really looking forward to all of the future gold gloves he's going to earn, legitimately, because they're coming.

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In the outfield, the voters had to choose both Torii Hunter and Ichiro Suzuki, because both had won eight straight Gold Gloves and everybody knows that if you've won eight you automatically deserve to win nine. Fortunately, the voters were wise enough to make room for an exciting young outfielder who burst upon the scene in 2009 with some of the most brilliant defense we've seen in center field since the heyday of Andruw Jones.

I am referring, of course, to the stupendously amazing Franklin Gutierrez, who ... Wait, what? They didn't vote for Franklin Gutierrez, who spent the entire season catching everything in sight and racking up phenomenal numbers?

Nope. They didn't. The voters instead went with Adam Jones, who played well in center field in 2008 but was (at best) average in 2009.


I say good for AJ, Go Birds!

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Awesome for AJ. An O finally gets some love.

Something positive from a dark dreary season for the O's and their fans. A reason to celebrate!!!! :clap3:

An O finally wins a GG and it's been 10 yrs. in coming, and some still want to argue about whether he deserved it or not. I just don't get it!

So what, bottom line, it's a fact....he won it. SWEET!!!!!!!

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