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What career would you rather have?


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They both are set.

I agree, they are both set financially to enjoy the rest of their lives. The only reason they would not be would be mis-management of their money. I am sure both of them are happy. Roberts has All-Star to his resume. Hairston Jr. has a world series ring to his resume. Roberts has more money and success. Hairston has enough money to be very happy the rest of his life. The comparisons could go on, who cares. I am sure both are very happy.

As to which career you would rather have, just a individual preference. Some would rather the ring and others would rather sucess/money.

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How would you describe Roberts as a player? Could we agree on above average ML starting 2B?

Above average 2nd baseman is what I'd call him so far. He has had a good career, not a great one. Of course it's not done with so he still has a chance to do more.

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How would you describe Roberts as a player? Could we agree on above average ML starting 2B?

You highly overestimate my desire to debate with you.

First-the op is asking a question that many recognize as a matter of opinion.

Second-when someone doesn't agree with you, you berated their OPINION

Third-You use exgarations and make up your own facts to support your OPINION, which for some reason you feel entitled to have your opinion seen as fact.

Fourth-You feel your going to change my opinion

I would take the ring. Sorry champ.

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Charles is nuts. Robert Horry had a great career. What is it, I think 7 championships. Including some where he had the game winner! Sure Barkley is a hall of famer but Horry isn't that far behind. He won't be a hall of famer but he'll be remembered as a good player. I'll take that! 7 rings vs 0!

Of course that's Barkley for you. If he had said someone who had a few good years then that's a different story but Horry had a great great career!

Horry was very far behind as a player. He may not have said Horry though, I forget. His position is defensible either way though imo, and I think is one most guys in his position would have. I don't buy it when great players say they'd trade it all for a ring or whatever.

Charles worked hard to become one of the very best basketball players we've ever seen, why would he want to become significantly worse so he could have been a role player on a title team?

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Yeah, ten years from now people are going to see Jerry Hairston and Brian Roberts walking down the street and are going to run to Hairston, "the world champ". :rolleyes:

Ten years from now, this just might happen:

"Are you Jerry Hairston? "WOW is that your 2009 World Series Ring"!!!"

"Are you Brian Roberts?, good to see you, how's your back feeling? What do you think about the Orioles going 24 straight seasons without a winning record???"

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Ten years from now, this just might happen:

"Are you Jerry Hairston? "WOW is that your 2009 World Series Ring"!!!"

"Are you Brian Roberts?, good to see you, how's your back feeling? What do you think about the Orioles going 24 straight seasons without a winning record???"

lol i chuckled at this post

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Do you guys really think Jerry got that much joy and career satisfaction for getting a ring with a team he joined late in the season and barely contributed to? I think there's a vast difference between that and winning on a team you've been on for awhile and/or contributed a lot to; nevertheless, both.

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Ten years from now, this just might happen:

"Are you Jerry Hairston? "WOW is that your 2009 World Series Ring"!!!"

"Are you Brian Roberts?, good to see you, how's your back feeling? What do you think about the Orioles going 24 straight seasons without a winning record???"

Rep given.

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Hey! You guys win. You'd rather be half the player just so you could say you played on a winner. I get it.

I'll take being more of a winner in life than getting lucky and briefly playing and barely contributing for a winner and getting a ring, which like I said can't give him nearly the satisfaction as if he had been on the team longer and/or was more of a contributor.

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I'm also curious as to where you guys' cutoff is. Would you rather be a guy that plays one season as the 25th man and gets a ring or have Ted Williams' career? If not, where do you draw the line?

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Thats an apples and oranges comparison, and you're calling my logic laughable?

Gotta wonder what Ernie would sacrifice from his lengthy list of personal accomplishments to get a ring. And at least Ernie played on a few WINNING TEAMS. It's quite conceivable that Roberts will NEVER play on a team that is over .500.

It's my personal preference, I don't see why you've got a stick up your ass about it...it's not like Hairston has had a horrible career. It certainly hasn't panned out the way he wanted it to but he's still made more money than you or I will ever see in our entire lives and he won a ring.

I'm not sure why anyone would pick playing for a perrenial cellar dweller for their entire career but I'm not also berating anyone for their personal preference.

I get what you're saying but I'd agree more if it was a comparison between Hairston and someone like Jay Gibbons or Geronimo Gil or something. Basically at this point Hairston's only claim to fame is 93 PA with the 2009 Yankees and a WS Ring. Roberts has a little bit of fame, multiple AS berths, one of the faces of the franchise, team records, etc. I'm sure BRob would love to say he had won a WS, but all Jerry can really say is that he lucked into playing with the Yankees for less than 100 PA. It's not like he actually helped them to win the WS.

I guess the real question is would Jerry trade his career for BRob's career? He probably would say no because of the WS ring, but I bet deep down he would have rather had the more consistently good career.

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Ten years from now, this just might happen:

“WOW Mr. Griffey, you were my favorite player growing up. And you know what, you still are.”

“Hi Scott. What was your last name again? Can you spell it? B-R-O-S-I-U-S, Got it. So tell me again Scott, what were you famous for?”

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Moose, you have officially jumped the shark. :eek:

I, for one, completely agree with him.

No one is saying Hairston is a better player. The question asked who's career would you rather have? I for one would trade personal glory for a championship every day of the week.

Play for a doormat and put up statistics, or live the dream, bounce around and accomplish the ultimate as a sub?

I'd take Hairston's career.

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