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Dibble on Strasburg


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I've read on here about how people get really annoyed with Dibbles "commentating." I'm pretty good at tuning the broadcasters out when I want to, so I've never generated a strong opinion on him one way or the other, but he's way out of line here. IMO.

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Thanks for posting, this got mentioned in the Strasburg injury thread. But these quotes are new (and funny). He seems to be doing a little back peddling, and realizes that he made a fool of himself, but doesn't want to admit it.

Dibble rants to bloggers:

"Now, he's getting an arthrogram, and what's an arthrogram? Well, that's a more invasive test than an MRI. An arthrogram is actually an injection of an iodine solution, which shows up under x-ray, where an x-ray technician and a doctor are sitting there manipulating a needle that's put in your elbow to show your joint and to show your flexor tendon and to show your ligaments, to show all that stuff in your elbow. That being said, I've had elbow surgery, I've had two reconstructed shoulders and, you know, what really ticks me off, Jim, is when bloggers, who have no information, and have not talked to doctors, have no on-the-field information will rip into me and say, 'Oh, yeah, Dibble told him to suck it up.' First of all, if you're hurt, you can't suck it up, so that's a moot point, but if you're not hurt, that's what I was talking about. If you're not hurt and your arm's fine, then keep pitching...[Mr. Memolo starts to interject, but Dibble continues]...But, for me, you know, you and I, we have, oh my goodness, 30 years, 40 years experience, I've been playing baseball since I was six years old, so that's 40 years I've been on a baseball field and around a baseball field, and so our opinions are formulated through facts, not fiction, not their little chat room jargon, and so they can try and twist it any way they want, and if a guy's hurt, he's hurt, he's going to go on the disabled list, it's a moot point, but if he's not hurt, get your butt out there and play....they're two totally different scenarios, so, you know, stick to what you know, which is nothing, and stick to your little blogs."

Edited: Added full rant

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My bad. I knew there was another Strasburg thread, went to the last page and missed the comments. Mods, feel free to merge.

Personally, I think this deserves it's own thread. It's mostly about Dibble now and it's getting more and more interesting.

Here's the main question for Dibble. How in the hell is the player supposed to know if he's REALLY hurt when it requires sophisticated medical equipment to figure that out?? What a maroon!

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Personally, I think this deserves it's own thread. It's mostly about Dibble now and it's getting more and more interesting.

My hypothesis based on speculation is that after the female comments a few weeks ago, Dibble knows he's on thin ice. With Strasburg out, ratings go down, giving the Nationals more reason to let him go. Now he's ranting. What a clown this guy is.

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Thanks for posting, this got mentioned in the Strasburg injury thread. But these quotes are new (and funny). He seems to be doing a little back peddling, and realizes that he made a fool of himself, but doesn't want to admit it.

Dibble rants to bloggers:

Edited: Added full rant

The sad part is that most people willing to take the time to blog about baseball would be better at Dibble's job, both in knowledge and ability, than he is.

Just because I work at a library doesn't mean I know everything about every book or the ins and outs of the system and could be an authoritative source on the subject.

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I stand corrected. My eyesight is terrible. I thought the woman on the right was holding up a phone in the picture. That makes that much worse.

Yes, yes it does :P

They were talking, apparently he was watching their conversation the whole game, and made his two assumptions that prove the adage about what happens when you assume:

-They were talking about shopping, because two women at a baseball game couldn't possibly be talking about baseball.

-Their husbands were wishing they hadn't brought them.

To be fair to Dibble, if he has spent any time up in the student sections at Orioles student nights, I can see how he could feel such a way*, but you still can't get away with that.

I hope MASN gets enough complaints between these two incidents and his other general idiocy to deem him unsuitable for future employment consideration.

*I'm joking there, but there's really far too much truth to it from what I've observed. Though of course it's only a comparatively small number of people.

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I don't particularly like Dibble as an announcer and can't stand when he's on during the O's-Nats game, but I have to imagine he has some inside info on Strasburg that led to these comments. Pitchers are always instructed to call out the trainer if they feel something that doesn't feel right. They would be stupid to try and pitch through it unless it was general soreness that they're used to pitching through. Strasburg has probably been pitching since he was 8 or 9 tears old so I'm pretty sure by now he knows what pain is normal and what's not.

His comments on this situation are ridiculous.

BTW, Dan Steinberg seems to have a hard-on for Dibble. I'm guessing they don't exchange Holiday cards.

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