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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. Agreed. Dress code for on the air or at public team events is absolutely reasonable. A dress code for radio personalities is silly, unless they were attending a team event (e.g., at the stadium during an event). So that would make sense to me if someone was sanctioned in a small way for assuming it only applied to TV spots when they were otherwise "on duty" at a public event.
  2. Roch didn't tweet about Long. I just thought Long's outfit was over the top and hilarious. Here's the Roch tweet where he mentioned Machado.
  3. LookinUp

    Jud Fabian 2023

    Yeah. The shine is off a little right now. The old issues are creeping up. At this point, I think he's the type who needs to grind through this season, hopefully doing better than he has lately, and then get back to work on the fundamentals in the offseason. Making major improvements to a hitting profile usually takes time, so I'm not too bothered by this. I just think some put the cart before the horse on his prospect status. I'd say he's more likely to be a McKenna level FV (not profile, just 35-40ish FV) than a first division starting CF. That's useful, and his power profile is intriguing, but he still has major steps to take to be the all around hitter we all hope he can. I'm not saying it can't happen, but it's hard. If any development staff can get him there, it's the O's.
  4. I think there's a lot of us who are looking for someone to take over that 8th inning role. Cano probably isn't the right guy. Fuji and Hall seem like the two most likely options. Or Wells/Kremer at some point if somehow Means can be a rotation piece for a few weeks.
  5. I got the feeling that Roch tweeting about Machado and Rob Long wearing over the top O's gear last night were signs of solidarity with KB. When the booth went quiet during the Free Kevin Brown chant, I felt like they were kind of caught off guard.
  6. That used to be true in DC with the Redskins too, but it became so bad that it seeped into football operations. Of course, that owner also meddled in football operations, so as bad as Angelos is, it's not really close. I think he would have to continue these menial things (brown, the PA announcer, opening the books on MLK day) to an epic level to have a material affect on the team. But if he refuses to pay the young guys, or retain the front office/manager, that could be a problem. And we have reason to suspect that he won't open the checkbook to keep guys. We just don't know yet. Let's hope this embarrassment is enough to pressure him into doing fan-pleasing things like extending Adley and Gunnar this offseason!
  7. And MASN is trash. I don't mean the people. I mean the product. It's low budget and buggy (app).
  8. And this is why I care about the @wildcard thread. We can't take anything for granted with the Angelos family. They can ruin a wet dream.
  9. The Orioles are in sales. People don't like to buy the product from companies they don't like. Angelos is undermining the likability of a very likable company. He's doing it to himself. Blaming the fans is lazy, stupid and insulated from any sense of self awareness. Just stop.
  10. I don't know enough about statcast data to say if he still has the potential we'd hope he has, but note that he barely has any ML innings this year. He got DFA'd because he got rocked in AAA. Not even the majors. 6.3 bb/9 (something the O's seem to be able to work with) 1.7+ WHIP Spin rates look below average.
  11. I kind of wish this was the likely case, but it's even worse. He can't even (likely) blame this on alcoholism. He's just a small, petty man who is absolutely unrelatable to the every man. Modern social media is trash in so many ways, but this is the type of thing it's good for. Angelos has gotten massively dragged by this. It's the type of story that will stick in the minds of people for as long as he's here. He'll never have a positive image unless he either 1) has a total public mea culpa or 2) does so many good things that people let this go. But he doesn't seem like the type of person who's capable of either 1 or 2. Winning will help, but this isn't 1980. People will literally boo him when he hoists the World Series trophy at Camden Yards. I hope to be one of them.
  12. The Baltimore Banner says he is returning soon. I didn’t read the article.
  13. As a long-suffering Redskins/Orioles fan, it's clear that petty thin-skinned owners don't have any idea how things like this affect the entire organization. The saying is "the fish rots from the head." This type of stupid stuff is seen by everyone. It's not about losing KB after this season. It's that your players, coaches, front office, etc., see it and it affects them in very different, and often negative, ways. It's the type of thing that makes people not want to be here, or support the owner, or give the discount, or be willing to have anything but hardball negotiations. And as more of that stuff happens, the rot just grows. You can draw a straight line from when Dan Snyder fired the grounds crew on just about day 1, or put vanilla ice cream on Mike Nolan's desk, and him selling the team after a ton of losing seasons. This stuff matters.
  14. Sucks for Jung and the Rangers. I'd prefer Gunnar beat him over 162, and much prefer the O's beat them when it matters in October!
  15. I agree with this. I don't have reason to believe that John Angelos will turn into a great owner, but I personally think he's tee'd it up to happen, even if he basically lucked out by hiring the right group of people while being cheap. Now he definitely needs to take the next steps, otherwise he'll follow a similar legacy to his father (who was also initially "successful"). You don't assume that you can always add another Adley, Gunnar, etc. They're special, and won't be easily replaced if we play cheap with them. You have to keep the best.
  16. I think it's funny and ironic that an OP asking an obvious open question is getting shouted down by people who claim that there's always 20% of people that are unhappy. The ones shouting down the obvious question are the 20%, IMO. If you don't have this question about Elias, you're not paying attention. It doesn't mean there's a problem. It doesn't mean you're a jerk for asking it. It's just that muh we're in first place so you can't even wonder how/if ownership is doing what it takes to potentially build a dynasty. What is so wrong with asking the damn question people? And by the way, let's say Angelos extends a couple of these young guys and Elias for the foreseeable future, I'd say he goes down as an all time great owner (unlike his father). It's right there for him to do, and the revenue should be increasing in a way that just might allow it. It would be awesome. Let's hope.
  17. Didn’t read any of this thread, and likely won’t for at least 2 days, but I voted A for one simple reason. Future Value in our system now is very high. The cream will rise and lead us for a decade, and the rest will move on. I don’t want to take away from the decade for slightly better odds in one year.
  18. I really root for this guy. Always seems like the odd man out, but he’s definitely a major leaguer. Just needs the right spot. He will make a team very happy one day. Maybe the Os.
  19. Showalter is the only one I don’t like giving up. If From had any future here, he would be here right now. Prieto could have been a decent extra infielder. Nothing I mind giving up. Hopefully this guy balls out for us.
  20. Yeah. I don't know enough about Ardoin to say he's a legit prospect, but when he was drafted there was a thought that he had plus defense, but lacked power and hit tool, if I remember correctly. So if they're re-building his swing like a lot of others, his slow start makes sense (particularly at Aberdeen). Still he has a lot to prove with the bat before his overall hitting profile changes.
  21. Tom Glavine won a world series and multiple Cy Youngs. He also had a higher career WHIP, very slightly lower ERA (in a league without a DH) and less WAR than Mussina. And Tom Glavine is a no doubt worthy hall of famer. It is what it is, but Mussina's performance over time was awesome.
  22. Well, you said he had nothing left to prove. That's what I was responding to. Proving something isn't the point. But it doesn't matter. We're basically in agreement. I think he should stick it out in the majors and work through it. I just don't think it's a big deal if Elias has a different plan, mostly because I'd trust that his plan is an informed method of helping this team, and probably Cowser too, rather than an emotional reaction to his initial ML struggles.
  23. He was electric. I consider myself lucky to have watched him pitching for my team. The best we've had during my fandom (absent very young years). ESPN was making it about both teams at that point, so Mussina is a natural fit. My bigger takeaway was about how I'm watching an ESPN broadcast with the Yankees on it and just about all of the gushing was about the Orioles. It was great, and well deserved. I hope you're all enjoying this. It's fun.
  24. Saw your post about coaching. Love it. My son just finished 13u. Skipping 14u for 8th grade. He wants to go to a top private school here in MD so he's making a big jump in competition. I can't imagine facing several guys throwing 80 in 8th grade, but that's what he'll be doing. They're so much better today than we were back in the day when you didn't play year round.

    It's fun, but definitely wears you down (and I don't even coach).

    1. Jammer7


      That’s awesome! The kids are so much better now than when I played in the 80’s. We live in Florida, so it’s a year round sport for many. I have had my sons play other sports in the Fall until the big field. Long term, I want him to get back to taking some time off from baseball, and maybe just work out and throwing program. College coaches want multi sport athletes and less mileage on the arm. My little man is going into 7th grade, public school for now. He may end up playing on the 8th grade prep team if another team he is trying out for does not work out. 

      My older son played at The First Academy here in Orlando, a top private school. It is the way to go for education, IMO, but it isn’t cheap. Baseball wise, it was better in some ways. We got to play in the HSBI at Team USA complex in Cary, NC. There was better exposure at TFA.

      Best of luck to your son!

  25. All true, but development can continue in the minors even if you've "mastered" a level, particularly if the next level exposed a flaw that wasn't apparent while you were beating up on non major leaguers. Could he push through that in Baltimore? Sure. Do I hope he does? Yes. But there's more than one way to skin this cat and it has nothing to do with "proving" himself in AAA. The O's thinking is much more sophisticated that that at this point.
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