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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. What do you mean? Elias prioritizes defense.
  2. He's 22 second round pick from 2020.
  3. Except those recovering from surgery.
  4. But the game will have the ability to adjust the strike zone to adjust the offense. If scoring is up too much, they widen the strike zone a couple of inches. If it is a true representation of what the strike zone is actually supposed to be (in three dimensions) then I expect someone to break out a Rich Hill style curve ball that clips the strike zone but is basically unhittable. I can see a future where guys can just clip the front end of the zone with a breaking ball that ends up in the dirt.
  5. Ohhh if Hays strains his ego he could be out until the ASB.
  6. Some of us put more faith in advanced statistics then we do the gospels. At least they show their work.
  7. Sure and in that respect I do sympathize. But then I read this And I laugh.
  8. I just read about it, the neighbor is just so butt hurt it's hilarious. https://nypost.com/2024/04/05/sports/former-mlb-all-star-j-j-hardy-angers-neighbors-with-mini-baseball-field-project-for-his-backyard/
  9. I think they should go back to being able to ask for a high ball or low ball.
  10. So why is Mateo playing outfield?
  11. Mendick was the one that gave up the grand slam last night right?
  12. He wants to see opposing players hit HRs against his team.
  13. I don't see why they would want to wait until the deadline. More time with a team should equal more return.
  14. I am curious who my OH bestie is referring to?
  15. I'd like to apologize for that third one, I took the joke a bit too far.
  16. It's not bad news but I wouldn't read much into it. If they need a slot on the 40 man and keep him on the 15 it will mean something.
  17. Didn't say you were lying, don't want to look at picture of someone who may or may not be your wife. Was sincere when I asked you not to post them. I find it off putting.
  18. I think you have to go back to Thrift, who I think had medical issues, before finding a FO I'd say was idiotic. For instance Dan and Andy did what they could with the owner they were saddled with.
  19. Sure, but also a clear step below what he'd be getting in the majors. The time spent at AAA doesn't seem to be eliminating the adjustment period once they get to the majors.
  20. Mussina (10 of 18) does technically qualify. But I know what you mean.
  21. I didn't say that. I didn't say anything even close to that.
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